New CNBC generic poll has the Dems shaken to the core

Jay Weber show transcript 12-13-21 7:40am

You listeners know that all the polling sucks for Joe Biden and the democrats, and there are new polls we could talk about every day.

It becomes monotonous, and so I skip most of them, but I will highlight the ones that seem to indicate something ‘new’ or indicate something ‘more’...

And CNBC’s polling late last week had the democratic pollster who did the survey alarmed, because, for the first time in the history of their poll, the republicans are leading by double digits in the ‘generic ballot’ question.

I’ve talked about this question before. It is asked by virtually every pollster, and over the last 40 years since it has been asked- republicans almost-never lead in the results.

Pretty much since the first-time political pollsters started asking this question, democrats always have the lead. Sometimes by double digits-but they always have the lead- and its’ because more people in this country call themselves democrats than republicans.

So-for republicans to be leading in this question, it’s got to be a bad situation for the democrats. And even then-

Even when republicans do lead this question-it is never in the double digits. And this CNBS poll helps prove how rare it is.

Public view on Biden’s handling of Covid and the economy takes another hit, CNBC survey shows

So how bad is it?

The GOP lead in this poll is ten points- when people are asked which party, they prefer to control congress. It’s up to ten points now...44-34.

That is up from a two-point GOP advantage in this same poll back in October.

In about six weeks- 8 percent more Americans have soured on the idea of democrats keeping control of congress. That’s quite a drop.

And it is a drop that is coming as democrat strategists keep insisting that their poll numbers are doing to bounce back any time now...right?

We’ve been talking about how-never- in their wildest dreams, did these beltway insiders think that Biden’s approval rating would ever dive down to 40 points...

And they never, ever, never would have expected it to stay there for weeks on end.

These polls showing Biden at 36 to 41 percent approval have been the norm for weeks now.

This CNBC poll has him at 41 percent. Unchanged in weeks, for them.

They never thought they would see it, but it -is-warranted. Isn’t it?

My god-inflation is at a 40 year high, gas and grocery prices are shocking American consumers, the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians are all more belligerent: Joe Biden is now literally Jimmy Carter.

And like Carter, Biden is now starting to rack up week after week after week after week of bad news and bad ratings.

Folks, forget having any ‘wins’, any ‘successes, or any display of competence- president Biden hasn’t had one bit of good news in weeks. Months. All fall.

It’s remarkable, really.

Normally, no matter how bad the administration is, they’ve got some good news, or some positives to crow about. Biden has zero!

He and his team are trying to push off an intentionally fraudulent 4.8 percent unemployment rate as good news and are trying to insist that seven percent inflation means this is a strong economy.

Folks, when a regime starts to message bad news as good news? You know they are screwed.

When Obama’s team started messaging his inept refusal to handle anything or get involved in any crisis as ‘leading from behind’, you knew we were screwed in that era.

If you are taking a pejorative phrase like ‘leading from behind’ and embracing it as an actual policy? You are seriously lost.

And now many of those same people from the Obama era are running Biden’s administration and we are getting the same sort of ineptitude, and the same desperate attempt to claim bad news is good news.

President Biden, on Friday, acted as if inflation was only affecting the price of used cars.

He admitted, yeah, inflation is a problem, and we are working to deal with it. The cost of things like used cars is up, but luckily, not everyone needs a used car.


Joe-the cost of everything is up. Every single good and service. You sound like an idiot when you pretend otherwise.

And Jen Psaki sounds like she’s brain damaged, trying to explain this all away. All the women can do is lie, and sadly, she’s not a good liar.

This has gotten so bad that even some of the people who flip flopped on trump are now flopping back and saying-we’d vote for him again before we’d vote for Biden.

Every poll that I have seen taken over the last two weeks or so, now shows Donald trump winning if a rematch was held today.

The latest to suggest it was the Harvard/Harris poll that the lefties normally love to cite.

New poll shows challenges for Democrats ahead of 2022

So, Trump really smokes Kammy.

But Biden doesn’t even get majority support when people are asked who should run in 2024? Only 36 percent -say Biden.

More than half-53 percent- now question whether he is mentally fit for office.

It’s no wonder that Biden’s team is doing everything it can to get their accomplices in the MSM to stop reporting on any negative Biden news.

The problem is- if not for the ‘negative’ Biden news, there’d be no news to report at all.

I’m sure you’ve heard about this attempt by now: Biden’s handlers have a small team of people holding secret meetings with their leftist accomplices in the DC and NY media, asking them to start giving Biden better press coverage.

It’s just pathetic.

photo credit: Getty Images

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