Lia Thomas is not a hero, just selfish.

Jay Weber Show transcript 6-1-22 7:10am

Here’s another technique that the left loves-when it benefits them: holding up a ‘victim’ or a ‘survivor’ as an ‘expert’ in something, as if they have ‘truth’ on the matter, and so the rest of us just all need to agree with them and shut up.

The trans-community on social media is trying to do that with Lia Thomas this week. She’s the Penn State swimmer who was a ‘nothing special’ collegiate swimmer as a man...but became an NCAA champion as a woman.

Thomas sat down with ABC yesterday, to respond to new evidence by experts in physiology, growth, and development- that -are saying- men or boys who transition to women-do- have a competitive advantage. One is Dr. Michael Joyner from the Mayo clinic:

“You see the divergence immediately as the testosterone surges into the boys,” “There are dramatic differences in performances.”

The records for elite adult male swimmers are on average 10 percent to 12 percent faster than the records of elite female swimmers, an advantage that has held for decades.

Little mystery attends to this. Beginning in the womb, men are bathed in testosterone and puberty accelerates that. Men on average have broader shoulders, bigger hands and longer torsos, and greater lung and heart capacity. Muscles are denser.

“There are social aspects to sport, but physiology and biology underpin it,” Dr. Joyner noted. “Testosterone is the 800-pound gorilla.”

It's crazy that this is even a question to be debated, but when you’re trying to rationalize ‘your reality’, or ‘rationalize the irrational’, people do it.

We have a whole legion of trans-advocates who want to insist. That a transwoman is a woman. A transwoman is just like any other biologically born women walking the planet.

This is their ‘article of faith’ that they cannot reconcile with facts or science, and so, they have to resort to trying to bully the rest of us into agreeing to it: agreeing to go along with the delusion.

And so, you have this new group of medical and growth experts now stating the obvious: trans-women athletes have unfair competitive advantages...and the only thing the trans community has as a reaction is ‘no, no, no, no’....

Is denial.

They-realllllyyyyy-want to believe what they want to believe.

And so, ABC sits down with Lia Thomas, as the ‘victim’ in all of this, and therefore, the one that should have ‘truth’. Correct?

And she says things in this interview which are simply incorrect and easily disproven. 

Such as- losing to a transgender woman is no different than losing to any other there’s no reason that ‘real girls and women’ should be upset about it.

Yes. It is different.

That’s as silly as saying that high school boys shouldn’t be upset if one team in the league has a few NBA players going back to school to get their high school they are playing on the high school team.

The NBA players-are men. More skilled. Stronger, faster, tougher.  

To buy Lia Thomas’s argument, none of the boys should be upset by that. Because it’s all the same level of competition.

No. It’s not a superior athlete, or superior physical specimen, has been dropped into a league of people who are roughly ‘equals.

We have -never- stood by and said nothing as attempts to rig our sports competitions were made. Cheating or bringing in ‘a ringer’ has never been considered acceptable. Why would it be any different just because the ‘ringer’ is going thru some personal emotional struggle?

She’s got to be allowed to dominate. And you all got to just shut up...cuz, she’s going thru some stuff.

That’s, and we all know it.

Thomas cannot claim to not understand the huge competitive advantage she has over biological girls, regardless of how swimming against girls makes-her-feel like more of a woman.

Greg-play our clip.

Lia Thomas

So-first, she tries to claim that she was dominating the women’s pool just because she was a ‘happier’ swimmer...swimming as a woman instead of a man.

I bet she was. Because suddenly, she was dominating.

But ‘I’m feeling more optimistic about myself’ does not turn Dennis Rodman into Michael Jordan...or Mitch Tribiski into Aaron Rodgers in every future competition.

Your physical talent doesn’t become dramatically better just because your emotional mood changed.

He’s acting as if his ‘maleness’ was weighing him down in the water...and a symbolic weight that was on him manifested itself into a ‘real’ anchor when he swam. Come on.

Then he says- we don’t transition just to dominate sports.... well...

And a lot of us feel like-he did- transition- just to dominate the women’s pool and make him feel better about himself.

All evidence points to it-given what a huge deal he made about being on the women’s team.

Look at all the controversy, strife, angst, and even pain-that he caused all the other young women on this team and across the league.

If this was just ‘about Lia’ and winning wasn’t important, then she could have dropped out of collegiate competition and decided to swim in club leagues, or in some other way.

And i know that some people will think I’m being mean here- or ‘can’t understand because you’re not trans’...

Bologna. Those are people hiding behind the ‘emotion’ of all of this again, instead of dealing with it honestly.

Lia Thomas, clearly, cannot deal with this honestly, yet.

As being a ‘trans-activist’ becomes more popular, we can anticipate a small flood of men and older boys moving into women’s and girls’ sports, and dominating them, yes.

For heaven’s sake.... she’s been in women’s NCAA swimming for-one year-and she shattered every record in every event in which she swam!

Then she says it’s ‘not disruptive’? 

Lia Thomas is displaying a selfishness here that no one will call her on.

It’s a goal that dates to when she was a boy...and when she understood that it was never going to be realized ‘as a man’.... what did she do?


So, is she chasing a personal goal here-at extreme lengths? Or does she really ‘feel like a woman’?

Either way-everything she says is framed in terms of -her-selfishness if you notice. Everyone else’s hopes, dreams, goals, ambitions, need to be put aside-in favor of hers.

Screw all those other girls and screw the sport I’m destroying. This is about ‘me’.

photo credit: Getty Images

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