All week, the White House will blame Putin for the 8.5% inflation rate.

Jay Weber Show transcript 4-12-22 6:10am (segment aired before the inflation report was released
(Report released at 7:30am was 8.5 percent inflation.)

The next inflation report is due out today: price hikes for march-

And the left-wing news site Axios claims to have already seen the number- and its 8.4 percent inflation.

That represent-another! -half percent jump in this inflation rate, just since February.  

February inflation had us paying 7.9 percent over what we were paying for goods and services over February of 2021-before bidden and the Dems started tampering with the economy-

March’s numbers are going to be even worse.

And maybe Axios is correct on the figure, maybe they aren’t, but the Biden white house knows what’s coming...and they had Jen Psaki pre-emptively selling lies and spin-hard- yesterday, in anticipation of this number.

This is now the umpteenth time that the Biden white house has- a day or two ahead of time- tried to prepare their accomplices in the white house press room to be ready for a shockingly high number....

And the reason they do it is obvious: Psaki is signaling to the reporters and the leaders of their newsrooms- don’t act shocked. Don’t see the figure and react to the fact that it-is-as shocking as it seems.

Instead, be prepared for the blow, and let us give you a preview of our excuses ahead of time.

This is why Psaki and Biden’s White House do these ‘previews’ of the inflation numbers they will be releasing: it is-literally-to prepare leftist reporters and editors for the ‘shock’, and to get the regime’s talking points into their accomplices’ hands in the media-ahead of time.

It's as rigged as Putin’s media in Russia: here’s what’s going to be happening. Here’s how you need to sell the shock to the people.

How is that any different than what’s going on in the Russian or Chinese media?

The only difference in Biden’s spin and talking points are a ‘strong suggestion’ Russia or China, they are a demand: this is what you will print, or you’ll be jailed or shot.

The democrats in dc aren’t quite at that level, but they are at: here’s what you should print if you want to remain in good standing on the left and get access to our administration, so you can keep doing your jobs as reporters.

There’s still a strongly implied threat, there.

and ludicrously, Psaki claimed that we quote, are in a better place than we were last month...overall.

No. We aren’t. None of the basics related to inflation or Biden’s price hikes and supply line problems which Putin’s war has now added to- are better.

Psaki just told reporters to write that-and then she used the phrase ‘Putin’s price hikes’ about fifteen times.... because that’s who the Dems want America’s dimwit voters to believe caused all of this. Not Biden and the democrats, who are the real culprits.

Folks-just over the weekend, the fed’s four top economists released a report that said the dem’s final covid relief bill was to blame for the fact that America’s inflation is so much worse than the rest of the worlds.

Because- economies around the entire globe are bouncing back-post covid- and most of them are seeing three percent inflation. Maybe five. Only America is heading toward ten percent inflation. And it’s that idiotic, totally unnecessary, big cash giveaway Biden the Dems passed last march.

The fed’s top economists confirm it.

But hey...some chunk of the American electorate is made up of gullible idiots and so ...the sad fact is that...quite often...the democrat’s lies and organized efforts to spin- work.

There’s a new ABC poll out that shows yes, about half of the country still blames Biden and the democrats for this inflation and high gas prices...but even more blame Putin and the Ukrainian war....

Which offers some proof that numbskulls who never pay attention are hearing ‘Putin price hikes’ and absorbing it. The propaganda-too often-works.

Even the leftist editors at Axios couldn’t suppress their surprise:

And by the way-none of these prognosticators really expect these prices to fall significantly between now-and next year currently.

If inflation is nearly 9 percent now, they predict it will be nearly seven percent...a year from now.

So, don’t expect any relief from this ‘price pain’ any time soon.

Well- consider this: this news of inflation continuing to get worse- even had ‘Joe and Mika’s leftist MSNBC panel talking about how -at some point- Biden and the democrats cannot simply ‘spin’ their way out of this. Out of getting blamed.

And this is a revealing exchange in another way, too.  Al Sharpton is sitting there. Former NY Mayor DeBlasio is sitting there. A few other dc liberals who i couldn’t identify by site-

This is MSNBC’s morning panel of dc insiders. I’ve explained how this show gets-no ratings- but has been on for years because the NY and DC elites like it and watch it...and some of them even get invited in to sit on the set.

So-these are the ‘insiders’ of ‘lefty insiders. And notice how they frame this...because it is how dc elites and the ‘smart people’ really view politics and the task of running the country.

It couldn’t be a more cynical view: they make it clear that-the ‘excuses’ you make...are they’re more important than the ‘reality’ you are facing.

Listen to them, essentially admit, that Biden and the Dems-of course- touched off this inflation-and of course-they are lying about being able to fix it, or do anything about it, and so, of course, all they are going to offer is lies and political some can’t get your idiot voters to believe the lies- listen.

Isn’t that a rare-and revealing- exchange?

It’s dc insiders talking about how even Biden and the Dems won’t be able to lie and spin their way out of this one, at some point.

Sharpton even goes further than the other panelists do and admits it all happened under your watch. You made all sorts of promises to the American people, then touched off inflation, and everything got worse- under you-

It's hard to lie your way out of that....Sharpton says.

Yes. It is.

This is a big problem for the Dems in the midterms because-as even the MSNBC morning panel has discovered- democrats can’t just lie and spin their way out of these problems the Biden White House and the dem congress have created over the past year: their very policies touched them off-and everyone knows it...and worst of all...everyone feels the consequences.

To quote Al Sharpton (and i can’t believe I’m doing it but....)  All of this happened while you democrats were in power. You told us to put you in power. We put you in power, and now i can’t afford the life I’m living.

And this is now-April. Early voting starts in September. It’s about four months away. The democrats abandoned Bernie’s socialist spending bill before the hopes that their fortunes would improve by now. By Easter.

Biden and the dems not only-arrogantly- ignored all good advice and touched off the inflation- they insulted the intelligence of American people as they did it.

Then-when the higher inflation hit...and prices quickly rose by five percent...the Biden admin and the Dems, with their talking points, insulted us again, and said.... just shut up and deal with it. It’ll be temporary.

It wasn’t. In fact, if the inflation rate announced for march today-is -around nine means that the price pain has-doubled- since these a-holes in dc told us ‘It’s temporary, just suck it up’ last august.  

Most voters-remember. And most younger voters are getting a great lesson in ‘voting democrat’. I hope it sticks with them-for life.

The 30-year mortgage rate is now above five percent. And coupled with the insane rise in home prices over the last year...huge numbers of young people are being frozen out of the American dream. By Biden and the democrats.

Learn the lesson, young people. Voting democrat only ever leads to more dysfunction and more misery. More crime, more taxes, more debts, less freedoms.

I am -not- exaggerating. If you pay attention, you will learn that voting democrat only ever leads to more dysfunction and more misery.

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