GOP needs to call out Kammy

Jay Weber Show transcript 5-14-21

Here’s a topic I’ve been meaning to do for a while, and I am surprised that none of my fellow conservative talkers or pundits has said it. At least none that I have heard.

We on the right...republicans in congress...need to make it clear how stupid and impossible it is to suggest that the way to solve our border crisis is to ‘fix’ Latin America.

For over a month now, i have heard Kamala Harris and Alexandro Mayorkas spouting this absolute crap about how their plan to fix our border crisis is to ‘fix the root causes of it’ in central America.

What. In the hell. Are they talking about?

So-instead of just do what every other country on the globe can do with far less money and technology than we have-

Instead of just...close and control our border...these idiots insist that they can ‘fix’

El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, and Guatemala?


And you might as well toss ‘China and Haiti and most African nations into that mix, because we are seeing a flood of border crossers from 67 different countries, currently, with China, Haiti, and even African countries well represented, here.

So far, I have heard no republican of any profile or stature- challenge how idiotic this is.

These democrats are not going to ‘fix’ Central America’s problems when they can’t fix our own!

I’m sorry if it’s blunt-but it’s the only reasonable reaction to this little speech that Kamala Harris has been running around, giving, for 40 days now.

What. In the hell. Is she talking about?

The Democrats must know they are getting away with spouting any inanity or idiocy now-because yesterday, Pelosi said it, too!

Her lack of urgency proves my point that this is all just excuses. This is all fake nonsense, because the Biden regime and the democrats cannot tell the truth: that they want open borders. This border is now open-permanently- if they get their way.

That’s the truth, but they can’t say it, because 80 percent of the country want’s this illegal immigration problem solved...

And so they are making excuses. This ‘slow roll’ Harris is on to address the situation is all part of it.

Why is there no sense of urgency? Because it’s not a problem that they want to fix. This is the ‘open borders’ party now.

But how do the democrats just....never...ever really...get around to solving the problem?

By claiming it is impossible, and focusing on an impossible fix, right?

This is-absolutely-intentional: we could close and control that border if we wanted to. Everyone in dc knows it, and most Americans know it. Every other country secures their borders better than we do, and they don’t have a fraction of the resources, agents, or technology that we do.

This is a -very- doable thing-if we want to.

The Dems don’t want to.

And so what is the new move? To insist that the crisis only ends when we deal with the root causes of why illegals are flooding here.

Think about how stupid that is. And how fraudulent that is: fixing Central America is an impossible task Just...closing and controlling our not.

All our leaders need to have is the will to do it.

That is-genuinely, people- all we need to end this border crisis, and our larger border problem. And everyone in dc knows it. In both parties. We’ve had decades of chamber-of-commerce republicans who quietly work against it, too, because the fiscal conservatives just want cheap labor...

Everyone knows this is an easy problem to fix if we just admit it, and do it.

And there is- no way- that republicans should be letting the Biden admin and Kamala Harris get away with this idiotic new rhetoric.

We need to fix the root causes, first. We need to fix poverty and violence in Latin America, first.

The hell we do. Nation-building from the outside is an impossible task. A fools’ errand, and Iraq and Afghanistan should have taught us that by now.

But here are today’s democrats -who want to ignore the problems of this country because they cannot fix them-now insisting they are going to fix central and south America’s problems, instead.

Come on, Republicans, call them out on it.

photo credit: Getty Images

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