A President DOES influence the price of gas. Trump and Biden proved it

Jay Weber Show transcript 10-6-22 6:10am

Just as gas prices spike again in some parts of the country.... OPEC -plus, which is the long-standing, Middle Eastern ‘OPEC’ countries, plus Russia... Has agreed to cut their oil output.

It is a move that is meant to keep oil prices high-and stabilize them at a higher level than they were, pre-pandemic.

This is what they are attempting to do: pre-pandemic, President Trump and American oil producers had driven down the price of a barrel of oil to new lows, post-Obama, and these OPEC nations were the biggest losers.

They can’t make big profits when oil is 60 or 70 bucks a barrel.

America had overtaken Saudi Arabia and Russia as the number one oil and gas producer globally, and it was destroying their profit margins, because Donald Trump knew that ‘energy’ can be used as an important geo-political tool.

In other words-we can harm our biggest global enemies by keeping oil and gas prices low- given that- by coincidence-the biggest enemies of the west also happen to rely heavily on fossil fuels for a huge percentage of their govt budgets and political power: countries like Russia, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq...etc.

Trump understood this and understood the dual benefit of both growing a strong u-s economy on the foundation of low energy prices-and-

And-driving global prices down to where it harmed those eastern bloc enemy countries.  And it worked brilliantly.

And then Biden got into office and immediately chop-blocked American energy producers and put new policies in place to-intentionally- send the price of oil and gas skyrocketing. Here and globally.

And so, here we are: these OPEC nations like Saudi Arabia and Russia want to ‘normalize’ a new price per barrel around 100 dollars or more.

They want to keep Biden’s ‘high price per barrel’ up where it is. And so, this is the motivation behind this agreement to actually-cut- OPEC production when oil and gas prices are still so high, globally.

It isn’t a personal ‘bleep you’ to Joe Biden, as some conservative news outlets are insisting is the case. It’s one way to look at it: that Saudi Arabia is so angry with Biden that they are now cozying up to the Russians...

But i don’t think that’s right...so much as this just ...Saudi Arabia and these other countries trying to maximize profits again- post trump. The idiot joe Biden helped them quickly return prices to 110 bucks a barrel. And now they want to lock that price in...

And if it further screws over America, so be it. That’s an added benefit.

But that’s what’s going on here...and look...joe Biden-did- put us in this position.

The leftists on the talk-and-text line want to insist that the president can’t control gas prices-but trump proved that incorrect ...and so has Biden.

Biden’s early moves, whether he intended it or not, amounted to collusion with OPEC nations and Russia...to push the global price for oil back into the stratosphere. And now they want to keep it there-to their advantage-and to our detriment.

They understand the geo-political power behind energy prices and availability, even if Joe Biden and democrats do not. 

Critics are saying ‘could Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia been more of a disaster?’

I suppose it could have been it is shocking what a bungling boob Joe Biden is-

But- yeah, it was a disaster. And whether the Pollyanna’s and purists want to admit it or not, we- in America-

And we-in the west-need to have Saudi Arabia as a key and powerful ally in the middle east. Trump and every past president have known it.

Barrack Obama and John Kerry, and now Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken- are too dumb to understand ‘why’, I guess- and so, here we are.

Oil prices were finally settling back down to about 8o or 85 dollars a barrel-still too high-but falling-

And so, OPEC has agreed to stop pumping, and boost that per-barrel price back up. And because Biden has done everything he can to stop, slow, and disillusion the oil and gas producers in America, he doesn’t have the political clout, or sense, to urge them to start producing more to erase the shortage.

It is what Biden-should- do, but he and the democrats have lost all credibility with the energy sector and fossil fuel companies, and made them feel like they are under attack, so they have restructured and downsized and stopped extending themselves in the Biden era-to the point that most of those companies don’t have the ability or the desire to quickly ratchet up operations again.

Biden and America are screwed here, short term, and yeah-it’s Biden’s fault.

OPEC’s motive was primarily their own profits-but they get to humiliate Biden and the u-s as a bonus. This comes after Biden’s administration made a quote… full court press...begging Saudi Arabia and OPEC to increase production just a few months ago.

And -first of all- American presidents shouldn’t have to beg OPEC to do-anything-given how much fossil fuel we can go after, ourselves...

But second: it makes it clear to the world which side is weaker, politically.

Biden’s fecklessness and weakness is evident-globally, my friends.

You probably heard that, yesterday, the president ‘denounced’ this OPEC move, and said he’s released another ten-million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserves in an effort to counteract this.

That’s another dumb and useless move, and all the insiders know it: Biden has fruitlessly wasted one-third of our oil reserves trying to bring prices down this summer-and it didn’t work: a measly one million barrels released each day is -honestly- akin to spitting in the ocean. 

And so-what’s the possible benefit to releasing ten-million more barrels? - when OPEC is cutting production by two million barrels each day?

Joe Biden has ‘got it covered’ for five days?

What an idiot.

He and his team just hope you voters are dumb enough to think that another false move like this-matters. It doesn’t.Refuse to be stupid and believe it does.

And even CNN reported that Biden’s white house was in an all-out panic over this, yesterday-because they know how this destroys all their false narratives about reducing gas prices-and likely destroys any chance they had of keeping congressional seats this fall.

And they go thru all the frantic-back door efforts that the Biden team was engaged in to stop it.

Ultimately, it didn’t matter what America wanted. Not when all of these 14 or 16 nations can benefit greatly with oil prices that are around or above 100 dollars per barrel-

And not when one of their member nations is Russia-at a time when Putin needs high gas prices to fund a losing war effort.

Biden’s attempt to circumvent the price hikes failed, and yet again, I need to emphasize that a more competent administration never would have had us in this position in the first place.

I will also emphasize-again-that President Biden and his team of screaming eco-zealots could have-at any time-backed off their jihad against fossil fuels, admitted the obvious, and created conditions for American energy producers to ratchet up production again.   They have refused. Refused. To make the simple moves that it would take to keep this country strong and energy independent.

It is one reason I keep calling today’s democrat leaders ‘dangerously dumb’ slime bags.

This move by OPEC restores middle eastern countries-and Russia-as the top oil producers on the globe and restores the political power and financial windfalls that come along with that. And yes. Blame. Joe. Biden.

Steve Doocy asked Karine Jean Pierre: if the president is responsible for dropping gas prices, if he responsible for these price hikes, too?

It’s more nuanced than that...she said, and then got lost in her binder notes for five minutes.

No. It’s not nuanced: the truth is that Joe Biden snuffed out a great new era of prosperity, high salaries, and jobs in the energy sector and willingly engineered a massive shift of power back toward our enemy states....because he and his party are dumb enough-and politically desperate enough-to have made themselves slaves to the eco-zealots.

photo credti: Getty Images

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