The Biden family grift will end with a sweetheart plea deal for Hunter

Jay Weber Show Transcript 8-9-22 6:40am

Senator Ron Johnson was one of the senators who -lead-on the Hunter Biden investigation and stuck with it until the story broke open and became a story that even the MSM couldn’t ignore.

As evidence of that-listen to the fat CNN potato-Brian Stelter-who has spent the last three years denying that this was a real scandal, and insisting it was just a political smear.

Here’s what that clown is saying now:


It can no longer be denied: Hunter and Joe Biden were selling access to the highest levels of the US govt. in a family grifting scheme that has probably netted them tens of millions of dollars over the years-

And aside from two nice homes in Delaware-both Hunter and Joe still claim they are broke. Meaning they have-as adults-blown thru tens of millions of dollars in ill-gotten money. And we know a lot went for Hunter’s hookers and drugs and alimony payments...

Buy. Where did all of Joe and Jill’s money go? 

And so- all of this is known: the laptop is real. The photos of a perpetually naked and coked up hunter are real. The emails about their treasonous and probably illegal transactions are real. It’s all real.

We also know that the Delaware office of the FBI has been investigating a-tiny-fraction of all of this as it relates to hunter: just some tax evasion and gun charges.

Well, that little ‘wing’ of Hunter’s past, and past criminality, appears to be concluding. The daily word is charges are coming. Charges are coming.

And yet- as Ron Johnson has predicted- this is very likely going to end with a sweetheart plea deal, sealed evidence, and the public never knowing the whole story related to the Biden family corruption.

I am in 100 percent agreement with senator Johnson. That -does-look where this is all going.

And one reason that i haven’t focused more on this whole hunter Biden scandal on this show-is that i assumed it would end this way: with an infuriatingly frustrating conclusion in which hunter gets a pass...because daddy is the president, and a highly politicized and highly compromised FBI wants to protect a leftist president.

Who-didn’t? -know it was going to end this way?

And the MSM members were only too happy to cover it all up, too.

We have now hit the point in which they cannot deny the Biden family corruption, and aside from the NY Post and the Washington examiner, all of the other media outlets are still ignoring it. Still refusing to dig for facts and establish the rock-solid confirmation that the Biden’s are global grifters who have been selling access to government for decades.

That story will simply-never-be told fully, or adequately.

And I’ll go further than senator Johnson does. He probably believes this too, and simply didn’t state it, so i will: you watch-this much smaller ‘tax evasion and firearm’ plea will then be used by the dems and the MSM to insist that ‘this investigation is over’.

That Hunter Biden thing has been settled. It’s old news. It’s all been hashed and rehashed. We got the truth.

No. We won’t have.

But you watch how they use and abuse any hunter Biden plea agreement on simple tax evasion charges: the MSM will use it to insist that -this whole scandal- is over. This whole ‘Biden family corruption’ thing has been examined, reported on, and put to bed. There's no need to dig further or report on it more.

Just watch.

I guarantee you that this small plea deal will be labeled as ‘it’s over’.

But this would be like ...if a thug crept into the home of a couple and raped and murdered them before he stole their jewelry and ran off...

This would be like convicting the thug for stealing the jewels and ignoring all the other crimes.

Why would we need to investigate the rape and murder? We got him for stealing a little jewelry.

This is how the FBI-and the leftist media- are going to play this hunter story, moving forward, if an indictment and plea deal is coming down.

There will be -no-satisfying conclusion to this scandal, my friends. Prepare yourself for more disappointment as the swamp dwellers protect each other-again-

To the point that a sitting president’s staggering political corruption over decades- as well as that of his son- is ignored and covered up.

As Jonathan Turley says-all the evidence is on hunter’s laptop. He can’t deny any of the corruption or criminality.

And so, why would he be allowed to walk away without being charged for 98 percent of it?

This is going to be an infuriating conclusion to half of the country....and the other half is going to giggle at how privileged and protected they, as democrats, are again.

The only hope of ever finding answers is going to lie in any congressional investigation that house republicans might launch when they retake the house next year...

But even then- it will be viewed thru the lens of being ‘partisan’ and made up by these same MSM accomplices and swamp dwellers.

And apparently, since President Biden would block any legislation anyway, and the dems might retain the senate-

Apparently, house leaders are already planning on using the next two years for committee investigations. Its’ about a divided dc would allow for.

Yet again- scummy, criminal democrats will get away with it.

Once again-there will be zero consequences for the sort of outrageous criminality that would have had a lawmaker shot or imprisoned over, 100 years ago. Now? A sitting president like barrack Obama can try to help his party rig a presidential election for Hillary.

And Joe and the Biden family can sell access for decades- not even one of them gets held accountable or punished in any way.

But if you are a republican like Donald Trump? They will form bogus investigations and have NY and DC DA’s scouring for criminal charges....and have Dem lawmakers engaging in witch hunts-all just to find something to ruin their opponents with.

This is todays’ America-and it is one that the democrats-still don’t think-they have enough ownership or control over. They must keep rigging the rules and ignoring the laws and the constitution until they have total, authoritarian control over the rest of us-and can jail any opponent of theirs for the slightest invented infraction.

photo credit: Getty Images

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