Critical Race Theory is real. And it is really bad.

Don’t believe what most people in the news are telling you. Critical race theory is real. And it is as bad as every critic says it is. 

The new debate over CRT is whether it exists. Our friends on the Left say it’s not real. And even if it is real, they say, it’s not that bad. 

Former Idaho Attorney General Jim Jones tried to make that exact point in a piece at The Hill. 

As the 2020 election entered its final stretch, President Trump was searching for a means of blunting the Black Lives Matter (BLM) fervor that threatened his electoral chances in some swing states. He’d had some success with claims that Democrats supported lawlessness and wanted to defund the police, but, understanding that the best defense is a strong offense, he apparently felt the need to mount a vigorous counterattack. 

Trump discovered the perfect weapon on the Sept. 1 episode of Tucker Carlson’s show. Conservative writer and activist Christopher Rufo was expounding about the dangers of critical race theory (CRT), claiming it promoted the belief that America is an irredeemably racist society. Rufo’s presentation must have struck a responsive chord because Trump immediately picked up the theme. Just 22 days later, he churned out an executive order prohibiting the promotion of CRT, as well as sexism, in federal programs.

Although Trump lost the presidential race, he planted a seed that has been vigorously nourished by the extreme right ever since. CRT has become the weapon of choice in the Republican culture wars. Attacking CRT and claiming that kids from pre-K to the university level are being indoctrinated in the pernicious doctrine has become commonplace across the country.

The dismissive tone is apparent throughout the whole piece, which he ends with this. 

CRT is virtually non-existent in public schools across the nation. It is misunderstood or misrepresented by those using it as a political weapon and has the potential to do extreme damage to the system of free public schools that has brought America to greatness.

It is not our free (and failing) public schools that have brought America to greatness. It is our belief in freedom, opportunity, equal opportunity, and equality before the law that led us there. Critical Race Theory seeks to undo all of those things. 

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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