Jay Weber Show transcript 1-24-22 7:10am
This weekend signaled a clearer turning point in the fight against covid.
Two or three weeks ago, i pointed out how the democrats and their talking heads were starting to pivot on their covid rhetoric.
And they are, because they want covid behind us as an ‘issue’ in fall, even if it’s still with us.
The Dems have given up on the promise to ‘stop’ covid, because it was a promise they couldn’t keep from the very beginning, but where too stupid to realize it.
Then omicron hit and exposed their idiocy. Omicron was also a “wake up’ call for the left-wing strategists who said, we just must get rid of this as an issue, no matter what. Biden’s inability to keep his vow to ‘end this’ is killing’ us in the polls and focus groups.
And so-the great pivot was underway.
What is has morphed into, though, is what I’ll call the ‘great disgust’.
It’s like the pivot from -democrat leaders-gave everyone else on the left ‘permission’ to start telling the truth ‘permission’ to start admitting to what they think and know. And gee, does it sound a lot like what we conservatives have been saying for well over a year.
The left-wing columnists and talking heads are clearly feeling ‘liberated’ to now tell the truth. Listen to lock-step-leftist and celebrated columnist Bari Weiss...on Bill Maher’s show on HBO. This clip went viral and was circulating all weekend-because it’s are thing: a woke leftist, in good standing, finally telling the truth. And listen to the rabidly left-wing audience reacts, as well.
Bill Maher’s audience is always stacked with leftists, and they couldn’t cheer loud enough, for Weiss’s sentiments.
Gee. Do you think the people who mindlessly tossed in with the ‘nanny state’ and believed the word of dr. Fauci and the CDC on blind faith...have a little ‘buyer’s remorse?’
That was a remarkable moment.
And it came after a monolog in which Maher, himself, said I am so done with this. I am so done with you bullies and your masks and your passports...
Do you know what I love about that last take: it looks like liberals are always suggesting sacrifices that they, themselves, don’t have to take part in?
This is Bill Maher and a bunch of NY leftists-finally-getting it. I just wish they’d widen the aperture, because we, in this audience, know this isn’t new: liberals-have always!!- and are always! Suggesting sacrifices that they never intend to make themselves.
My god-this was what fueled half of rush’s show for 40 years: liberals putting new burdens on the rest of us that they-never-intended to carry.
-here are even more taxes we liberal elites don’t tend to pay.
-here is Obamacare, which we have exempted ourselves from.
-here are some laws about illegal nannies and gardeners that we don’t intend to follow.
-here are some laws about insider trading and market manipulation that we don’t intend to follow.
-here are new regulatory burdens that will add time and expense to your business that we aren’t even sure are possible for you to comply with.
-here are mask and vaccine mandates that we don’t intend to follow.
Here are -close down orders- that we don’t intend to follow, because Nancy Pelosi still wants to have her hair done and Gavin Newsome still wants to party with his friends.
I could go on forever with this.
And the other left-wing elites, like Bill Maher and Bari Weiss never care, because they have been in the exempted class-
But they weren’t when it came to covid. Suddenly, they had to comply with the leftist bullying, as they saw only the super-elites get special treatment and ignore the rules that the rest of us had to follow.
But-even then-people-
you heard Weiss- even then-they were certain that ‘doing what they were told’ was going to be helpful. They were certain all that early covid advice was good and true, and so they followed it themselves and acted as bullying enforcers for the regime, right?
It’s a great example of the sort of blind faith that today’s arrogant and ignorant lefties have in their leaders.Weiss admits-without question- I followed all their rules.
It took two years-for her to wake up and admit how stupid she was being and how easily she was manipulated by big govt.
That is the lesson that all of those cheering leftists in Maher’s audience-should- be taking away from this ‘great awakening’ on covid, and this ‘great disgust’ that they are feeling, right now...after having been lied to and mislead for two years.
But the bullying and the manipulation is going to continue. At least it will-out of Biden’s White House.
A federal judge shot down Biden’s mandate for all federal workers on Friday. This was a huge and unexpected turn of events, and it’s one that the US Supreme Court isn’t likely to go along with, if it gets that far-
But, instead of ‘let it go’ because over 98 percent of federal employees are already vaxxed, nope, Biden’s team is vowing to appeal.
By God- we are going to force this vaccine onto every. Last. Person. We can.
This is nuts.
There is long-held precedent that gives the fed govt. the ability to put conditions of employment around govt jobs, and so, I’d be surprised if this ruling stands-if it gets to the supreme court-
But either way-as the Wall St Journal editors put it: this is now a pointless mandate. So just drop it.
But nope. These are leftist, totalitarian bullies running this party, now.
And as if to prove it, you probably saw that Biden’s CDC is officially moving the goalposts on vaccinations.
Now you will only be considered fully vaxxinated if you are also boosted-
And we now have proof of that.
There is a significant new study out that says the booster shot-does- provide good protection against omicron and -largely-will-keep you from getting a serious case.
But do you know that nearly nine-million workers were out of work last week- because of covid?
This omicron wave has been very disruptive to the economy.
This is the other side of the coin: all sorts of people who were sick- worked at home or took precautions, and did their jobs, anyway.
It will probably be this week that this omicron wave peaks in America...and we start to see a more dramatic drop in caseloads and hospitalizations. South Africa, Britain, Israel, have all followed that same pattern-
And while the US is much larger, geographically, so that it is spreading across the continent at different rates- most of the major cities that saw omicron first- are now past their peak-and numbers were already starting to drop off last week. So, this week we should start to see a more dramatic fall in the number of cases.
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