Tony Evers doesn't care about you

Jay Weber Show transcript 3-1-22 6:40am

This segment, I want to talk about Evers’ useless-yet revealing-answers on a Sunday TV show this weekend.

We have the latest Marquette poll is coming out tomorrow, but even NBC wrote a lengthy article over the weekend about how Evers is in trouble here in Wisconsin.

And the story focuses on crime as ‘the’ major issue, and it might be. But i talked about how -for maybe the first time in my many years of doing this- educational issues are actually moving    voters this year so the governor is vulnerable on that---having been the state superintendent who managed Wisconsin’s public schools into a state of liberal-dominated mediocrity and left-wing indoctrination. 

And then there’s Tony Evers’ total lack of accomplishments. Even Charles Franklin, the pollster for MU, admits that Wisconsin voters can’t really name anything that Gov. Evers has done for them -in four years.

And frankly? That could either work in Evers’ favor in fall-or work against him. And what I mean is-Wisconsin voters have a history of keeping ‘do nothings’ in important political positions. We send people like herb kohl and Tammy Baldwin to serve in Washington-for decades-when they are nothing but wasted

Place holders. Milwaukee and Madison voters keep electing the same terrible, hands off, do-nothing mayors over and repeatedly.

And so-maybe Evers’ apathy and lack of a record will ‘save him’ in fall, in what is supposed to be a good year for republicans. Who knows?

But he needs to be called out for his total lack of interest in governing this state or tackling its problems.  And this interview he did with a Madison TV station on Sunday is a wonderful illustration of how terribly disinterested in this job -this state-and its people-Tony Evers is.

This is the interview in which he claimed his busy schedule has kept him from meeting with the families of Milwaukee’s crime victims-

And no- he doesn’t particularly have a position on   the no-bail policies that have caused a spike in crime across the country because....yah know...there’s no bill pending on it...or any action that might come to me..

What a dope.

Let’s start with the question on no-bail...from WKOW-TV.

Tony Evers cut 1

That answer should disqualify Tony Evers from a second term- on its own, my friends. And I’m not exaggerating. This man has been the governor of this state for four years, and has seen crime rise across the board in the two largest and most important cities in his state-and he has no opinion on the rise in crime?

He hasn’t given-any? -thought to ‘no bail’ policies because he hasn’t had to directly deal with a bill on it yet?

That’s pathetic. Tony Evers is such a negligent governor that he doesn't even try to hide his apathy. Especially when it comes to the biggest issue for voters in Wisconsin: rising crime.  Wow.

How can the governor of-any state-just...not...think about...? crime? something requires his signature?  

This should be mortifying to any wi voter.

Then there’s the follow up question about whether he has met with the families of any of Milwaukee’s homicide victims recently. he did his best Joe Biden:

Tony Evers cut 2

The sort of mumbling, jumbled stop is what tickles me. What a clown. 

He's totally unprepared   for this interview and disinterested in his job, and he doesn’t even care if it shows. 

Patrick Marley of the j/s-did do a story based on Evers’ foolish response about his ‘busy schedule’, but if these responses had come out of the mouth of Scott Walker or a conservative governor?  The statewide media would be launching new efforts today to portray our governor as an uncaring racist who is so disinterested in black crime victims and last year’s 200 homicide victims in Milwaukee that he hasn’t even given them a second thought.

And isn’t that a fair takes away -given what we just heard there-from Evers?

This is an old white liberal whose life has always been lived in a quiet, Madison bubble- it is a city that he rarely leaves, in fact-

And no, Tony Evers never gives a second thought to all the crime going on in Milwaukee, Racine, etc.- no. He’s just made that clear.

That’s black people killing black people-somewhere outside of Madison- and Evers-as the head of the party that claims to care the most about minorities and gun violence- hasn’t given any of it a second thought. No.

And that is pathetic.

story credit: J/S online/WKOW-TV
photo credit: Getty Images

Jay Weber Show Segment 3-1-22 6:40am

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