Fauci is retiring

Jay Weber Show transcript 8-23-22 6:40am

So-the glorious Dr Fauci is retiring.

Some critics are suggesting that he’s afraid of the consequences if he sticks around and the Republican’s retake either the House or the Senate.

They are virtually assured to retake the house-which would mean house investigations-at the very least-into Fauci’s rather pathetic and shameless performance-both in terms of giving advice related to the pandemic-

And his involvement in the cover up related to where it came from: from a Wuhan lab that was taking US taxpayer money to do ‘gain of function’ research of the sort that was dangerous enough that we banned it, here.

Remember-we still haven’t gotten to the absolute ‘bottom’ of that scandal.

The man-is- 80 years old and is well past retirement age. He’ll also receive a pension that will exceed 400-thousand dollars per year.

So...i’m not going to assume he feels like he’s being pushed out rather than face congressional questions-

After all-congressional investigations and hearings are notoriously useless.

For all the blathering and threatening congressman do relate to them-what actual -consequences- ever come of them?


But Dr Fauci-does-have a lot to answer for when it comes to how his department and the NIH mismanaged the pandemic and gave bad advice on it-for well over a year.

We detailed how Fauci famously gave constantly conflicting and shifting advice: first, masks weren’t needed, because we already knew the truth about how they wouldn’t stop viruses-and then political pressure alone had him doing a 180.

Then masks were super-important.

Then two masks. Then panty hose over your head was best. Then....maybe panty hose and a mask...

Fauci just recently insisted that he was never in favor of lockdowns...

Folks, we have this clown urging lockdowns in early 2020 that went far beyond what most democrat governors did. Two weeks ago, he said otherwise, and most recently, he’s back to saying that our covid restrictions should have been quote. Much, much more stringent.

So the ‘high priest’ of double-masking is now admitting that it was all useless. Every paper and cloth mask were useless. 

Precisely as we, on the right, have been saying since the beginning. And more importantly-as many nurses, doctors, and other health professionals have been saying-since the beginning.

Regardless of whether Fauci stays or goes- republicans do need to investigate the response to this pandemic and-everything-our CDC and NIH did wrong.

Do you know that recently, Dr. Birx, the chick in the scarf who was at these daily briefings?

She just now admitted that we shouldn’t have been relying on data and studies from Europe and other foreign countries.

This  is another thing that we got right, and that people like dr. Marty Makary of johns Hopkins were saying:  for heaven’s sake-this is why the CDC exists-to do quick studies on deadly diseases and use them to find out what we are dealing with so that we more quickly arrive at what ‘best practices’ are to slow the spread and fight the disease.

The CDC-did none of that. Fauci at the NIH- the nation’s top infectious disease expert- did none of that-and called for none of that.

Instead, he folded over to every left-wing political whim. None of it was based on science, and in fact. None of it was based on reality.

They knew the vaccines wouldn’t prevent people from getting it-but Fauci and the Biden administration-intentionally-decided to lie and pretend it would-

Because-Fauci admitted later- we wanted to get as many people vaccinated as possible.  We had to have Americans think that the vaccines would keep them from getting it.

And so-they lied about that, too. Even when the truth about the vaccines is nearly as powerful: it won’t keep you from catching a case of covid, but it will almost certainly keep you from getting a severe case and dying from it.

Why wasn’t that enough?

Why wasn’t ‘the truth’ enough for these people?

It serves no one to have pretenders and liars atop these large health agencies.

It also doesn’t help to have ‘woke’ leftists who are going to put political correctness ahead of science.

I have talked about how their refusal to simply admit that this monkey pox outbreak is being spread almost exclusively by gay and bisexual men ‘serves no one’.

Our CDC and NIH officials, the Biden white house, all sorts of democrat mayors and governors, have hundreds of millions of Americans all worked up about catching monkey pox because they won’t say: if you don’t have gay sex, you won’t get it. If you do have gay sex-get vaccinated.

That’s all they need to say, and rabid political correctness is keeping them from doing, it's the editors of the national review put it: not one person in America is served by this nonsense.

Yep. I’ve been saying the same for weeks, now.

This is not ‘following the science’ nor is it ‘informing the people’...so why should the CDC and NIH even exist?

And-this- generation of leaders of these agencies-including Fauci- need to be investigated so that their missteps and inactions aren’t replicated. So that- we don’t make the same mistakes again, during the next pandemic.

It is hugely consequential that we get to the truth of ‘who’ and ‘how’ we botched our reactions to the covid pandemic.

Shutting down the economy was so staggeringly, boomingly stupid that it should be taken off the table as -ever-happening again.

Then there is the lasting mistake of closing schools and allowing the teachers unions to control their reopening. Never. Again.

We need to do a serious post-mortem on this pandemic so that our leaders at all levels of government don’t make the same mistakes again.

photo credit: Getty Images

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