The January Sixth Commission has turned out to be a dud

Jay Weber Show transcript 6-23-22 6:10am


Ooo...the CNN and MSNBC talking heads and the east coast elites are starting to get angry over how little America cares about this bogus January sixth commission. I am starting to get joy out of how much this angers them. Because this was supposed to be ‘the thing’ that was going to save their bacon in fall.

This was supposed to be ‘the thing’ that would bury trump for good and have all sorts of other republicans losing, too, and no one cares.

I want to talk about this-but i also want to put it into a larger category-

And a growing category of things that just aren’t getting the responses that they want on.

The lefty media and the DC dems-insist-Americans should be reacting ‘their way’ when it comes to things like the overturning of roe, new gun laws, destroying trump, Jan sixth....

And... we just aren’t. Every ‘hot issue’ that they think they have is turning out to be a dud.

As for the January sixth commission- I said it long ago: the actions of ‘the others’ around trump that day- prove that the system works. Prove that one person, or one sore loser, whether it’s Trump, or Hillary, or whomever-

Jan sixth proved that one person cannot hijack the presidency or bully past the results of an election.  If anything, trump’s ministrations put the succession of power and the electoral process thru the greatest stress test of this modern era-and it worked just as it is supposed to.

None of the smear attacks against other republicans appear to be working, because no one’s really paying attention.

Yesterday, it was another attempt to smear Ron Johnson. The hearing before, it was an attempt to smear mike pence...

But if no one’s watching -aside from a small cabal of angry leftists and trump haters who are obsessed with it- what does it matter?

Listen to the horrid Brian Stelter, the ‘media critic’ for CNN. I’m amazed that this guy still has a job, since he is one of the most hyper-partisan show hosts CNN has, and yet, we were promised a purging by CNN’s new boss...

Listen to how upset Stelter is that the conservative media isn’t going along with the left’s plot to destroy trump.


I love that cut. ‘The right-wing media is burying what’s going on’.

No, it’s not. The MSM outlets still have a much further reach than we do. 

We just realize our audiences don’t care. Stelter even said it: when fox news ran the hearings, ratings dropped, when they stopped, the ratings popped right back up.

Well, you dimwit: what does that tell you?

It tells you that the American people aren’t interested.  Fox News, other conservative media, we are here to serve our listeners and get the best ratings and make the most money for ourselves and our shareholders.  

Why would we run programming that drives away our audience?

But see-Stelter is such a dimwit that you don’t even have to argue with him. He argues with himself: his contention was: the right wing media is burying their coverage...but immediately admits.... but when they covered one wanted to watch it.


But here’s the kicker:  if we were covering this more closely? On the conservative side of the aisle? This jan sixth commission and its members would look even worse, because we’d be exposing their lies and exaggerations and debunking their nonsense.

As it is-there is no need! Because no one cares.

And in this instance, it’s really ‘no one’.

ABC news quickly reported on, and then buried, one of their own polls this week, when it showed that only one in ten respondents-

One in ten-said they were paying close attention to these hearings.

Now-come on.

There’s no need to ‘bury news’ when no one considers it ‘news’.

There was a great story late last week that i never got to-about how NPR went out into ‘heartland America’ to get the average person’s take on these ‘very important’ hearings.

And the people they talked to said, I’m worried about gas prices. I’m worried about inflation. I’m worried about paying my bills. I have no time for these hearings.

And this included democrats.

It amazes me that-still-after all we have been thru over the last two years or so, democrats are still obsessing over trump and are still insisting that the American people support their agenda ideas, and buy into their obsessions.

The USA today is touting a poll that shows six in ten voters say they oppose overturning roe v wade.

Okay, but how many of them really understand what happens when roe is overturned? Abortion isn’t banned, the decisions just revert to the states.

But in every poll, I’ve seen-once you get past that generic question-none of the results are good for the pro-abortion democrats.

So, the bottom line: overturning roe-is not a big motivator for voters, and so few people care about this that 2/3 say if their own state banned abortion, well, that’s how I’d be. It wouldn’t make their state or their community a less desirable place to live.

The leftists-cannot-get most people worked up about roe. Or any of these ‘killer’ left wing issues.

‘we, the people’, aren’t cooperating with today’s democrats in any way. 

But most of them are still just...barreling ahead. I mentioned crime yesterday.  After a few years of terrible crime waves....

photo credit: Getty Images

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