New poll find independent women moving the needle towards the GOP

Jay Weber Show transcript 10-18-22 8:10am

I heard this term for the first time yesterday, but apparently the abortion activists have been calling this November- ‘Roe- Vember’...

As in... the election we get our revenge on the conservative supreme court and conservative movement for overturning roe.

They’ve been touting a big Roevember coming...

So imagine their disappointment when the NY Times, the holy gospel of the leftist media...reported that democrat and independent female voters say they are moving toward the GOP over economic issues.


But..but..this was going to be....but...what about...Roevember? Remember? Roe-vember? Huh? Ladies?  Anyone?

Come back.... we can we get the chants going? Who wants to stab yo’ baby in the heads. It’s me. It’s me....

Who’s going to make sure that baby’s’s my. It’’s...

No?  No one? Ladies?


The latest NY Times/Sienna poll had the bad news for the Roevemer activists:

Cross-Tabs for October 2022 Times/Siena Poll of Likely Voters

Who has been saying that very think. For months now?

It’s me. It’s me...

It isn’t surprising, given how divided this country is, politically, but you wonder why that number isn’t even higher: what American has been following this series of rolling disasters...and -won’t admit- that they strongly disapprove of how Biden has been doing his job.

Come on. You don’t have to personally dislike Joe Biden. It’s a question on how he’s doing.

I like Big Bird and Elmo...but I would punch either one of them right in the face if they destroyed my 401k, left Americans in Afghanistan, engineered an open border...etc...etc..

Who isn’t-after two years- willing to admit that, yeah, i hate the way Biden has been doing this job.

Come on.

And I don’t believe this NY times finding is unique: it just means more ‘inside the east coast bubble’ that it is the times reporting it: they, too, have republicans with a four-point advantage in the generic ballot question...and say.... massive gains with independent women helped fuel the swing.

DC insiders are shocked-because they never get outside of the bubble.

Mandela Barnes’ final stretch of spending is said to be nearly all abortion-related, isn’t it.

But this election-really is- about a dreadful economy that the democrats have-created-and now have no answers, or desire, to fix.

I’ve talked about the irritating arrogance and the dismissive demeanor that Biden and his minions have, whenever a question related to the real economic pain they have created-comes up.

Joe Biden and the dems-own-this runaway inflation and this terrible economy. The American people know who was warned against causing the inflation-and did it anyway-

And in higher numbers than i would have expected to see in these polls- voters know who to blame: Biden and the democrats-own-this inflation.

Worse-in their arrogant attempts to dismiss it as a problem-and/or -blame it on others.... they have been trying to gaslight the American people for nearly two years now.

Listen to a new problem that has popped up for Biden on CNN and MSNBC-the left wing- news outlets.

Hey-they were told-

We were all told-back in august when this idiotic ‘inflation reduction act’ was passed into law, that it would reduce inflation. Correct?

Its’ right there in the title.

Now-anyone who was following along knows that the bill was a bill that raised taxes and spent another trillion dollars on green energy. It has nothing to do with taming inflation. But joe Manchin and the dems lied and called it get some cover on even more unnecessary spending.

We know the truth.

But, hey, on the left-those talking heads and Kool-Aid drinking voters- ‘bought it’.

They’re so gullible and clueless that-when Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, et-al called this the inflation reduction act and said it would reduce inflation, they believed it.

Well-here we are- nearly two months inflation reduction. It hasn’t gone down a bit.

And so- gee-even the dimmest democrat voter now wants answers.

Here’s a snippet of Dana Bash of CNN asking White House minion Cecilia Rouse. When all this inflation reduction is going to kick in...and listen to her ludicrous answer.

Dana Bash- asks a foolish question with a straight face-

I do not believe that dana bash thought Manchin’s last minute tax increases were going to tame inflation...but she asks the question.

And rouse has what might be the most idiotic answer imaginable, but it was the only lie she could come up with: credits relating to insulating your home kick in... and...ah.

What mullarkey.

And that reduces prices on groceries, gas, clothing, cars, and everything else-how?

What a pathetic lie.

But- one reason that Biden and the dems official own this economic disaster-even in the minds of so many low-information voters is....ah..Joe..just last month you and your party members were saying that that bill you all passed was going to make this 

When can we expect that?

They’ve been doing so much destruction that even their gaslighting is backfiring on them.They haven’t even come up with ‘sellable lies’ to the American people. 

 agree with that, too. 

Moreover, Biden appears to have made the ‘wrong call’ on virtually every decision that he has faced-both foreign and domestic: should we turn Afghanistan over to the Taliban and-then-try to organize an exit?


Should we spend two trillion dollars of taxpayer money in a pathetic attempt to buy new voters when economists say it’ll touch off runaway inflation?


Should we reopen a southern border that Donald Trump has closed and controlled for-literally-the first time in this country’s existence?

Year. That sounds like a good idea too.

Should we choose Kamala Harris as a running mate? She seems smart.

Sure- let’s do it.

Should we make sure the media gets to film Joe Biden biking at 80, so if he falls off, he makes an ass of himself?


Should we let him near those little girls...

Can you think of a -single-decision that this man and his team have made that has been the correct one?

photo credit: Getty Images

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