Doug La Follette resigns as Wisconsin Sec. of State

Jay Weber Show transcript 3-20-23 8:30am

This was some political whiplash: to learn that our ‘forever useless’ secretary of state, Doug LaFollette, was retiring, and that Gov. Evers had already appointed his replacement.

Wow. This came out of nowhere.

And it comes just four months after this clown ran for re-election.

So, was this a ploy to ensure that the sect of state position stayed in the hands of the democrats?

Doug LaFollette had been in this office since 1974...and even in the years that he had challengers...the democrats knew that he would win re-election.

So-was a deal cut to have LaFollette trick the public? Was there a deal to have him run again- to ensure a win- only to then wait a few weeks and resign- so that Evers could appoint a replacement, rather than allow the voters to make the choice?

That is exactly what it looks like to me, here.

Especially when Tony Evers had the replacement ready to go-

And especially when that replacement is the ‘desperate to be in government’ Sarah Godlewski. She had lost her state treasurer’s gig. She had lost a primary race for u-s senate. She’s desperate to be ‘seen’ and to be ‘a player’.

What a shock that Tony Evers found a soft landing for Godlewski.

Maybe she can keep this state job if she has a four-year jump on the next election.

But boy, was this odd: Doug LaFollette -by god- stayed in a useless job forever- cashing the paychecks...and then he departed in a flash. Suddenly gone.

What a crock.

The job at least-had some duties- when LaFollette took over, but a combination of his inaction and legislative changes over the decades have turned this into a totally unnecessary office.


It's a constitutional office. That means it is-literally-a position that is created and outlined in our u-s constitution that-therefore-cannot be killed off or canceled without a constitutional amendment. Republicans tried to get that done in the walker era...

And then.... largely defunded the office when the effort was blocked.

Instead-they at least took away LaFollette’s cushy, sunny, office in a rented building on the capitol square and put it in the basement of the capitol. Boy, that had to sting ole’ Doug, after decades of strolling the square and sitting at the coffee shops...

And if you question whether LaFollette was on the ‘up and up’, I’d point to how he has now-left-office.

This too, was an orchestrated sham. The move is legal-but it’s scummy. 

And as if to keep the scam Evers went out of his way -in his public statement- to insist that this an incredibly important position.

So, she now gets the 75-thousand dollar a year gig, plus the great state-of-Wisconsin pension and benefits package...for literally doing nothing.

But at least she can’t do much damage from that position...

story credit: Fox News
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