It's amazing the number of people willing to throw out logic.

Jay Weber Show transcript 1-4-23 6:10am

My intention, on this show, is not to anger and ‘turn off’ listeners with my commentary, or my take, but to instead ‘convince’ and ‘instruct’...and so...I must be careful about how I frame this next segment...

I want to talk about the small-but significant- sliver of people and anti-vaxxers who saw Damar Hamlin get hit in the chest with a an NFL game....and immediately leap to blame the covid vaccine. Or at leap to suggest that ‘yet another young athlete’ almost died on a field of play, due to this vaccination.

I made it known at the start of the show yesterday that that is a silly take but didn’t go on to explain why. Because I thought it was self-evident.

There are several other conditions or ‘accidents’ that have caused deaths like this at sporting events over the years-and they were occurring for eons before the covid vaccine was ever developed and distributed...and before anti-vaxxers went looking for ‘evidence’ that these vaccines are causing people to drop dead out of the blue.

I hope you’ve heard cardiologists detailing the likeliest scenario. Several top doctors have been in the news explaining this.

Hamlin may have suffered a heart arrhythmia when the blow to his chest threw his heart beat out of rhythm.

So, are we going to poop on   credentials of these guys and claim they’re covering up for Pfizer?

Come on.

Especially when deaths like this-have-occurred regularly, if rarely, in the past...and for eons before the covid vaccine was developed?

And look-I have never denied that these vaccines don’t cause other health problems or conditions in a small number of people who have gotten them. Virtually every vaccine and medication comes with some risk, and leads to some negative reactions on-some-people and that’s why it was so infuriating and foolish when the Dr. Fauci and dc glitterati media patently refused to admit that some people were having bad reactions to the covid vaccines.

Of course, they were. And the MSM and Biden govt couldn’t cover up the stories, even with the help of the twitter and Facebook sensors.

Of course, there have been people harmed by these vaccines. But to go out of your way to ‘find evidence’ or feed your own ‘confirmation bias’, or the strong desire for conspiracy theorists to find evidence...goes too far.

Seeing a man get hit hard in the chest in an NFL game get up...stagger and go down...and then leaping to say ‘its’ the vaccine’ silly.

I’m sorry, but it is.

And those who leapt to that ‘place’ are clearly people who must ‘check themselves’, because they may have gone too far into this anti-vax rabbit hole.

And again, I’m not trying to be insulting. We all ‘go too far’ with some of our suppositions and beliefs. It’s a natural human instinct to have your brain try to draw conclusions and attach actions as we all try to make sense of this world...

Having done this job for 30 years, and in this modern era of a ‘wild west’ sort of internet and all sorts of swirling information and misinformation- one of the things that I must do-constantly- is check myself.

Pause a minute and ask myself whether I’m leaping to a conclusion or being led down a rabbit hole.

And this Damar Hamlin story represents a good example of what I’m talking about: you saw an NFL player involved in a tackle in which three grown men collided. He got hit in the chest with a different player’s helmet- which is a hard projectile coming at him at a high rate of speed.

We have seen other athletes in hockey, baseball, etc., suffer the same sort of punishing hit and go into cardiac arrest.

And no, it’s not often, but there is a long history of such incidents happening...and so...we watched it all. Watched Hamlin get him. Get up stagger and fall.

And some people leapt to ‘it’s the vaccine?’

Come on.

That’s not logical or reasonable. That’s kooky.

And let me give you a few other instances that prove it:  if you witnessed a car which the car in front of you swerves and hits a light pole at 50 miles an hour. Slams it hard...and then a moment later...the passenger door pops open, and someone steps out...takes a few steps. And falls. ...would your first thought be: ugh. It’s the vaccine.  The covid vaccine just killed another one...

Of course, you wouldn’t. Because the facts of the situation don’t-at all-fit the ‘vaccine kills again’ scenario.

And that’s all i was saying yesterday, and i don’t back down on my take-at all.

If you witnessed this accident in which the 55-year-old motorsports star rolled his snowmobile and got crushed under it and died-the other day-

If there was video of that-would you watch the video...see the sled crush him....and say.... ugh! It’s the vaccine!

Of course, you wouldn’t. Because you’re not an idiot.

I even had a few people suggest: jay, you’re jumping to conclusions, too. We must wait for the autopsy to see what really killed Hamlin. You can’t just insist you know.

Yes. I can. I can -immediately-logically conclude that it’s not ‘death by vaccine’. Because I saw what preceded the cardiac arrest.

If Hamlin had just been standing in position and fell over...there’d be more of a question related to what touched off the cardiac arrest and in that instance....I, and medical professionals, might then allow for a ‘slim chance’ that some damage caused by the vaccine is the culprit but even that would be a stretch.

When an athlete dies on the field of play it has-always-been some sort of undiagnosed heart condition. And yes, these deaths have occurred well before the covid vaccine came along.

So, even if Hamlin had just been standing there before he dropped over-the strong assumption would be- a heart condition...and then you could open the door to the slim, slim chance that maybe a covid vaccine that he took some time ago was the cause.

But when you see a man get hit by a bus....and then drop don’t blame it on the covid vaccine unless you’re really, really, really...searching for some evidence of some

Pre-programmed idea that you-want- desperately to believe.

Some anti-vaxxers want-desperately-to believe that the covid vaccines are killing otherwise healthy young people. And there may be some instances in which that’s the case...but prove them. Don’t just run around and attribute every young person’s death to the vaccine...because you are on a relentless mission to ‘prove’ something to yourself, or others.

Talk about an extreme confirmation bias: I saw him take a helmet to the chest in an NFL level hit...then immediately drop over.... it’s gotta be the vaccine. What?

Yep, another 26-year-old just...inexplicably drops dead.

Come on. Check your position and decide if you ‘really want to go with that’. 

Smart listeners yesterday were texting me saying-we didn’t have healthy people dropping dead in games before covid.

Yes, we did.

Deaths like this, and on the sporting field, have happened for as long as anyone live could remember. 

 they are rare, but they were happening long before the vaccine was developed.  They are even more rare now that we have modern medicine and can test for them ahead of time. But please.... don’t overlook the obvious to try to confirm the ridiculous.

I just saw a young guy get hit by a bus. He died. He never should have gotten the vaccine.

Does that sound reasonable to you?


photo credit: Getty Images

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