Friday's dismal jobs report is a sign of things to come.

Jay Weber Show transcript 5-10-21 7:10 am

This terribly disappointing jobs report came out too late for us to talk about it on Friday’s show...but it was the talk of the country all weekend: economists had predicted April’s jobs numbers would be better than March’s.

The prediction was for a million jobs to be added in April as the country re-opened, post covid-19.

But instead-hiring slowed-with only 26-thousand jobs being added in April. It’s a pathetically low number that the Biden white house-absolutely- knew would be used as proof that his final stimulus package was totally unnecessary and is now, in fact, holding back the recovery.

And make no mistake: anyone who isn’t a left wing Biden acolyte knows what happened here: its’ precisely as i have been describing it, and predicting it: the last round of unnecessary 14-hundred dollar checks...and the ludicrous extension of the 300 dollar enhancer on unemployment checks thru September is keeping people from going back to work.

People can live as well-or better- on unemployment and with covid-19-enhanced welfare benefits and food stamps.

That’s what is keeping about 8-million people from going back to work, and everyone knows it: including Biden’s white house.

Don’t kid yourself.

I found it odd that ‘team Biden’ had scheduled a news conference on the jobs numbers very early on Friday morning, before the numbers were even released.

It had most insiders believing that this was going to be a huge jobs number that Biden’s team was going to rush to crow about.

Instead-it was the opposite: they knew it was a bad jobs number that would-prove- Biden is bleeping up the economy...

And so they wanted to get ahead of the bad news. Biden’s team sent him out Friday morning to spin these bad numbers as ‘evidence’ that we need to spend another four-trillion dollars on his idiotic infrastructure bills...As a way to ‘build back America’.

That’s how Biden and the left are spinning this bad jobs report. As ‘see? We need to re-make America with green energy spending and free child care and college..etc.

In short-their policies are creating a new crisis that they believe they can use as an excuse to push phase one of their long-term socialist plan.

The real reason April hiring stalled out is that none of the people who are still unemployed either -want-to go back to work, or -can- yet, because the blue state mayors and governors refuse to drop their covid-19 restrictions and let the country fully return to work.

We know, because every other economic indicator shows strong growth. Strong orders. A public raring to spend, and travel, and recreate.

Everyone on America’s business sector knows what the problem is: companies cannot find workers, because they workers aren’t ready to return to work yet.


We know that too, due to polling and surveys. The three top answers are: my kid isn’t back in school, so i can’t go back to work... And....

I’m afraid of getting covid-19 if I go back to work far, the most common answer is: I haven’t been forced to, yet. I can hang out on this generous unemployment check for a while longer yet.

That’s the number one reason people aren’t going back to work.

And as I’ve been saying: you can’t even label it laziness, because it’s logical: why would I work 40 to 60 hours a week if I don’t have to? If government is going to send me checks that make up that equivalent standard of living?

Biden’s idiotic and totally unnecessary 1.9-trillion dollar final covid-19 relief bill extended that bigger unemployment check- thru September!

So we don’t even have to guess when a small flood of people will finally get back to work, do we:in September, when most mothers will be able to get back to work because the kids will be back in school-

And when these larger unemployment checks end.

That’s when. And everyone knows it.

Stories over the weekend were full of company execs saying we would hire dozens-to hundreds more people- if we could find them.

The national chamber of commerce and all sorts of other business groups saying on Friday: step one is getting rid of this enhancer.

They are begging the Biden administration and congress to step in and admit we need workers now, not reasons to keep feeding people more government largesse, and we need to end this enhancer early.

There is no way it happens, though. Democrats control congress and the white house and not only-never-want to be the party seen as cutting benefits, but you heard Biden on Friday: the Biden White House wants to spin this bad jobs report as evidence that we need- more!- government spending and -more!-government freebees. Not fewer.

Biden on Friday-totally dismissed the notion that his overly generous regime is now starting to harm the economy be keeping people home on the govt. dole.

Biden and the democrats only-want us to believe- this is a much bigger problem.

Everyone in the business world knows that Biden’s overly-generous govt. spending is now harming the economy.

We need to reopen the schools-and reopen the country-and end the overly generous pandemic-era levels of benefits.

And to their credit, some red states are starting to do what they can to encourage people back to work.The governors of South Carolina and Montana said on Friday that they will stop providing their residents with pandemic-related welfare.

These two governors get it.

Gov. Walker always used to say: government programs need to be a trampoline, not a hammock.

They need to be there as an important safety net for people who need them, but cannot become a way of life.

Well-the covid-19 shutdowns have created the greatest, most generous, unemployment and welfare benefits in the history of the country...and they are going to last for about 18 months.

Let’s not kid ourselves: for most people still not returning to work- this has become a hammock for them.

And so we are reaching the point that our elected officials have a decision to make: will they move to rescind the more generous checks and enhancers...and end the incentive for government handouts to become a way of life for even more Americans?

Will they move to -force- people out of the hammock?

Or will they try to engrain the more generous checks into a permanent state-of-handout?

We know what Biden, Bernie and AOC want to do. And so- it’s important red-state America pushes back and pushes back hard.

photo credit: Getty Images

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