Can Barry save Tony and Mandela

Jay Weber Show transcript 10-17-22 7:10am

Did you see that Barrack Obama is getting off the bench for Mandela and Tony?

This is the update to last week’s story about how dems around the country were miffed that Barry and Michelle weren’t out on the campaign trail, making appearances on behalf of candidates.

There isn’t a Democrat candidate running who wants to be associated with Joe Biden or Cacklin’ Kammy...

And so, they aren’t doing many campaign stops, but in the past, in these situations, the party would be offering surrogates- and the Obamas were notably absent from any action this year.

I explained why: because the Obamas are only out for themselves, and never really cared about the party, anyway. The dem party was a vehicle they used to get their fame and fortune, but they have no real interest in trying to ‘change the world’ or ‘engage in politics’, anymore. No.

And so, after much cajoling and whining, Obama’s minions said that okay, okay, barrack will be making a few appearances, and he will choose them based on whether he can ‘bundle them’....

Do appearances for several democrats in the same state.

 well. Obama has now chosen all of three. Three. States in which to campaign, and Wisconsin is one of them. Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia.

He has apparently chosen Wisconsin because he can ‘bundle’ his effort on behalf of both Mandela Barnes and Tony Evers...and because.... Barnes begged him.

Insider mags were reporting that the Barnes team begged barrack to come to Wisconsin to try to flip the momentum of Mandela’s race. Which has been trending Ron Johnson’s way for weeks, now.

The news accounts want to call Obama ‘the closer’, but his record shows that he cannot move voters based on his endorsement. We talked about this routinely when Obama was in office...and several times since...because it is such a contrast to the power of the trump endorsement.

Trump’s endorsement has proven to hold incredible power with right wing voters. I’ve never seen anything like over 30 years of doing this.

But Barrack Obama, even as a sitting president, had no power to convince voters of anything. He gave over sixty speeches on Obamacare...and didn’t move the needle even a tiny bit. 

He was never interested in endorsing other democrats, because he only cared about his own elections, but in the instances that Obama did fly into a city and endorse a democrat candidate in a close race who needed a boost-that person never one.

Obama’s endorsement meant-nothing.

I can’t imagine that it would mean something

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