It's the Democrat's radical masters who ruined the country

Jay Weber Show transcript 10-20-22 8:10am

I opened the show with a segment about how-even though Biden and the congressional democrats know what sorts of policy changes would help lower prices and reduce inflation. They flat-out refuse to do them.

I pointed out that-in an earlier era-the democrats in charge-would have. Genuinely.

There was a time in this nation that, yes, past congresses and presidents would have reversed course and at least tacitly acknowledged their screw fix obvious mistakes.

And explained why this era’s democrats won’t do that.

Why won’t they do what they can? - to help lower this inflation, fix supply chain issues, lower high energy costs-etc.?

The reason is-because -in the Pelosi and Obama era of control-the leaders of this party allowed themselves to become slaves to the most radical elements of their party.

And i was pointing it out as it was happening: Pelosi and Obama were inviting the kook fringe and the most radical activists on the left into the mainstream of the party...and now years later those extreme voices control the agenda and a massive flood of donation the point that president Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the rest of them...simply don’t have the guts, or the integrity, to push back against them.

And if you doubt me-see if this litmus test rings true. Why do we have an open border when Trump had it closed and controlled?

Because if the pro-illegal radicals say the southern border needs to be open and remain open well that’s that today’s dems are going to do.

Why won’t Biden reverse course and drill?

Because...if the eco-groups say that all fossil fuel usage needs to be stopped. Pipelines need to be blocked. Drilling needs to end- well then-that’s what today’s dems are going to do.

Why did Biden and the Dems spend the entire first year of their majority trying to ram home a six trillion down payment on that socialism in a green wrapper that they call the ‘new deal on green energy’? 

Because that’s what their radical masters insisted needed to be their top priority. Right?

Here’s another example: why, on Tuesday, when President Biden’s team decided to ‘kick start’ these midterm elections for their party.... why? Why did Joe Biden decide that ‘codifying roe’ was his top priority next year?

Why? Out of all of the things that President Biden could have chosen to be the dem’s closing argument over the next few weeks-did he choose ‘codifying roe’ over.... fighting inflation. Fighting crime. Or any of the other issues that voters say they care about more?

Why-in the hell? -would Biden triple down on abortion?

Because-if his radical, bullying, base, whose members now control the party and the campaign organizing.... insist that codifying roe is- by God-the most important priority for the nation.

Then...that’s what these sniveling, gutless democrat leaders are going to give them.

Which is great for our side of the aisle: it only makes it easier to vote a bunch of them right out of office.

Please...stick to this radical notion that our official position on abortion in this country needs to be ‘anything goes’ right up to the moment of birth or beyond.

Please...try to keep selling that right thru election day, Mandela, Tony, Stacey, Joe, Nancy...please....and thank you.

Because that is-not-where 4 in 5 Americans are when it comes to the issue. Only about 1-in-5 Americans agree with that extreme take.

And to be clear-the bill that the democrats forwarded that joe Biden says will ‘codify roe’ goes well beyond what our abortion laws were-under roe.

This bill doesn’t ‘codify roe’. It doesn’t allow for the states to have their own restrictions on abortion. This bill Biden says is his top priority is ‘beyond roe’. It’s -no holds barred abortion- forced on all 50 states- right up to the point of birth or beyond.

(and when I say ‘beyond’, I am talking about the left’s cute euphemisms for birth abortion...where a doctor delivers the head and shoulders...snips the child’s spinal cord or stabs its skull and scrambles it’s brains. And oop technically? We can put down on the chart that that was an ‘abortion’, not murder because...did you see that the child’s body wasn’t fully out? Did you see that? How the waist and legs were still inside?  Right? We all agree that wasn’t murder?)

It's that sort of radical, inexcusable crap that these democrats want to bring back-and force as law-onto all 50 states.

So let’s not talk about ‘codifying roe’.

And why would Biden and today’s democrats push this ghoulish nonsense?

Because the most extreme pro-abortionists in their crowd insist on it that’s why.

Oh-and here’s another important update: republican candidates might have initially shied away from talking about abortion and the supreme court decision on the stump but over the last few weeks and months...the conservative candidates have been happy to talk about it- as a way to expose theextreme ‘anything goes til birth’ platform on the dems side.

My friends-among all of their other blunders...democrats are harming their own chances for election or caving to their activist’s demand that the party’s position needs to be- no-restriction abortions-right up till birth.

They’re harming their own campaigns with that crappola..but that’s what Mandela Barnes has been championing here, and John Fetterman has been championing in Pennsylvania...etc.

Nearly all western foreign countries have 15- or 20-week restrictions on abortion.  A segment of this country supports a ban on abortion- but nearly everyone in this country supports restrictions on abortion that make them ‘rare’.

And that’s an important reality that the democrats and their screeching activists are completely missing.

In fact-get this. This is from some internal polling done on behalf of republicans.  

If 2 out of 3 Americans, see the democrat’s position as more extreme than the GOP’s...well...there goes their party’s last ‘great hope’ to turn the tide of this election.

This poll also finds that one reason most democrats ‘believe what they believe’ on abortion, is because they are believing false facts. They simply believe a lot of the intentional misinformation that the activist pro-abortionists have built around the issue over the last 50 years.

Things like other western countries don’t restrict abortion.

Oh yes, they do.

Things like rape and incest are routine reasons a girl or woman might need an abortion.

No. They’re not. Rape and incest account for about one percent of all abortions...etc...and for that reason...most pro-lifers and conservatives are willing to make the legal exception.

If most Americans are pro-life now,

Imagine where we’d be if the left hadn’t built up so many myths around abortion over the last 50 years.

photo credit: Getty Images

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