Durham report proves we were right all along. Sorry, nothing will happen

Jay Weber show transcript 11-8-21 6:40am

I have some listeners excited about the john Durham investigation and the new indictments that put the corruption right at Hillary Clinton’s doorstep.

Okay…... and?

And....do you think Hillary is going to prison?

Because she’s not.

Do you think Hillary will be indicted on something, or forced to be deposed under oath?

Because she won’t.

It brings me no joy to say that i went over this at the height of the ‘Mueller report’ investigation and again when the Durham investigation started: one of the most infuriating things about Washington DC and the scumbags that dwell there, is that they never allow for a timely, pertinent, investigation of-anything-

And even after they drag out the investigations so that we, the people, never get answers until years and years later-

Even then-the ‘important people’ in DC never pay a consequence and never get punished.

I’ve been saying from the beginning-as Hannity and the other Fox news hosts hyperventilated about ‘big criminal charges coming’. ‘Hillary’s going to jail’...

That nothing will come of this. Five years later...gee...Andrew McCabe, the number two or three in the FBI...was sort of punished...by being fired for leaking information...only to have Biden and Merrick Garland just give him is cushy pension back and clear his record...

And there has been-no- other prosecution or consequence since then.

Now John Durham. Years later, when it no longer matters and no one really cares- now we are finally getting an honest investigation that is resulting in a few indictments and is making it clear that we were right from the very beginning: that Russia gate was all an outrageous smear engineered by the Clinton campaign that then used the Obama FBI and DOJ to validate and spread the smear.

That’s -exactly-what this was. We know it know. But i knew it back in 2017, as it was a growing scandal. I outlined this-very- scenario that Durham is finally getting proof of five years later.

And ?

As I predicted-anyone who will go to jail or suffer any consequences will be mid-level minions who no one has ever heard about.

It won’t be Hillary. It won’t be Barrack. It won’t be Susan rice, or Samantha power, or the scumbags like john Brennan and James Clapper who actively participated in spreading the smear.

Scumbag liars like Adam Schiff will never be forced to issue a national apology for a relentless 3-year smear of president trump and others. The ny times and wash post won’t have to give their Pulitzer prizes back- because they were awarded for fraudulent work in which their reporters and sources-had to be lying-

And i mean- the reporters of the NY Times and wash post-had to be making up some of the smears themselves, as well as quoting sources who were lying to them... Based on what we now know.

There won’t be any consequences for any of them….nope.

So, the only reason to follow thru with this Durham probe now-is to get the truth for posterity. For the history books.

And- I’m in favor of that. Great. Let’s do it.

But don’t fall for this new wave of ‘important people are going to prison’ that i am already seeing building on fox and Newsmax again.

And any one of those TV talkers who say Hillary’s going to jail should be punched in the head- right on set. The minute they say it.

Because it won’t happen.

So, sure, follow the story if you are interested in it- because it is interesting- but don’t get your hopes up again-that any real punishment, consequences, or satisfaction will come from this.

If you haven’t been following along- John Durham has now identified the man who is primarily responsible for inventing all the smears against trump....and he’s a big, long time, democrat operative and Clinton backer-

And he got this guys’ name by indicting the Russian ex-pat who is now living in America-and fed all this nonsense to Christopher Steele.

In addition- Durham’s work serves to prove that the Obama FBI knew that the Steele dossier was bogus, practically, from the very beginning, but still decided to pretend as if it had validity instead of making that known publicly and clearing trump-

And that path would have only been followed for one reason: deep state politics.

Durham is proving how scummy and compromised and politically biased our dept. of justice and FBI are now, in the current era.

And so- Durham’s investigation-is-consequential...but mostly for the ‘truth’ that it is finally providing.

Just as I outlined- way back in 2017; this was the most outrageous political trick in American history. The Clinton team invented a terrible false scandal and used a willing Obama FBI and DOJ to add validity and weight to the accusations-

As in- the average person and the MSM believing there must be some truth to it if the FBI is investigating.

Nope. It was a concocted smear all along.

And- at the height of this- the accomplice media was reporting on how Christopher Steele had traveled to Russia to speak to people close to Putin and that’s how he got all these damning stories about trump...

Nope. This was literally...a member of the Clinton team finding some Russian guy who was now living in dc...to feed lies to Christopher Steele- who never left Britain...or wherever her was living at the time.

They all knew. Obama and his white house and DOJ appointees happily participated. Just as I theorized five years ago. Durham is proving it.

But as for some of the voices in the right-wing media starting the drumbeats back up about how Hillary’s next.... or finally...we will see justice.

No. We won’t.

Don’t fall for it.

Sadly. Infuriatingly.

Hillary Clinton will never be made to own up to any of this or be held accountable in any way.

She will die peacefully in her sleep, in her flowing Mumu-many years from now- never having received one bit of punishment for orchestrating the smear.

It’s another prediction of mine that you can bank on...even if it makes by blood boil to say it.

photo and story credit: Fox News
Jonathan Turley: This liberal think tank keeps popping up in Durham investigation

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