Twitter files: 80 FBI agents assigned to monitor your memes

Jay Weber Show transcript 12-19-22 6:40am


Elon musk has already lifted the twitter bans on those nine so-called journalists that he banned for doxing him and his family last week.

Boy, is that going to these east coast newsrooms: to hear that they aren’t special just because they are journalists: they firmly believe they are...

And seeing one of their own personal playgrounds taken away by what has been so infuriating to them. These same journalists are all in favor of censoring and doxing their enemies and other conservatives...but they don’t like it so much when they are the ones being censored.

Meanwhile- The Twitter files were opened even wider on reporter Matt Taibbi revealed that FBI agents sent more than 150 emails to twitter executives ordering which content to ban and which users needed to be banned or blocked...

And... the FBI responded by admitting that they had 80 agents. Eighty. Tasked with looking for social media content that they thought could be generated by foreign governments to influence the 2020 election.

And they want to claim that was the motive: to stop foreign influencers.

But they were demanding bans on parody accounts like the Babylon Bee...and on known conservative talk show hosts and James Woods and Billy Baldwin.

They were demanding jokes and parodies be taken down.  They weren’t looking for Russian or Chinese disinformation-they were looking to sanitize these sites on behalf of the Biden campaign and the DNC. That has now become more than evident. It’s not even up for debate, anymore.

And as part of their response-the FBI hints they were doing the same on Facebook, google, and other big-tech and social media sites.

Taibbi’s point is- the FBI even went after users with no followers. At most, what? ten or twelve other people were going to see this joke...put out by someone trying to be funny with his ten followers- and the FBI felt the need to shut it down?

This is an insane level of intrusion and a major violation of the first amendment.

Listen to our constitutional expert- Jonathan Turley-who says...with these new revelations showing that FBI agents started to act as if twitter was simply a subsidiary of theirs- we are now clearly into unconstitutional activity.

Turley is correct, of course, and the FBI’s two sentence response was another illustration of just how arrogant our deep state actors have become...and it showed their utter contempt for the American people and the u-s constitution.

James Comer is a congressman from Kentucky and he’s the incoming chairman of the house oversight he’s going to be a man with some power in this new GOP congress-

And he said on Friday: this latest report on the twitter files suggests that the FBI needs to be dismantled and rebuilt.

This is no ‘toss away take’ from the head of a powerful committee, folks.

And this all comes after several years of conservative users of these sights-insisting-they were being censored, banned, and blackballed. Insisting that the dems and the Obama and Biden teams were using these sites to control content, etc.

At every turn- we were called crackpots and conspiracy theorists.   At every turn-

Every time he was up in front of congress- Jack Dorsey, the former CEO of twitter- lied and said nothing of the sort was going on...

And everything we suggested was-absolutely-going on, and more.

And by the way- I know Elon Musk has tried to give Dorsey cover and suggest that he didn’t know what his own ‘content’ censors were doing here, but that’s b-s.  Jack Dorsey repeatedly lied to congress under oath...both chambers. In multiple hearings. And he should be held accountable.

Someone or another ...this weekend...reminded me how that old Trump crackpot Roger Stone- was treated for lying to congress.  He was charged and found guilty of obstruction and making false statements- and jack Dorsey should be, too.

He shouldn’t be getting a complete pass from the Biden admin, the DOJ, or the MSM just because he’s a lefty in good standing...or because he was lying to cover up a scheme that was working to their benefit.

Republicans in dc should demand that jack Dorsey be charged for the same crimes stone was lying to congress and obstructing justice. Because he did.

But as a wash times column puts it: these twitter files have been a Christmas gift to America-from musk.

These twitter files are about a lot more than ‘Trump’s account’...or even if ‘democrats were being dishonest’.

The consequences of an unaccountable deep state that is literally using private businesses as ministries of misinformation...should alarm everyone.

photo credit: Getty Images

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