The face of pure evil

Jay Weber transcript 7-8-22 7:10am

My explain this, I am going to generalize things and say that pregnancy resource centers...are...abortion clinics without the abortions.

I say that via way of easy explanation, but in truth, these pregnancy resources centers-are nothing like- planned parenthood.


These are. Women’s clinics that offer a lot of the same services that planned parenthood-only pretends to offer- to women and teens who have found themselves with unwanted pregnancies or just need help during pregnancy.

Planned parenthood has lied for decades, pretending as if abortions are only a small part of what they do, in truth, is almost entirely what they do.

Planned parenthood clinics might have a few pamphlets on adoption or other options related to birthing or keeping that baby...but mostly...they want to get women back into the operating theatres.... or get them hooked up with drugs to induce a chemical abortion.

Planned parenthood has been caught lying about providing mammograms and other women’s services, but we all know what they do.

Their executives and fellow ‘pro-abortion zealots’ also relentlessly slam these pro-life pregnancy resource centers.

The pro-abortionists have engaged in a relentless campaign to portray these pro-life clinics and the women who operate them as ‘evil tricksters’...who just want to get confused women and teens into the door...and then relentlessly pressure them to keep the baby...or at least carry it to term and then give it up for adoption.

And yes- I realizes what I’m saying. The pro-abortion crowd- vilifies- these pro-life clinics as evil- because-  

Because-they offer alternatives to teens and women other than aborting that baby. Isn’t that evil? These terrible tricksters...who lure in young women in crisis....and talk them out of killing their child...or scrambling the brains of their babies.

Yes. I know how i am characterizing this, but I’m not exaggerating. Google ‘what is a pregnancy resource center’ and see what pops up?

It’ll be pages of posts from left-wing groups and abortion clinics.... characterizing these pregnancy crisis centers as ‘an awful trick’ being played on women and girls.

And it’s another -disturbing-instance of how deeply invested the pro-abortion crowd, and the pro-abortion industry are- in killing these babies. By God- the only good pregnancy is one that ends in abortion...seems to be their motto.

And again-I cannot exaggerate this. I have a clip here of squats with unions-  senator Liz Warren- who has been going around since the Dobbs decision...trying to get a war going against

Pro-life clinics.

Consider this: the Supreme Court just overturned roe and so abortion is being either banned or restricted in over half of the states-and Liz Warren is launching a jihad to close down the very clinics that offer the best resource for a lot of women in these states now?

What the hell is wrong with her?

Listen to this clip-and then you tell me where the ‘evil’ lies.

After all the years I’ve been doing this, there isn’t much that comes out of a lawmaker’s mouth that stuns me, anymore, but Warren’s angry, evil rhetoric genuinely shocked me, here.

She-fully believes-that an women’s center run by pro-lifers is evil. Is harmful. Is preying. On women.


I know democrats and leftists will routinely talk themselves into deep delusions, but to have a US Senator this ‘angry and out there’ with the wrong something.

Liz warren calls pro-life women’s clinics deceitful. And says...quote...we need to crack down on these clinics that are preventing people from getting abortions.

She even says ‘with roe gone, it’s more important than ever to crack down on these centers.

Folks-with roe gone.... abortions are still legal in most states, they’re just restricted to earlier in the pregnancy...but in the states that have abortion bans...these pro-life clinics and their counselors could become the most valuable resource that a lot of struggling women have available to them ..

And warren wants a ‘righteous’ war to shut them down-because they don’t offer abortion as ‘the option’ to an unplanned pregnancy?


This is a genuine ‘wow’ to me.

The national review editors make some great points, and start with ‘what ever happened to ‘pro-choice’?

Remember ‘pro-choice?

That was the term that these pro-abortion zealots have put on themselves for decades, as they pretended that they -were not- advocating for the killing of babies.

No, no. We aren’t just in favor of the killing, no. We’re in favor of women having ‘that choice’ among the options on how to deal with their pregnancy.

No, no. We aren’t ghouls. We aren’t ‘pro-abortion’. We are ‘pro-choice’ .... the members of this movement said for decades.

But the minute their clinics can’t kill the babies, they shutter them up. They refuse to offer any other services. Hmmm...

And here’s squats...reflecting the channeled rage and venom that they have for clinics that-do-offer the ‘non-murder’ alternative to an unwanted pregnancy.

The jig is up, folks. The fraud and farce have been exposed. Liz Warren wants to launch a jihad against anyone who might counsel anyone to ‘keep the baby’. How does the word ‘evil’ not fit, here?

photo credit: Getty Images

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