White House out of touch with their voters

Jay Weber Show transcript 8-10-21 8:30am

Friday’s jobs report left-zero doubt-that the overly generous unemployment enhancer and extended period you could stay on it are keeping people from going back to work.

Twenty-six red states had governors who finally ended the federal unemployment enhancer in June or early July-and we had nearly one-million jobs added in July alone, because of it.

And a huge number of those jobs were in the lower paying industries, like hospitality and restaurant work, where the workers in those jobs could make as much-or more-sitting home at work on unemployment.

And we have additional labor data-from those 26 states-that proves ending the bigger govt. check had people searching for work and finally moving back into the workforce.

There’s this bit of data added today, which can leave no doubt, for the excuse-makers like Tony Evers and Joe Biden:

Wisconsin has a 3.8 percent unemployment rate and just misses the cut of the states with the lowest rates- and that’s since republicans stepped in and would not allow gov Evers and his bullies to engage in statewide lock downs that never ended-like most of these blue states.

But here’s more proof, Tony: states that kept up lockdowns and large unemployment checks-still have seven and 8 percent unemployment rates.

Red states that went lighter on the lockdowns and have ended the big unemployment checks-are already nearly down to pre-pandemic levels of employment.

These numbers in the ‘twos’ are incredible, and I’ll remind you again that Tony Evers inherited a 2.8 percent unemployment rate. Even with the republicans saving him from his own worst lockdown instincts....he’s a full percentage point higher than he was when he took over this job.

And then there’s the matter of hundreds of thousands of new Wisconsinites hating him because he and his admin royally botched up their unemployment checks....and still don’t have the system fixed.

Those voters remember.

Those of us who weren’t affected might have forgotten one of gov Evers’ most catastrophic failures, but the people who waited months and for that life-line unemployment check to come- will never forget it.

I don’t know what 2022 will bring for tony Evers, but I believe he is vulnerable for that blunder, alone. He is vulnerable next fall, and if it’s a big year for republicans because voters are disgusted with Biden and the pro-crime, open borders democrats, ole tapioca Tony could be ushered right out of office.

And the truth is starting to dawn on the DC elites: Democrat leaders are increasingly at odds with their own voters.

Because- the bulk of their voters-never voted for this.

It’s become a mantra on the show: Joe Biden was sold to the public as a safe, moderate choice. He was a centrist who wasn’t trump, but also wasn’t a socialist kook like Bernie Sanders.

Biden was supported by the American voter on the left who-specifically-did not want Bernie sanders and a socialist agenda.

And now what do we have? Biden and dc democrats pushing the Bernie Sanders agenda, anyway.

Of course, voters are going to be angry. They never voted for this.

Democrat leaders like Pelosi and Schumer want to pretend they have a mandate, and support from the American people on all of these terrible ideas-from amnesty for illegals to ‘court packing’ but they don’t.

Aside from Biden’s win-democrats got shellacked in 2020, as voters across the country rejected lawlessness in the streets and the Bernie style socialism that so many of them were running on.

So, six months in, i am starting to see stories about how Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer are. Quote...increasingly at odds with their own voters...

When the truth is- they only are-because the voters let them know-on election day-they were rejecting this agenda. But the Dem leaders decided to try to ram it thru, anyway.

Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden know that they have a chance to get a bunch of items off of their decades long list of democrat wet dreams...forced thru congress and enacted into law...and they are going to do it.

And yes, they’ll lose a huge number of seats next fall as voters are furious at them, but then, most of those idiot voters will forget, and will go back to supporting democrats in a few years, anyway.

This is what the democrats have long banked on: overreaching to get their ‘permanent’ legislation rammed into place.... fully realizing that it will cost them short term. But also, fully willing to take the hit.

And look: with Joe Biden 78 years old and likely a one-term president who is desperate for a legacy-desperate-to be remembered as a consequential president-

Of course, he will throw all caution to the wind and go for broke.

And ditto for Nancy Pelosi, who is also around that age and is in her final term in congress. She has vowed not to run for speaker again, and there’s no way she stays in congress as just ‘one of 250 voices. She’s done after the 2022 elections, anyway.

And so- she’s ready to go for broke. She and Biden would -love! -to have their legacy be to put America one step closer to that big government, socialistic utopian dream that they’ve always had in their party....even if Pelosi and Biden would never admit they are socialists.

They have been big government liberals looking for ‘cradle to grave’ government control over all Americans, and they’d love to make this their legacy.

That is why none of them care about the 2022 elections. They know that republicans are going retake the house-even if they do nothing-correct?

Even if Pelosi and Schumer dropped this extreme agenda today and did nothing controversial between now and next fall- redistricting and the prevailing political winds virtually guarantee they lose the house.

And so, if they do nothing-they need to rebuild the party. If they ram thru the seeds of socialism. They need to rebuild.

Why wouldn’t they go for broke?

Therefore, none of them seem to care if they lose control of congress next fall if they overreach now. They’ve already lost congress next fall...so it’s freeing them up to follow their worst instincts: to ram home permanent, forever, new socialist and eco-nut programs and plant the seeds for even more of it.

So yes, Pelosi, Biden, and Schumer are going to keep catering to the radical wing of their party, even though their own voters are telling them not to, in election, after election, after election.

Socialist progressives lost last fall. They’ve lost every special election since. The voters’ wishes are known.

They just don’t care.

Biden and Pelosi really have nothing to lose, and historically, this is how they roll: we overreach, voters slap us back. We regroup. And those same voters are such idiots that they’ll vote democrat again in two to four years, and we’ll get power back in short order anyway, and just keep repeating the scheme.

The only question now- between now and next fall -is whether they can sell every single member of their congressional caucuses on the scheme.

Can they get every one of them to vote for this massive, permanent, socialist style expansion of government? To get Biden and Pelosi their ‘legacy’ wins?

photo credit: Getty Images

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