The left lost their propaganda tool thanks to Elon Musk.

Jay Weber Show transcript 11/29/22 7:40am

The Washington Post has the most incredible spin today- on an obvious truth: that the old Twitter-under Jack Dorsey and the previous operators- intentionally blocked, ghosted, and limited conservative content.

One of the most obvious measures of this that we’ve how ‘newly popular’ all the conservative sites suddenly became after it became obvious Elon Musk was going to-in fact- buy the company.

Greg and i and conservatives across the twitter-verse commented on how-miraculously- over night-we had hundreds or thousands of new followers.

As if-poof-suddenly thousands more people are following me. 

And then when Musk’s deal to buy twitter was in jeopardy and it looked like he wasn’t going to end up with it, after all-

Suddenly, gee, that jump in followers reversed again...

And suddenly conservatives on twitter were-losing- big chunks of their followers.

This was clearly the liberal masters who were operating Twitter...first...trying to cover their tracks before a musk takeover-

And then, when they thought musk’s sale would fall thru- re-implementing the same anti-conservative policies and algorithms they had been using.

Then when Musk’s sale became final Our number of conservative followers all lept up again.

There is -zero doubt-that the liberals running the old Twitter were censoring and limiting conservative content. No doubt about it.

Well, yesterday, a piece in the Wash Post as ‘new followers’...

And as evidence of a shift occurring on the site in which left-leaning users are leaving. And right wing users are joining.


There’s probably some of that going on-but not enough to explain the big swings that are now being seen in the user data.

They conveniently omit the mass-reversal- that occurred when the lefties at twitter thought the deal had fallen thru.

But look at the numbers of losses-versus gains-in followers: warren and Bernie lose about 100 thousand.... Many of which were probably liberal generated bots...

But marginal players in dc like Marjorie Taylor Green and Jim Jordan pick up 300-thousand followers?

Come on. That speaks to the ‘restrictor plates’ that were limiting these conservative accounts- suddenly being taken off the accounts.

Twitter has been elevating liberals and suppressing conservatives for at least ten years-and we know they have-and any time Jack Dorsey or his people were called on it-they’d claim it was a conspiracy theory.

Now their tampering and censorship has been exposed.

And this is just the start: Elon Musk has promised to go public with all of the examples of bias and tampering and censoring that he and his new team might find. It shouldn’t be long before we have a much better picture of how liberal overlords at twitter-and their allies in Washington DC and in the Biden and lawmaker’s campaigns- manipulated the users of that site.

It is one reason that the left is throwing a relentless tantrum since Elon Musk took over.

He is not a conservative. And until recently, the left wingers loved him. Suddenly-he’s public enemy ‘number two’, second only to trump.


Because he’s taking away a powerful platform that the leftists have used to their social and political benefit for years- that’s why.

Another reason that so-called journalists-in particular- are so upset-is that it was a place that they could go to be more open about their real political affiliations and beliefs.

Over the years, we have talked about a shocking number of so-called ‘fair minded journalists’ ho confirmed to us what rabid left-wingers they are simply by following their Twitter feeds.

They have lost their fun, insider playground now...and are literally mourning it.

I have a long piece here from a Vox reporter who admits she is ‘mourning’ the loss of twitter.

And Twitter hasn’t gone anywhere, has it?

In fact, most people who are long-time twitter users are saying they have seen no-outward-evidence on the site that much of anything has changed under Elon Musk. For most of us-the daily twitter experience is roughly the same.

But for weeks now, left wing journalists and pundits have been acting as if twitter might shut down any second.... When it’s never had more users...

And they’re mourning the loss of their own twitter accounts...

Well-Twitter still exists. As the same site-with simply- more room for honest discussion...

But to the leftists who masquerade as journalists, Twitter is dead to them.

Twitter is still there. All their accounts are still there-should they decide to keep using them. All the previous content that they posted-is still there.

Elon musk’s team hasn’t ‘eliminated’ anything...aside from child porn accounts...apparently.

But they haven’t canceled or banned a single ‘blue check journalist’ or scrubbed one of their accounts since taking over.

In truth-Elon Musk has only ‘added’ users and content. He has unbanned all sorts of past users who these leftists didn’t want to hear from and he has added even more conservative and ‘free market’ minded users. see how the leftists are mourning the loss of their little club, censored for any content that they didn’t agree with.

And even if you aren’t on Twitter-and most of you aren’t-it’s important to know what’s happening here-and why.

Why the leftist meltdown over a ‘free speech zone’?

It should speak volumes-to you.

And how could Elon Musk and his new team come in and clean up the child porn accounts-within days? - when the old twitter had this massive number of monitors who were so quick to block conservative though?

Isn’t that a great question? 

Does jack Dorsey...or Joel Roth...Twitter’s old content chief...want to explain why child porn links were tolerated and allowed to flourish on the old twitter?

Isn’t it odd that musk and his team could clean up the illegal porn sites within days?

It -proves- the old twitter execs were ignoring and condoning the illegality.

They were-far-far- more interested in snuffing out conservative speech...than child porn.

And no, not even that- surprises me- anymore.

photo credit: Getty Images

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