White House tries to salvage Kammy's image in the Black Community

Jay Weber Show transcript 12-9-21 7:10am

It looks as if the White House is now bringing in successful Black women to mentor Kamala Harris.

This is pathetic and verifies that she is in-way- over her head. Biden’s team chose her to be his running mate because she is a Black woman-

And there is no dispute on this fact. Let’s not pretend otherwise-

And now they realize that they have elevated a person who-regardless of skin color or gender-is completely incapable of managing a small staff...much less managing the country.

I smell a genuine sense of panic, over this woman, folks. Beyond being an impossible witch to her staffers and those around her-which i am almost certain Biden’s team knew about before they chose her- the rumors were out there-

But beyond her witchy attitude and her ugly behavior towards others, they must not have realized what a fraud and a pretender she is, as well.

Folks, Joe Biden passed up on numerous other women of color who were vetted to be a running mate. Women who had more life experience, and political experience, than Kamala Harris.

I’m still not sure why they chose-her- specifically-as the black woman to be his running mate. But they had their reasons.

And now that their disastrous first year has exposed Harris as incapable and a lightweight and unskilled in all sorts of ways....

The Biden White House is bringing in successful black women to mentor Harris, claiming that these are ‘black female empowerment’ gatherings.

Oh, this is Vice President Harris hearing directly from the black woman community, yes, is the excuse.

Instead-it’s clearly the other way around: they have been brought in,to school her, and she is the one who is meant to be listening.

Politico reports on a private meeting held between kamala and about two dozen powerful black dc career women, and ideas were tossed around on how to help her turn around her disastrous vice presidency.

As one attendee put it, quote, her failure is not an option.

Why isn’t failure an option for the democrats when it comes to Kammy?

Because their party now heavily hinges on identity politics, and so they don’t see Kamala Harris as a fraud and a failure who just happens to be black and female.

Nope. She represents all black women...and so her image must be protected, groomed, invented, spin...any way they can to convince America that she’s a stellar ‘first. Black. Female. Vice president’.

When she was chosen by the party as the running mate, she was also immediately viewed as the one who was going to go on to be the first female Black. President. Correct?

And those ‘best laid’ plans are also crumbling around them.

Time to bring in other successful black women to try to slap some sense into Kammy and salvage her image and her vice presidency.

The black community-does not- want to see more of Kamala Harris .Every poll that has been done over the last two years prove that they are wrong here.

And I’m not exaggerating.

This is the woman who dropped out of the presidential primary before the voting even started because she was totally rejected by America’s black community. She exposed herself as a fake and a fraud to them, and never got even ‘tepid’ support from black voters in the early polls.

In South Carolina, the first primary state with a large black population, she polled at seven percent with black voters. Seven. Percent.

And it wasn’t just because Kamala Harris isn’t an ‘African American’ in the way black America defines that-

She is not someone with slave roots and a family lineage that has seen hardship and was involved in the struggle for civil rights-

Not only was Kammy, instead, a product of an elite coupling of a Jamaican college professor and an Indian woman-

But she then -pretended-to have that ‘slave roots, civil rights struggle’ sort of background that black voters puta lot of stock in.

This hit black voters the way it hits real war veterans when they learn about a pretender. There is a ‘stolen valor’ in pretending you served in a war and fought for this country...

And in the same sense...there is a ‘stolen valor’ in pretending that you have slave roots and/or were ‘down with the struggle’ in the 60s.


And so- Black voters saw right thru Kamala Harris’s fake facade. Then she heaped ludicrous stories about ‘smoking doobie and listening to Tupac’, and other eye-rolling ridiculousness on top of it, to make a connection with black America.

And folks, as a different sort of elite outsider, Kammy’s attempt to sell herself to black America was as awkward and as fake and as cringeworthy as it is when white elites like Hillary Clinton or john Kerry tries to do it.

Hillary made us cringe with ‘I ain’t in no ways tired’....

Kammy made us cringe with tales of doobie and Tupac.

Come on. Everyone saw right thru it.

And so, she has-never-polled well with black voters. A poll was just released this week that shows only sixteen percent of Black voters want Harris to be the 2024 presidential nominee.

Sixteen percent.

That is not a suggestion that Black America ‘wants to see more of her’ as this women’s empowerment caucus insisted.

Let’s label this what it is: it is the white house and the democrat party creating a platoon of successful black women to fan out across America and -sell- kamala Harris.

Since Kammy is such an awful ambassador for herself-

Since every time she speaks, she makes herself sound stupid, or heartless, or foolish, with that cackle of hers-

This is the democrat party building a small army of more capable black women around her-and asking them to go out and sell a false impression of her to the public.


This. Is desperate.

There is -no part-of this story that isn’t pathetic.

So, one of the ideas they had to try to rehab Kammy: have a bunch of town halls. Try to get them on CNN and MSNBC.

Yeah. That’ll do it.

Folks, talented politicians can hide their ignorance and their incompetence in interviews, but Harris is not a talented politician.

She is ‘Hillary 2.0’ in so many ways, and at least Hillary was far-far- more competent.

As much as i cannot stand Hillary, I will say this, and i have said it before:i have no doubt that Hillary Clinton would have been a competent President. I have no doubt that she is smart and informed on the issues, and I have no doubt that she would have put -what she thought-were America’s best interests first.

Unlike Obama, Hillary and Bill always showed the capacity to listen to their advisors and make tough decisions and show a competence in the job-

Even if we on the right didn’t like their politics, policy, or personal scandals.

For all the controversies of the Bill Clinton presidency, he wasn’t a terrible or incompetent president. And I don’t believe Hillary would have been either. And I’ve said this before. It’s not just me- being generous to Hillary so that I can bash Kammy.

But Democrat party and the leaders of the Clinton white house never had to bring in two dozen women to have a sit down with Hillary and try to -teach her- how to look like a smart, capable, human being.

They are doing it with Kammy.

story credit: PoliticoI.com

photo credit: Getty Images

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