Jay Weber Show transcript 4-27-22 6:10pm
During the final hour of the show yesterday, Gregory Jon and I were talking -off air- about something he was noticing on our social media pages.
He’s the Twitter and Facebook guru for the show. I tweet my own stuff, but that’s about it-
But he’s ‘on top’ of things...and yesterday morning, he noticed that we were both picking up dozens...then hundreds...of followers.
This was after I noted, in passing, that my Twitter feed had been seeing a lot more action over the past two days than normal. My interview with Tim Michel’s got far more attention on social media and in the MSM than I expected...
And this, too, is probably related.
Then- right before the end of the show- prominent liberals on twitter started to complain that they were-losing-hundreds and thousands of listeners.
So-Elon Musk buys Twitter and like magic, conservative accounts see a surge in followers and liberal accounts see a big loss of followers?
This isn’t coincidence-and Greg’s theory was- and I believe he’s right: this was the stooges at Twitter who have been manipulating the website for years- to suppress and shadow ban conservatives while boosting liberal accounts with bots and fake followers- frantically undoing a lot of it before musk takes over...and sees what was really going on.
That must be -precisely-what is happening, here. This is a company that was run by liberals-for liberals-and has built such a leftist corporate culture that when the opportunity for enormous profits was Musk’s buy-out offer-their only instinct was to ‘protect their leftist racket’-
Musk won out anyway, and so now, there is a frantic effort within that organization to hide all the leftist game playing and ‘cancel culture’ that they had baked into the algorithms over the years.
This has -got to be-what’s going on.
These shifts in ‘followers’ and ‘supporters’ was too dramatic to ignore, yesterday. Eventually, everyone caught onto it.
We got coverage of the liberal’s whining, of course, but i saw no media coverage of the other phenomenon that was happening at the same time: conservatives magically picking up hundreds to thousands of followers and seeing a lot more activity on their feeds.
I know I’ve been shadow banned in the past, by Twitter-
There were days in which I never saw my own tweets pop up on the main feed-
But the activity on my feed has been noticeably higher since Monday...suggesting to me that the Twitter algorithms had some sort of ‘horse collar’ or ‘invisible anchor’ tied to my account that was suddenly deleted or taken off.
It has me believing that that will be one sort of ‘unexpected’ way that we will find Twitter was horse collaring conservative accounts-aside from the occasional shadow-bans or all-out bans: we may find they had some sort of invisible ‘drag’ on conservative sites, unbeknownst to all of us....
As well as some sort of secret ‘booster’ program that added bots or fake accounts to popular liberal sites.
This could get -very-interesting...
And it has me agreeing with Byron York, who says, when Elon Musk takes over, it is important for him to order an audit of what was really going on there, and expose it all to the public.
I agree completely with this idea-for this reason: Twitter isn’t just ‘like Facebook’. Or ‘like Tic Tok’.
Twitter is where the movers and shakers and the influential people huddle. Twitter is where the journalists all find each other and develop the narratives that they are going to push in their newspapers and talking head shows.
Twitter is where every officeholder, politician, and candidate has an account, and where people on both the left and the right have been communicating with each other.
This is a very powerful platform. It is the truest ‘town hall’ platform that we have, today. It’s not Facebook.
Facebook is a bunch of kitty videos and pictures of the grandkids-with some political activism and opinions thrown in: twitter is the influential town hall.
And so- it matters greatly that twitter execs and employees were manipulating the content and the conversations-and how.
Musk is getting a lot of free advice on ‘what he needs to do now’...
But this should be an important mission: to expose what the leftists who have run twitter for decades- did over the decades-to influence and censure free speech. A free exchange of ideas.
Musk would also have to do it quickly, because it looks as if twitter’s engineers are already trying to erase the evidence.
And this is what I see as musk’s biggest challenge with a twitter turnaround-and no one is talking about it: folks- everyone who works at twitter-from managers down to minions- seems to be a lefty.
It is a company born and bred in San Francisco. It’s where the corporate headquarters are. It has developed a very leftist, activist corporate culture over the years-
Even if Musk is suddenly ‘the man at the top’, he is going to be fighting against an entire leftist tide working against him at every turn...once he takes over.
This reminds me of when republicans take over government. They don’t, really. Because virtually every government worker in dc and Madison-is a big lefty.
When Scott Walker and republicans took control of Madison in 2010- they had to fight the leftist bureaucrats within the government agencies-at every single turn- to get their reforms implemented.
It's one reason that our elections are still so screwed up: because the legislature and walker had to kill off a govt accountability board that was topped with leftists who-refused- to implement voter id and election integrity laws...
And when they did it- I said – fire the staffers. Fire the staffers. They are the ones who are making the trouble for you and who refuse to follow your new laws-and giving the political appointees bad advice
Well- lawmakers didn’t fire the staffers-and now they’re poisoning the well at the ‘Wisconsin election commission’.
Government is-top down-full of leftist bureaucrats and staffers who work against republicans at every turn.
Musk is going to have the same problem at twitter. He is going to have to usher in a whole group of new managers and somehow pull off a sea-change of that corporate culture...
And i don’t know if he can do it. He’s splitting his time between tesla, space x, and now twitter. He’s going to have to find a like-minded libertarian or conservative ‘hatchet man’ to go in there and lay waste to the liberal workforce.
And until he does-
Until he does- he can expect entire departments to be working against him, trying to sabotage him, and trying to destroy the company.
How dumb is it for twitter employees to vent on the company’s internal message boards?
How dumb do you have to be-to slam and smear and insult the new owner- right on the company-controlled message boards?
What dimwits.
Elon will have a good list of his ‘enemies’ within the company on the first day that he takes control. All he needs to do is have his people scour the message boards.
But-this road ahead isn’t going to be easy.
It was easy to spout off about free speech. It was easy to criticize twitter and claim you had some ideas to improve it.
It will be much, much more difficult to manage it. Especially when the company has thousands of employees and they are nearly all cry bully, ‘woke’, leftists.
photo credit: My Twitter account