Wisconsin undercounted 1,000 COVID-19 deaths in long-term care facilities

Jay Weber Show transcript 3-19-21 6:10am

Here’s quite an admission from the Evers administration: Wisconsin undercounted 1000 covid-19 deaths that occurred in long term care...and so...what this means is that nearly half of all covid-19 deaths in Wisconsin occurred in long-term-care facilities.

Evers’ Dept. of Health has been making excuses for bad accounting practices ...pretty much this entire pandemic...and so...major corrections in data aren’t unique.

Have they been fudging the numbers?

It’s been pretty impressive how quickly this Evers team turned around the craptacular job they were doing on getting people vaccinated-

To the point that I’ve been giving them some new credit, on air here.

But we also learned this week that Evers’ team still doesn’t have all of Wisconsin’s residents in nursing homes and assisted living centers vaccinated.

Now-this was the-first-category of people who were given the vaccine, along with health care workers.

So -how in the heck-can we be a full three months into the vaccinations...

And how can we have Evers’ team saying that now grocery store clerks and pretty much anyone over sixteen can get the vaccine... When we still don’t have all of our elderly protected?

That’s a major blunder, I’d say.

Yesterday- Wisconsin’s republican congressmen sent a letter to Evers, insisting that he ‘do better’ and focus on getting our most vulnerable elderly people protected.

And so- sure enough- just as i was willing to give Evers some credit, it turns out that, what likely occurred, is that-at some point-due to the valid criticism that Wisconsin was screwing this up-

At some point, Evers’ administration must have just pivoted to other groups and started giving doses that still should have been going to the assisted living centers....to other people instead.

That’s what this looks like to me: we got to get to phase 1b....so....let’s just try to catch the rest of the old people on the fly. We got to make our numbers look better.

Three months later-how can Wisconsin’s most vulnerable and venerable citizens not be protected?

That’s outrageous.

And now we get another, scrambling, fumbling, change in statistics: oh, the stats that had us looking so good on elderly deaths? Yeah...they’re wrong.

We had a thousand more deaths that we didn’t count.

You wonder what else they are hiding.

For months now, we’ve had the CDC and the rest of the country thinking that-wow- Wisconsin is really over performing on keeping their old folks safe....

We don’t get to it until deep, deep in the story. We now know that 45 percent of our state’s deaths have been in long-term care facilities...and there are still 17-hundred deaths that haven’t been categorized. So this number is likely to jump again!

What a joke. It means that-if we take a more honest look at who it is that covid-19 killed in Wisconsin, fully half- or more!- were very aged people with health problems.

But they can’t scare the rest of us into going along with a year’s worth of lockdowns if they admit the vast majority of us are at little or no risk, right?

In the city of Milwaukee...Tom Barrett and his health Nazis are ...as of today...going to unclinch their colon a little...and they are acting like it’s a great reawakening.

For those who don’t live near Milwaukee- the city is still! In a dramatic lock down.

But today...restaurants can go from 25 percent capacity. Up to about 50. And, hey their patrons no longer have to stay seated. Welded to their chairs.

Imagine. As of today you can walk around a little bit-in a Milwaukee bar or restaurant that is still half empty.

It’s still a hyper-controlled government nightmare.

The one significant change is that restrictions on visits to Milwaukee’s long term care facilities are also lifted so you can finally go and hug grandma or grandpa again...who were probably vaccinated weeks ago, anyway.

But that’s being allowed by Barrett now.

photo credit: Fox 6 News Milwaukee

story credit: jsonline Wisconsin reclassifies 1,000 past COVID-19 deaths, now reports 45% of all deaths were in long-term care facilities

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