The most important second amendment case out of this court since Heller

Jay Weber Show transcript 6-24-22 6:40am

I don’t believe that there is any way to ‘overplay’ or ‘overstate’ what yesterday’s supreme court ruling on New York concealed carry was: it was the most important second amendment case out of this court since ‘Heller’.

20 hours later, I’m now starting to see liberals suggesting that this case-is not- precedent setting and-is not – as devastating as it looks-

But their initial hair on fire reaction to the decision betrays the truth.

One way they are trying to make themselves feel better, is by saying that only a few states have similar ‘carry’ rules, and so, there will only be a limited effect.


This is a big bleeping deal... Not only because it erases similar conceal carry laws in about 8 other states and sends them all scrambling to rewrite their state regulations on carry...’s the main reason this is a huge deal: it acts as a barrier or a blocker to-new gun laws-as the democrats and their blue-state activists push for new laws.

We happen to be in a moment in time in which the anti-gun left is acting in all sorts of new, lawless manners. They are trying to find new ways to limit or ban guns by executive orders, or extreme game playing...

And this ruling lays down an important marker. A pre-emptive ‘stop order’ on all sorts of new activist bologna.

This ruling had a 6-3 court saying: New York’s requirement to have citizens show a ‘good moral character’ and a ‘genuine need’ to the state, before they could exercise their second amendment rights to keep and bear arms in public for self-defense, and also violated the constitution. Violated the fourteenth amendment.

That’s a huge ‘slap back’ to any sort of future anti-gun laws that try to block Americans from carrying in public. The ruling-is devastating-to the anti-gun Nazis.

Within minutes, the liberal pundits on CNN and MSNBC were be-clowning themselves, and insisting that this was going to lead to mass shootings in times square...

And not even one of them wanted to explain why ‘increased crime and gun violence in America’ took away the constitutional rights of the law abiding to protect ourselves.

Thank you again, Donald Trump, for beating Hillary and not only saving the court for conservatives with the Gorsuch pick, but for being in the position to name two more supreme court justices, and for not backing down or going ‘squishy’ when you had the chance.

This is another thing that gun owners from across the political spectrum need to acknowledge and republican office holders and voters need to be reminded of: if not for trump’s picks, we would not have had this case taken up, and we wouldn’t have this outcome.

Trump’s victory over Hillary in 2016 was huge. Massive. Very consequential. And anyone who calls themselves a conservative and ‘sat it out’ should feel a little silly after this ruling.

You don’t have to like trump or be in love with every republican candidate, but with so much on the line at every level of government now, sitting it out, or pouting, is silly and selfish.

I chose not to in 2016-and couldn’t be happier with my choice to shift over and support trump. He was a very effective president who kept his promises, and I’d vote for him again in 2020 if that’s how it all pans out.

This decision makes it clear: this court isn’t going to allow New York, California, or these other states to just ‘tweak’ their current restrictions and pretend as if everything’s fine now...and they can keep blocking their citizens from carrying in public in the interest of self-protection.

No, no. These states are going to have to come up with more reasonable carry laws, like the one Wisconsin has. 

Tweaks and legislative game playing is not going to fly, here.... And Thomas makes that clear.... but what as the New York Gov. Kathy Hocul out doing yesterday, following the ruling?

She was vowing to-by God- draft up new laws that would have bully govt. in that state putting a new de facto ban on carry in place.

Reporters immediately started to ask her about what those ‘sensitive areas’ were, in which conceal carry could be banned. In most states, it’s bars, schools...etc.

Hocul immediately said the subway would count as one...etc.

And so...they’ll try to make it as broad a ban as possible. And if they do, their new legislation will also end up back in court.

Mayor Adams was also insisting that killing off this law will turn New York into the wild west.

Uhm, Mr. Mayor: New York already is the wild west. That hellhole was created with the de facto ban on place.

There is no way it can ‘get worse’.

Every study done on the before-and-aftereffects of concealed carry has shown that instances of crime and gun violence have gone down. And I have no doubt that it would be the same in New York if they just relaxed, followed the science, and implemented reasonable carry laws.

Sadly-they won’t.

The rabid leftists are already spinning off into higher and higher levels of anxiety and rage, and it’s not productive.

This is the biggest second amendment case since Heller-which struck down Washington DC’s handgun ban. And forced Chicago to do the same two years later.

Now this.

Lawyers in California and in about six other states are going to be convening over coffee this morning -called together by Gavin Newsome and other panicky Dem governors-because their laws will need to be dissolved, too.

It blocks all sorts of ‘new nonsense’ that today’s most rabid activists can dream up...and it’s what i like most about the ruling and how Clarence Thomas wrote it: there’s also a healthy dose of ‘offense’ being played here by the court, to ward off future attempts to limit gun ownership or public carry.

And that’s great.

photo credit: Getty Images

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