Jay Weber Show transcript 2-22-22
Dan Bice posted this story after I was already on the air, yesterday morning, so I am going to double back on it today.
I assume the other show hosts might have talked about it: Mandela Barnes, as the democrat leading the democrat primary for US Senate to take on Ron Johnson- ‘going big’ on eliminating bail nationwide.
I said on social media yesterday; this, in and of itself, is an immediate disqualifier. Mandela Barnes should never, ever, be a US Senator.
And what a stupid miscalculation by Barnes and his campaign.
The only thing that might save him is that every other democrat who is running in this race might stupidly do the same. But according to Bice, the other top names are at least smart enough to hedge on this.
I know that democrats think that winning a statewide race is ‘all about’ impressing the rabid democrats in Milwaukee and Dane Counties, but those democrats also need at least a smattering of votes from more moderate democrats who live in the 70 other counties, and running on a pro-crime, no bail, no prison platform is going to do real damage to a statewide campaign.
I’d expect the Johnson campaign to really play this up and capitalize on it if Barnes wins the primary in august.
And as I say-the other 6 or 7 democrats in this race might also be dumb enough to campaign on a nationwide pro-criminal platform, but here’s a tip for any one of them who might want to set themselves apart: be the guy or gal who actually supports the citizenry over the thug community.
Be the-one candidate in the bunch-who expresses support for holding violent criminals until trial, and then holding them accountable for their crimes.
You don’t even have to be ‘pro-cop’. That would probably be the kiss of death in Madison and Milwaukee- if you expressed support for law enforcement.
But even left-wing voters want the criminals off the streets, and the last two years have proven that these no-bail policies are crazy, and are contributing to the spike in murders and crime-
So, admit it.
Run against the latest idiotic left-wing tide, and stand up for common sense: yes, we need to hold violent criminals for trial. Yeah.
I see this as a big miscalculation by Mandela Barnes’ campaign, if they think they can virtue signal to the socialist left to win the primary, then pivot back for the general.
As I say-I don’t even think this position wins you votes anywhere outside of Madison or Milwaukee.
Barnes is saying-no bail. As in- this perp is either dangerous enough to remain in jail until the trial- or he’s released after arrest and processing-there is no in-between. And Barne’s minion says that’s to ensure that no person can get out of jail by paying a certain amount of cash. As if- the cash bail system is worse than the no-bail system. Either this person is dangerous, or not. If he’s dangerous-hold him for trial-if not, let him go. Don’t let people ‘buy their way’ out of jail.
Now-if that sounds ‘about right’ to you, you’d better think again, because what the ‘no-bail’ laws do, in practice, is have judges releasing-everyone. Every thug and criminal-back out onto the streets before trial. If you aren’t accused of murder-and sometimes even if you are- you get to go home after your arrest and maybe you return for trial and maybe you don’t.
The most seasoned thugs- don’t. Of course. It is why you see so many criminals today with ‘bail jumping’ charges against them, in Chisolm’s Milwaukee.
Because the crooks know- the cops won’t come looking for me if I miss my court date. They’re too busy as it is. So, I’ll just skip it. Let them come find me. And so, this system leads to -more crime-and far less accountability-than the cash bail system. Hands down. No debate.
New York, Chicago, LA, every major city that has gone to ‘no bail’ has seen a significant spike in crime. More arrests of people who are already awaiting trial on earlier crimes. More open beatings and shootings in the streets as emboldened criminals and gang members even scores.
It's a terrible system that has backfired exactly as you expect it would-if you have a brain in your head.
And Mandela Barnes’ minions can try to pretend as if Darrel Brooks wouldn’t have been let out of prison to drive thru the Waukesha parade if there’d been ‘no cash bail’ but he would have. because Chisolm’s DA and the judge would have had to make the decision-is brooks so violent that he needs to be imprisoned before trial...and they would have concluded ‘no’.
How do I know?
Because he wasn’t in front of the judge on a murder charge. Everything else is ‘minor’ in these no-bail systems. Virtually no one-is-ever- held for trial.
No-bail laws are dangerously dumb, and it’s already being proven across the country, where they are in place. Supporting one for Wisconsin, or nationwide, is genuinely-an immediate disqualifier for anyone who would want to represent Wisconsin in the Senate.
Here's another thing I’d point out. Let’s start watching it now, and see if it becomes Mandela’s routine for the next six months-
But have you noticed, yet, that Mandela Barnes never does direct interviews?
I see and hear Alex Lasry directly quoted. I see and hear tom nelson and Sarah Godlewski directly quoted.
I only seem to hear or see Mandela Barnes’ position or quote...as filtered thru a minion or in a campaign statement.
Is Barnes refusing to direct interviews?
This is, like, Dan Bice’s 3rd story on Mandela Barnes over the past month or so, and Mandela never comes to the phone. Never answers Bice’s questions directly.
Why is that?
Is Barnes afraid of answering any tough or direct questions?
And if so-what does it mean for the man’s honesty or integrity?
Are you, Mandela, going to hide and half-ass your way thru this senate primary, because you think you’re ahead?
Just-watch for that.
It’s not -always-
But nearly always-over the last year or so- i have noticed that Mandela Barnes is-never- speaking for himself. He’s never doing the interviews. He’s only ever got minions responding for him, via email or written statement.
What’s Barnes so afraid of?
Being held accountable for past positions?
Being made to explain his numerous radical and idiotic statements he’s made in the past?
story credit: jsonline.com
photo credit: Fox 6 News/Milwaukee
Mandela Barnes ‘going big’ on eliminating bail nationwide