Did anyone watch the Johnson/Barnes debate on Friday night

Jay Weber Show transcript 10-10-22

No-I did not watch the debate between Ron Johnson and Mandela Barnes on Friday night-because I have a life.

Those who did watch it, tell me that it’s too bad more people didn’t see it, because Ron Johnson effectively hammered Barnes for his stances related to being soft on crime and helping to encourage the Kenosha riots...

Meanwhile, Barnes wasted time trying to tie Senator Johnson to Trump’s ‘Jan sixth schemes’and claiming Johnson wanted to kill off Social Security and Medicare.

Those are ridiculous extremes that no one in their right mind is going to believe, and so, they represent a ‘total whiff’ by Barnes, if that’s how this played out.

When asked whether he condemns the Jan sixth capitol riot...Senator Johnson said ‘of course he does

Senator Johnson was not involved in any attempt to try to overturn the election results. Nor does he have any interest in trying to kill off (or slash) social security and Medicare. The claims are idiotic-

And if Barnes wasted his time on them, it means that he’s got nothing to -genuinely-criticize Senator Johnson on.

Meanwhile-Johnson’s criticisms of Mandela Barnes’ positions on crime and coddling criminals-are legitimate-and are easily evidenced because they are on tape, in print, or are from barnes’ own twitter feed.

Mandela, the dope, proudly posed with a t-shirt saying, ‘abolish ice’ and put the photo on his twitter feed. 

Mandela, the dope, is on tape-several times-talking about the need to defund the police. Take funds away from the police depts and use it for other ‘social justice’ or gauzy ‘crime mitigation’ efforts.

Mandela-the dope- authored the bill that would have Wisconsin moving to a ‘no bail’ policy of the sort that has criminals running loose and committing more crimes in NY, Chicago, and LA.

And Mandela-the dope- proudly ran with Gov Evers on a platform of releasing half of our prison population.

So far? The Evers/Barnes team has managed to cut the prison population by about fifteen percent, with hundreds of early releases and paroles.

How would you say that’s going?

Mandela, the dope, along with Gov Evers, encouraged and nudged violent ‘protestors’ into burning down Kenosha by leaping to blame police officers for Jacob Blake’s shooting and suggesting a left-wing ‘reaction’ was justified.

Ron Johnson and republicans don’t need to make any of this up. It’s all verified. On tape. In print. On Barnes’ own social media sites.

Mandela Barnes is-on tape-saying that it ‘pains him to see fully funded police budgets.”

What else can that mean?

As for cashless bail...Mandela Barnes made one of the oddest comments of the night, but of course, this big panel of moderators never thought to ask him to clarify it.

He-did- author the bill to end cash bail in Wisconsin, suggesting rich thugs...can buy their way out of prison?

We aren’t even talking about prison when we are talking about holding suspects for trial.

Does Mandela know that?

I’d love to know if he knows the difference between a prison and a jail.

These people held for trial are sitting in jail-not prison. And they are being held based on the assumption that they have done something serious enough that they need to be sequestered from society between now and the time that their trial starts.

And the cash bail system is actually a very good system for determining how serious the crime was-and what high level of bail should be set to ensure the most dangerous offenders remain in custody.

It's also a system meant to ensure that those others-who do raise bail- are going to return for trial. If they or someone they know has put up 50-grand to get them out of jail until trial- and that money is forfeited if they don’t...well, they are far more likely to show up for their trial.

Just letting them out of jail immediately, with no cash bail and no reason to return for their trial, is idiotic.

And that’s what’s happening now in these ‘no bail’ cities. It’s why thugs who-just proved to society-that they are dangerous...are being released on the same day....and are being caught committing new violent crimes within hours.

Those people need to be held-in jail- until their trial is held-and they are shipped off to prison. We don’t have a problem with people ‘buying their way’ out of prison. 

Mandela Barnes doesn’t seem to have any idea what he’s even talking about-or why the bail system exists. But he wants to end it?

I’d suggest that would have been worth more examination from this ludicrous number of liberal moderators who did this debate.

Even the comment: under his plan, Barnes says, dangerous people don’t get to buy their freedom.

Ah...no. Because your plan gives it to them for free.

So, what’s his point? How’s that better?

Well...there should be a threat assessment.

Does he know that these judges in the big cities are finding- no thugs- a threat to public safety, and are therefore releasing nearly all of them right back out onto the street?

Even those who-just nearly beat a man to death- or who stabbed a woman ten times- are being let go immediately.

Is Mandela not reading the news?

What am I saying-of course Mandela doesn’t read the news. Every opinion he has is idiotic.

They were asked about legalizing marijuana, and Barnes’ take was:

 "Now marijuana is harmless and marijuana is something that states all over the country have embraced and they are seeing phenomenal benefits."  

That is a staggeringly ignorant take on pot. Today’s weed is more potent and harmful than ever.  Drugged drivers have now overtaken the number of drunk drivers in these pro-pot states. The social damage being done by legal weed could not be more evident....and anyone who thinks pot is harmless and this ‘legal weed thing’ is going great...is legitimately a moron.

And I say that-knowing that there are some people in this audience who agree with Mandela’s ignorant take.

If you just want to get high legally, admit it. But don’t pretend that weed is harmless and legal weed has been a big positive for these states, or for the country.

Don’t allow yourself to be that naive. 

And be more careful about your news sources.

photo credit: PBS/Fox News 11

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