Joe Biden's inflation is costing you an extra car payment.

The latest analysis suggests that Biden’s inflation is now costing the average US household another 400 dollars per month.

It varies a little by region, as prices do, but 400 bucks is about the average. And this is before gas prices-really-start to climb.

Consumer prices in the U.S. surged 7.5% in January, the most since 1982, while prices at the producer level jumped 9.7%, the highest ever. 

On average, American families are paying about $385 more a month for just about everything, but for some, costs are even higher according to a FOX Business exclusive based on a new report from Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, ranking member of the Joint Economic Committee. 

Lee and his team, including senior economist Jackie Benson, found households in his home state of Utah and the Mountain West region are facing inflation rates of around 9%, adding an extra $511 in costs monthly. In the Pacific, costs are $412 more, while the West North and East North Central, as well as New England and East South Central, are seeing costs of more than $300.

Yep. And that was only one of the ‘whopper’ lies that he told during the state of the union: that spending another 4 to 6-trillion dollars that we don’t have would-somehow, miraculously- tame inflation and bring down the deficit.

He also blatantly lied-again- about the Trump/Ryan tax cuts.  

And look, it’s one thing for the left-wing activists and pundits to lie- it’s another thing for elected officials to lie.

And official government reports that have been done on the trump tax cuts prove that nearly all Americans saw their taxes go down because of them, as the top one or two percent of American taxpayers saw their tax burden increase-

Which is what the democrats keep insisting they want to see: lower taxes on the middle class, so we can revitalize it and narrow the widening ‘class gap’....and more taxes on the high-end earners. The so-called ‘rich’.

Official government reports and independent analysis from long-credible financial institutions have proven-without a shade of a doubt-

That the Trump/Ryan tax cuts worked as intended: as the republicans said they would: virtually all Americans (who still pay federal taxes) saw their tax burden go down, as the top one or two percent saw it go up.

And I assume there are lefties listening who are getting all exercised and red-faced because that’s not what Rachel Maddow tells them-but darn it- have an independent thought. Do some googling for serious sources.

The effects of the Trump/Ryan taxes on the American people’s federal tax burden-are not up for genuine debate- regardless of how willful left-wing liars want to spin it.

I’m old enough to remember when democrats fawned over government studies: ooh.... ooh! but it’s the labor department saying this. This is an ‘official report’.... They’d speak. You can’t question it.


Anyone older than 40 knows what I’m talking about: the democrat’s trust in government is-so absolute- that if it’s a fact included in a government report- they wet their pants.

Oooh......the commerce department said so...i just leaked into my depends...

Or at least they used to. Now? If that ‘credible govt data’ doesn’t fit their false narrative- they don’t want to believe it.  It’s nonsense.

And this is one of the worst features of America today-and of the internet age: it’s like facts have become whatever someone wants to believe.

If you -really-want it to be Sunday, today, it’s Sunday.

 it’s as if what is ‘true’ or ‘factual’ is negotiable. It’s not.  

Here’s a good falsehood that we are dealing with, currently: if you-really want- to believe that lawmakers can overturn the Wisconsin election results, then they can...

Nope. They can’t. So, use your anger more constructively....and vote out his democrat governor in we can fix things.

But- this ‘trump tax’ lie- has become gospel on the left. It’s believed with a religious fervor:

If you -really-want trump’s tax cuts to have only gone to the rich- then that’s what happened.

No. It’s not.

The Trump/Ryan tax cuts didn’t go to the rich and they didn’t widen the inequity gap. Nothing ‘trickled down’.  Those at the top got higher taxes-not lower.

 Biden just lied.

Trump’s tax cuts-specifically-as laid out in ink-

Specifically-did not give tax breaks to people at the top. Only everyone else. So, Biden just lies. 

All these democrats can do! Is lie, anymore. They’ve got their priorities, their side of the aisle, and their policy platform so screwed up-that all they can do is lie.

Biden sounded more like Donald Trump than Joe Biden or barrack Obama on Tuesday-didn’t he?

We got to secure our border. We got to fund the police. We got to stand up for democracy and our troops.

Who was that guy?

Simple plan: don’t vote democrat.

And I’m not being cavalier, here: today’s democrat party is controlled by the socialist progressive left, and their platform is so anti-American, so dangerously dumb, that not a single ‘thinking’ American should be voting democrat right now.

This party and its leaders need to be delt loss, after loss, after loss, after loss- at the polls- until they decide to either moderate and wake up, and grow up, and get serious about what leadership is- and leadership means.

It means smart solutions that leave the lightest government footprint possible on the backs of the American citizens.

It means- putting value on citizens over illegals.

It means closing and controlling our borders against foreign enemies, and human and drug trafficking operations.

It means-getting serious about taxpayer spending and putting some effort into crafting and proposing serious, helpful govt. programs and new laws-and not just promising more ‘freebees’ and ‘candy’ to the low iq voters and ‘takers’ every election.

Until this democrat party rejects their kook fringe and pulls its act together-

And does it much closer to the moderate middle- not a single American with a functioning brain should vote democrat.

Story credit: Fox Business News
Photo credit: Getty Images

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