The Dems are claiming "Biden Beat Covid" as part of their latest pivot

Jay Weber Show transcript 2-9-22

So- four Democrat Governors move to rescind their statewide mask mandates all on the same day. Several big city mayors join in and start announcing the end to bullying covid rules.

It has all the hallmarks of the democrats doing a political-coordinated 180. Doesn’t it?

Of course, it is.

And any question over whether this is a decision being made based on ‘politics’ and not ‘public health’, the head of Pelosi’s house fundraising committee erased all doubt, yesterday.

Out of the blue, the head of the Dems congressional campaign committee declared that the party needs an ‘off-ramp’ on the pandemic.

Exactly what I predicted this was going to be: democrats claiming to have beaten covid, instead of admitting to their numerous, useless, bullying tactics over the past two years.

So-first Murphy gives us the lie that ‘it was the president’s leadership and the democrat plan that has us here’.

Wrong. Biden had no plan, and that’s been clear for over a year.

And i hope you didn’t miss this-because-after two years of making it clear that we, the people, do not know what best for ourselves, so their nanny-bully government needed to control us...

Now....Murphy tries to pretend as if hey, you all know what’s best...and quote...we trust parents to know what’s best for their children and their schools.’

That. Quote. Is infuriating. And if this is really one of the messages that the democrats are going to try to feed to the American people after two years of bullying lockdowns and never-ending control of our children-

Whew. The American people are going to be pissed.

Aren’t they?

Do you think that democrats can pivot to ‘we trust the parents’....and get away with it? 

And by that i mean-will angry parents buy it, and will this change in messaging have voters forgetting about the last two years of covid torture at democrat hands?

Can Biden and the dem governors and mayors just pivot now to ‘covid is over’-and get away with it? When in truth-the covid infection rates are nearly as high as they’ve ever been, over the last two years, and thousands more will still die of omicron?

Can the democrats- now? -on the back-slope of a massive spike it cases? Get away with pretending that they have ‘beaten covid?’or ‘solved something’? And all-credit goes to Biden?

My god, this is offensive.

It’s one of those items that makes me want to swear on the radio.

And we know these are -absolutely-the pre-approved talking points that went out this week, because I have audio of another democrat leader parroting them out.

This is Hakeem Jefferies, one of the Dems whose name is mentioned as a possible Pelosi replacement when she finally keeps her word and retires....

Listen to this clown:


Jeffries is wrong on every single one of those contentions, by the way. Biden has botched this economic recovery. Wages are-not up- due to Biden’s seven percent inflation...etc.

But he tries to sell the same tripe about Biden beating covid.

Come on.

He-ludicrously- credits Biden for omicron numbers dropping. That’s like crediting Biden for the setting of the sun.

We knew omicron’s numbers were going to spike fast and drop fast. And they are following the same pattern they did in south Africa, and Britain and Israel.

Is Biden so powerful that he got omicron cases to drop in several foreign countries? 

They dropped dramatically-on their own-as i have been telling you they would for weeks. Because we knew how omicron acted.  Joe Biden had nothing to do with ‘beating’ covid.

Moreover- there are reasons that Biden and the democrats-can be blamed-for extending covid.

Biden’s team could have done an ‘operation warp speed’ on therapeutics and these covid cure pills. He could have had a flood of them ready for the omicron spike. And he blew it.

And as I said in December-

It still stands today: anyone who was hospitalized and/or died of covid after Christmas I’d blame on Biden.  He could have-and should have-had a simple ‘cure bill’ ready to go, with hundreds of millions of doses ready.

He blew it. And so, yes, most of these future covid deaths are ‘on his head’ yeah.

You know democrats would be blaming trump under the same conditions.

But what scumbags these democrats are.

Yesterday, i did a segment about how they will lie about anything and everything...and’s the newest batch of lies:  we got to say Biden beat covid, because it’s the only way we can drop mask mandates and bullying covid rules now, months before the election, so the voters won’t remember.

That is-all this-is about this week, my friends.

And we know because-none of their new directives-are following their own science. Correct?

The number of covid cases is still as high as it’s ever been, over the last two years. Correct?

Sure-we are past the omicron spike-but thousands remain hospitalized in every state. Thousands of deaths are still coming-from this omicron wave. It’s not over yet. 

So, how or why? Can we magically- all remove our masks and drop the covid protocols and move on?

It makes no sense-based on the very standards that these scummy democrats have harped on for two years.

A clip from CNN’s lying doctor, wen, circulated yesterday, in which she said the ‘conditions’ have changed and the ‘science has changed’ and so, we can relax all of these mandates, now.

No. They haven’t.

The case loads are still high and-none of the science has changed recently. The dems have been clinging to falsehoods for two years...because they thought it benefitted them...and now they want to drop them all because the voters are angry.

That’s all that’s changed.

Oh-and by the way-even though the science on masking was always wrong-and what’s changed is that the CDC finally admitted it four weeks ago...

Even though-that! -has changed Jen Psaki and the Biden white house still said-as of yesterday- school children should be masked.


Even now, as the party talking points have shifted and Dem Govs. and mayors are ending mask mandates- even now-Biden’s CDC is-by god-sticking to a mask mandate for our kids that was-never valid.

And they don’t think the people are going to find this pivot infuriating?

Once again-the democrats are insulting your intelligence.  Why anyone would vote for these dangerously dishonest clowns is beyond me.

And one more ‘take’ to pass along here: what if a more deadly strain of covid pops up before next fall’s elections?  

Do the Dems just-pretend? -as if Biden still beat covid, and try to push past it?

Or do they rush into a new lockdown mode and admit Biden didn’t do diddly?

story credit: Grabien News
photo credit: Gregory Jon meme

The Dems are claiming "Biden Beat Covid" as part of their latest pivot

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