Why are conservatives happier than liberals

Jay Weber Show transcript 10-14-22 7:10am

My friends- nearly seven in ten Americans -and more than half of democrats- are now questioning whether Joe Biden is mentally fit to do his job.

And you know what the truth is?

The truth is that-if 52 percent of democrats will admit it to pollsters? -an even higher percentage of democrats falls into this category.

That’s closer to the truth than the hard number.

But I don’t want to talk about that this segment-

I want to talk about this: why are liberals consistently less happy than conservatives?

I don’t have a great memory-but i remember -way back- 30 years ago- Rush Limbaugh asking this question and talking about the possible reasons why...

And we have had several studies conducted on the question since-

But I remember Rush occasionally making the point that: geez, these liberals are always miserable. They are never happy. They can never appreciate the sunshine. They can never enjoy the day. They never have a positive spin, or a positive thing to say-

And he was right.I’ve stolen that thought from Rush, as a lot of us on talk radio have. Because it has remained true- over the course of decades, now.

Liberals who engage in politics always seem to be miserable, sure, because ‘as long as there is the slightest bit of suffering and patriarchal or religious oppression in this world...there can be no joy.’  

So political leftists are always wallowing in their own depression and emotional crapulence....

But these studies show that even ‘quiet’ liberals aren’t happy. Even that category of person reports they aren’t enjoying life or finding their fun.

Now-rush would also suggest that he believed this was an outward sign of mental illness, remember? And i -absolutely- have believed that is a part of it-over the years. And the studies are also showing this to be true.

That there-is- a mental imbalance or ‘feature’ of the liberal brain that contributes to this.

A new study, along with a stack of other studies over the years, goes on to relate much of the unhappiness to a lack of family and the sort of personal fulfilment that comes along with marriage, children, and raising a family.

Friends-it’s safe to say that enough research has been done now- on this question-that we ‘know why’ liberals never seem to be happy.

In short-it is because they have bought into the far left’s idea of how marriage, family, religion, and most of society’s institutions are useless and not to be valued.

That is the bottom line: this fatalistic, depressing, angst-ridden, leftist thinking appeals to a group of people who are more mentally susceptible to it- and they buy into it and make themselves miserable.

Either that-or they are predisposed to be miserable and simply go out and find reasons that ‘life sucks’ and ‘nothing matters’...but...that’s the basic ‘nut’ of it.

The decline is associated with increasingly secular attitudes and actions.

Translation: when you take God and religion out of your life- there’s a greater chance that you are going to find-value- in nothing, including your ‘reason for being’, your existence on this planet.

And, unmoored from a set of life-affirming values...and values that are going to confirm your place in society and your importance to others- you’re more likely to be a depressed, bitter, wallower.

Tell me that doesn’t describe nearly all the left-wing activists who we are seeing join antifa, and BLM, and other socialist and leftist causes.

Heck- it perfectly describes the people who showed up every day-for year- to sing protest songs in the state capitol. There was a core group of people who came-every day-for years. Even after Scott Walker was out of office.

And they did because- that silly little 45 minutes of group activity made them feel as if they belonged somewhere...and as if they had a purpose in life.

And yes...the American and European left have increasingly pushed to create a more secular society. And a society in which marriage, children, and family.... areof no value.

Well, then what other things are going to take their place-to round out the human existence and add meaning to our lives?

Get it?

And- these studies-including this latest survey on American families- shows that two factors have a lot to do with personal satisfaction: marital status and family.

Conservatives aged 18 to 55 are 20 percentage points more likely to be married and be satisfied with their families. It’s a 20-percentage point difference. 

It hints at-what other studies have more firmly proved- that marriage and family are strongly linked to happiness and personal mental health.

They just are.

This isn’t some ‘Christian conservative BS that talk radio squawkers invented. As the bitter liberals will want to suggest.

It’s a pattern...revealed time and time again. And it is especially true for women studied:they report the highest levels of happiness and satisfaction with their family lives.

So, if you take that away as a path to happiness and personal fulfilment from the young women-and insist that men are pigs and marriage is a prison and having kids will kill the planet...well...

What are you offering them as a path to happiness or fulfillment?  Putting on a pink kitty hat and picketing churches?

And no-this doesn’t apply to all people-but for most-the secret to happiness -for most men and women-revolves around marriage and family.

It just does.

photo credit: Getty Images

Story Credit: Why are conservatives happier than liberals

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