I call on Congress to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas

Jay Weber Show transcript 1-26-23 6:40am

It’s good to see this: several states are suing the Biden admin over their new sham of a border policy.

This is the so-called parole program that will have illegals from other countries using an app to be ‘pre-approved’ for entry into the country.

It’s outrageous, and it’s sad to see how many otherwise intelligent conservatives have fallen for this as a ‘border reform’.

No. It’s not.

It’s just another way to streamline the process of getting illegals into this country.... with fewer lines at the border...so that the open borders that the democrats have created here-aren’t so obvious.

President Biden was down in Mexico recently and admitted that his mission is to get these illegal migrants into America-faster.

He and Alejandro Mayorkas-every time they talk- talk about ‘taking the pressure off of the southern border’.... or ‘aiding the process’...but they never talk about-stopping- illegal immigration.

Every effort is being put toward normalizing an open border. I told you this was their goal the minute Biden’s regime took office in 2021...and two years later...most Americans...and even most conservatives...still don’t get this: the democrats do not want. A closed and controlled border. They do not want to stop the illegal caravans. Trump had them stopped. Biden restarted them. Their entire mission here is-against the wishes of 75 percent of the American people- to create permanently open borders.

And Joe Biden’s recent ‘plan’ is nothing more than an app that has illegals pre-approved to cross the border...so there is no waiting.

Folks-it’s like a fast good app you’d use so you don’t have to wait when you stop to pick up your food. That’s all this is.

And it’s unconstitutional, and illegal, and infuriating. So- several republican-led states are suing to stop it.

So what a dem regime is-yet again-doing- just like Obama’s team did- is ‘finding’ loopholes that don’t exist...pretending they do....and using them as an excuse to conduct the sort of lawlessness that the regime wants to conduct.

That’s what Biden’s admin is doing here.

They are inventing a power that neither the executive nor agency branches of government have. And they are doing it to-flat out- and intentionally-break the law.

 That’s what today’s democrats want, yes.

And they are engaging in illegal activities to do it.

This cannot be emphasized enough: president Biden, as the head of the executive branch, and his homeland security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas- are intentionally breaking our longstanding federal immigration laws. They are simply refusing to enforce most of them-and they are abusing others to -pretend-that they can engage in this illegal open border scheme.

And it has got to end.

I’ve been calling on congress to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas almost immediately here- within a few weeks or months-

After they hold hearings on Mayorkas’s clear abuse of power and for violating his oath of office and responsibilities to the country...

And then...once they have the incontrovertible evidence against Mayorkas and Biden.... republicans should turn around and impeach Biden. Over his border illegalities- and before the end of the year.

Get it done in calendar year 2023. Otherwise, it looks like an election-year stunt.

Going after Mayorkas first-both makes it a story that is impossible for the MSM to ignore-given that only one other cabinet member has been impeached in the history of the country.

Second- it forces Joe Biden and his admin to try to defend Mayorkas’ clear abuse of power and dereliction of his duties...

And third- the investigation and hearings form the basis for a ‘discovery’ phase that allows republicans to build their case that all of Mayorkas’ misdeeds were at the clear direction of the Biden White House.

After all-if you are going to impeach the cabinet official for going against the law, constitution, and American people and engineering an open borders system...then you’ve got to hold ‘the big guy’ responsible.

And no, democrats in the senate wouldn’t vote to remove either Mayorkas or Biden...but that’s also part of it: force every single democrat in congress and every single democrat up for re-election- like Tammy Baldwin- to defend the indefensible. To defend the open borders scheme that their scummy party has put into place-as none of them made a peep. Said a thing about it.

And Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan need to impeach Mayorkas to hold him and the Biden admin accountable for their institutionalized lawlessness and the violations of oaths of office.

No congressman or senator should get away with intentionally ignoring or breaking the law-and no president or cabinet member should either.

These intentional border crimes go-way beyond-the political....and republicans have an opportunity to remind the American people of that.

photo credit: Getty Images

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