The truth about pot

Jay Weber Show transcript 8-5-22 7:40am

I did a segment a couple days ago about how terrible and tragic the legalization of marijuana out west has become.

We’ve got 8 to 10 years of data out of several of those states now, like Colorado and Washington, that prove ‘legal’ weed has led to a spike in drug addiction and crime. A spike in homelessness and mental illness. A spike in drugged driving arrests and fatalities.

In fact, nationally, there are more traffic fatalities from ‘drugged’ driving than drunk driving. 29 percent of all traffic fatalities are the result of drunk driving and 33 percent of all traffic fatalities are the result of drugged-driving.

In Washington state-44 percent of drivers who kill people are either drugged. Or drunk and high.

I also started talking about how the punishment for operating an illegal marijuana growing operation is so light here, in these western states, that the foreign drug cartels are actually growing billions of dollars’ worth of pot-here-in America- in illegal ‘grow’ operations and are then moving it into Mexico and other countries to sell.

The fact is- if these brutal, hardened cartel members from Mexico, Armenia, or China, get caught growing weed here-nothing happens to them. That batch is confiscated, sure, but that’s it.

The Washington examiner has done a series of interesting stories this week, including on the massive amount of effort and expense the California law enforcers are now putting into trying to shut down illegal pot operations, and how their pathetic prosecutors are making it an even more impossible task.

California prosecutors back off punishing cartel marijuana farmers breaking environmental laws

This is Gavin Newsom’s California.

This is the state that has had far-left democrats running it more consistently and longer than practically any other state. This is the first state to legalize quote...medical...marijuana. And everything related to the drug since, has been bad news. More crime. More hospitalizations. More kids getting high in schools. More drugged driving deaths. Etc., etc., etc...

And even the terrible attack on the environment that this represents hasn’t been enough to have the  eco-nut potheads in Cali-admit their mistake.

So-you’ve got these law enforcement agencies coordinating their efforts to close the grow sites-

And they’re just playing whack-a-mole because the ‘Soros DAs’ and left-wing judges in California refuse to punish any of these growers.

Heck- they won’t even ask ice to deport the illegals who are often found operating and working on these farms.  They’re just-letting illegal Mexicans, Guatemalans, Armenians, Chinese, Russians-

just letting them go back onto the street.


This is California, now.

One of the worst DAs in America is this George Gascon guy -who is under recall now-from the voters of Los Angeles county....

And LA county narcotics investigators are fed up with the man: just recently, in May, the agencies coordinated in a massive bust-and Gascon refused to cooperate with prosecution.

George gascon doesn’t care. Gavin Newsom-doesn’t care. Leftists who just want to smoke pot themselves and/or win elections by catering to burnouts-just-don’t-care.

One of these pesticides they are talking about allegedly kills animals up to the size of a bear if they meet it. Ingest it. 

Who cares? Say the California liberals -who pretend-right along with lawmakers in Colorado and Washington and in all of these other legalized states-

Who pretend that only legal weed is being sold and smoked in their states? What a joke.

One of the easiest predictions to make as the potheads started winning their push to legalize weed was; the market for illegal weed and other drugs will boom.

No, it won’t. No, it won’t. Said the burnouts. It’s going to be regulated and making it legal will dry up the drug routes because the cartels won’t be able to profit off weed anymore.

Only a moron would have believed that. A 200-dollar price tag on an ounce of weed at a regulated pot store is not going to deter criminals from selling it for far less.

Instead-it is giving them the cover of ‘legit’ pot sales to mask their illegal dealings. 

Once the pot is purchased and, in your pocket, or backpack-who knows where it came from?

No one gets punished or prosecuted.

Of course, the weed trade was going to boom in these states.

But-also- of course the overall drug trade was going to boom, too. This is another thing the pro-pot activists lied about: no, no, pot’s not an entrance drug. And if it’s legal. It’ll keep people from using harder drugs.


Pot-is-an entrance drug, and the overall loosening of laws and standards in these states has led to accompanying booms in heroin, fentanyl, and most other drug usage. It’s why the west coast is littered with tent cities and homeless encampments.

They brought this misery onto themselves.

And yes- the studies and health experts out there-are saying-that today’s pot is so potent that it is leading to mental health problems on a larger scale now, than they have ever seen before.

Highly potent marijuana tied to worse mental health outcomes

In the 1970s... Your pot smoking grandpa was smoking pot that had a two percent concentration of the.  Now-depending on the variety- the levels in today’s pot are somewhere between seventeen and 28 percent.

Far more potent. Far more damaging.

The push to legalize marijuana has already been a massive mistake-and the democrats will refuse to admit it-because they want to additional state revenue and they want to pander for the ‘youth vote’ that they think this brings them.

Proving once again that today’s Democrats-don’t. Care. About. People. They only care about power.

photo credit: Getty Images

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