Dems across the country are looking to Go Rogue

Jay Weber Show transcript 6-29-22 8:10 am

The fallout from the Dobbs decision is coming fast and furious now: we’ll talk about Gov Evers and Josh Kaul suing to keep Wisconsin’s longstanding ban on abortion from being a different segment...

But looking around the country: a few liberal judges have blocked so-called ‘trigger laws’ from taking effect.

These are laws that were passed by conservatives in the states that were written to go into effect automatically if Roe was ever overturned.

Yesterday, liberals in Louisiana found a judge to agree to temporarily block their new trigger law from taking effect...which bans abortions outright.

Ditto for Utah: a judge blocked an abortion ban from kicking in, to give anti-lifers a chance to argue their case. 

These are two of thirteen different states that had passed trigger laws that went into effect or will shortly.... now that roe has been overturned.

In other states, new laws have taken effect: in South Carolina, their new fetal heartbeat law that bans most abortions after about five or six weeks, is now in effect, after a judge dropped an injunction against it that had blocked its implementation for nearly a year.

And the democrats and their pro-abortion crowd are going to ultimately lose all these cases in court. These are all instances of duly elected legislatures exercising their powers to pass legislation, and duly elected governors signing that legislation. I cannot imagine that they are going to win any of these cases related to trigger laws.

But democrats and their activists are scrambling to find -any way they can- to react to this ruling. They are calling for all sorts of extreme and crazy things.... including democrat congressman!

They’re tossing around all sorts of nutty and unworkable ideas.... like...building abortion clinics on federal lands in the red states.


Yeah, AOC and squats with unions have been pushing this idea...and it’s as radical and unworkable as it is stupid: AOC and Liz Warren-for days-have been whipping up the leftist masses with suggestions that the federal government can get into the abortion business.

This is crazy. But their activists are buying it, and some of Biden’s own team members have gone rogue and are ‘on board’, even though the Biden white house was tamping down this idea as ‘problematic’ and ‘probably unconstitutional’ yesterday:  Javier Becerra...who was the very radical attorney general of California before Biden appointed him to be a very radical director of health and human services.

Yet again-we have a Biden cabinet member out of step with their own white house.  After several days of this nonsense from squats and AOC- Biden’s minions, and even Kamala Harris, were suggesting that they couldn’t do this, and wouldn’t do this, but here is Becerra saying they are looking into it.

And hey- I have no doubt that Biden’s team is radical enough that they’d try to do it if they can find a way-or if they decide to just ‘go rogue’ and start trying to implement illegal ideas...

But let’s be clear about what these extremists want: they want- the federal government- to get into the abortion business.

AOC and squats- really believe. -

They -really believe? - that the executive branch, in its own? Could just start popping up abortion clinics on federal properties in red states, and start staffing them, and doing abortions?

That would constitute a massive new federal expense. At the very least-congress would have to be involved- to approve the funding if nothing else. Talk about extreme, people.

Up until very recently-even most democrats agreed that federal tax dollars should not be used to pay for abortions.   The ‘Hyde amendment’ is the shorthand DC lingo for this: it represents an agreement between the two sides of the aisle that goes all the way back to 1976, that has both sides agreeing that federal funding will not go to fund, subsidize, or support abortion. 

Until just now! Until just now in the Biden era-lawmakers from both sides have agreed to that.

Now we’ve got half of the democrat caucus talking about the fed government getting into the abortion business?

Not just paying for abortions, but running the clinics? Hiring the doctors? Organizing the killing?

Holy cow, these democrats show their monstrous stripes when they are backed into a corner, don’t they?

That’s an insane idea that’s not going anywhere...even as Biden’s team has every single member of their administration atop the federal government looking to quote ’protect abortion’.

If they only ‘protected life’ with the zeal they are showing for ‘protecting the right to take it’, we’d be living in a better world.

But, folks, Joe Biden’s pentagon said yesterday that, by God, we will continue to perform abortions on federal military bases in the red states!

And before you get too worked up, very, very, very few of them are done. But this is a declaration of just what sort of extremists are running Washington DC right now.

Now-since 2016-

So, in six years, only 91 abortions have been performed at military bases.  And yes, that’s still awful. That’s still about 4 classrooms of children aborted over six years.

But my point is the number isn’t ‘thousands’, and our military bases are banned from being turned into abortion centers for the left, so that won’t happen, either. 

But don’t think the dems in DC aren’t looking at it. Trying to find a way. 

They have been floating all sorts of desperate nonsense since Friday, as they come under more and more pressure from their ghoulish activists to do something to ‘preserve Roe’.

A Politico story says that some activists and dem leaders are trying to push abortion clinics onto Indian reservations.

And the tribes would have to agree to it, of course, but this has been brainstormed: do you think we could abuse the Indian reservations this way?

Do you think we could dupe the leaders of the tribes into starting up abortion clinics in the red states for us? 

Why would they want a bunch of non-natives running onto their reservations to have abortions?

Watch AOC and squats with unions spin this to strike back at whitey:  white racists took your lands 150 years ago...get revenge by killing their babies today...

And if that sounds outrageous-this is the sort of desperate territory the democrats are in after Friday’s ruling...

Because they just won’t calm down, take a breath, and realize how crazy and extreme they are being. 

More than 30 Senate Democrats keep pushing Biden to ‘Go bold’. ‘Go big’. That has got to mean 'Go illegal. Go unconstitutional’. Because unless Biden and his team are going to try to do obviously illegal things here they have no play.

photo credit: Getty Images

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