Putin’s price hikes? Why Democrats can't afford to tell you the truth

Jay Weber Show transcript 3-9-22 6:10am

So...as President Biden announced an executive order to ban Russian oil imports-and he did so in a desperate attempt to claim the ‘win’ for himself before congress sent him a bipartisan order to do so-anyway-

Biden also tried to spin his own culpability in our high gas prices. He tried to blame the rising prices on Putin, even though his year-long war on fossil fuels had already added a dollar to a dollar-ten to the price of a gallon of gasoline.

And if you are one of the leftists who are infuriated when you hear that simple fact- just do some googling.

You really shouldn’t have to-because we all just lived thru it-

But gas prices were 2.30 a gallon the day Biden took office and were 3.40 a gallon on the day that Putin invaded Ukraine. That first ‘dollar’ price hike is ‘all on’ Biden, and his stifling of the energy sector during his first year.

But yesterday, he tried to get a narrative going that you are going to hear the democrats and their accomplices in the media using: Putin’s price hikes.

Get ready to hear that phrase as the democrats try to blame their price hikes entirely on Putin.

Biden also did one other thing that ‘low information voters’ might believe. He spins this story, about how it’s a lie that his policies are limiting domestic oil production.

President Biden

That might sound right to a bunch of people who don’t know better- but it is yet another instance of Biden and his team using very misleading facts to -pretend-as if more production is Biden’s doing...or as if to -pretend-that he’s been pro-fossil fuels.

This is like his claim that he’s created the most jobs of any president in history, 6.5 million.

That stat is of the Americans who were simply allowed to go back to work- post-covid. And we are still 2.8-million workers shy of where we were before covid hit and the country’s shut down.

And so-if you want to look at it honestly, Biden is still nearly three-million jobs ‘behind’ on job creation. But this is how the Dems manipulate numbers and spin alleged facts.

He did that again, yesterday.

There are several ‘hedges’ in what he said, there. Including that the u-s is producing more oil now than when he took office.

That again-might be technically true-but only because oil producers dramatically scaled back like everyone else during covid and only ramped back up once Biden was back in office and demand for oil was on the rise, again.

Then there’s the lie dishonest hedge that. Quote...the united states pumped more oil during my first year in office than did during trump’s.

Again. That might be technically true. But why?

Because trump got into office and said drill, baby, drill. And oil production boomed!

Biden can’t take credit for four years of growth in the oil and gas sector under Trump...and pretend as if he made it happen.

Of course! America was pumping more oil and gas in trump’s last year, than Trump’s first year. That’s the entire point of this argument! 

Biden took over a country that was energy independent, and in a year, has us reliant on the Russians for 8 percent of our oil, again.


Due to Biden’s policies.

But i want to open the phone lines on this question:

How do we know Joe Biden and his team are still being highly dishonest when they talk about gas prices, and their unwillingness to allow for more domestic production?

How do we know that they are -still-lying about it? 

I’m looking for a specific answer-and it’ll be pretty obvious when you hear it-

But how do we know Biden and Psaki are-still-lying when they claim they aren’t discouraging more US oil and gas production?

And if you think Biden and democrats have been lying about their price hikes, already, just wait for the flurry of lying and spinning that is yet to come.

DC insiders say the democrats in tough races in fall are petrified that their party is going to be blamed for these high gas prices-

As they should be- Biden attacked fossil fuels and added a dollar a gallon to the price- and then botched up the diplomatic attempts to keep Putin out of Ukraine. He showed weakness for a year, had a bungled Afghan withdrawal, then practically begs Putin to invade-

Of course, this is all the democrat’s fault...

But the dc Dems are so terrified that they are going to be blamed for it that they are going to be going all-out to message ‘Putin’s price hikes. Putin’s price hikes. Putin’s price hikes.

And they are going to try to blame -not just gas and energy prices on him- but all of inflation on him. You watch, very soon, we are going to hear democrats trying to blame Biden’s inflation on Putin. It’s coming.

How do we know Biden is lying when he says he’s not holding back American energy production?

Yes! Joe Biden still hasn’t asked u-s oil producers to produce more.

And that’s the echoing silence that proves Biden and his team simply continue to lie.

Folks- thru out all of this: his killing of the keystone. His banning of new oil drilling in federal lands and waters-

All thru-out the first dollars’ worth of price hikes-and now- all thru the Ukraine crisis- President Biden still hasn’t called on our u-s energy producers to produce more.

Have you noticed that?

And yes, this is important, given how much rhetorical power a president has: all Donald Trump had to do, upon winning office, was signal to u-s energy producers that he wasn’t going to screw with them. The hyper-regulations and uncertainty of the Obama era were over-

And our energy sector boomed.

The rhetoric coming out of any white house-absolutely- affects industries and affects markets.

And to this day- thru all the turmoil and price hikes-and despite months of us attacking Biden for refusing to drill-

He still hasn’t called on u-s oil producers to produce more.

He has asked OPEC-plus...which includes Russia. He did that months ago.

He has now asked Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, specifically-to pump more.

But he hasn’t made a single ‘ask’ to a single American energy producer.  

Biden hasn’t asked Texas or North Dakota or Alaska to produce more. He hasn’t made one single overture that doing so would help this country. 

Instead, he has begged enemy states.

And this all you need to know, as you assess the veracity of Biden’s statements on oil and gas prices.

These extreme eco-idiots still refuse. Refuse. To call on American energy producers to produce more.

Biden had another golden opportunity to do so yesterday and didn’t. He only pretended that he’s not the reason they aren’t doing so.

Over the course of more than a year of higher gas prices now- Jen Psaki- not once- in her daily briefings- has said, even off-handedly, of course we’d call on u-s oil producers to increase production, yes...but that won’t solve the problem.

Notice that they-never- give air to the idea. Ever.

And it is because they are gas lighting the American people in a big way.

They are are-just-lying.

They know that calling on u-s producers to drill would force them to admit that the last 40 years of their energy policy has been dangerously dumb...

And they know that more pumping would set back their war on fossil fuels by decades.

And so, they lie, instead.

photo credit: Getty Images

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