Top Ten Craziest 'Kids in Cages' Reactions (From People Who No Longer Care)

We count down the ten angriest, emotional, and most unhinged reactions to President Trump allegedly keeping kids in cages from Democrats who are now unbothered by President Biden doing the exact same thing (and actually detaining more children than Trump ever did.)

10. "This is the United States of America. It isn’t Nazi Germany and there’s a difference, and we don’t take children from their parents until now." -Dianne Feinstein, June 18, 2018

9 "Most of Donald Trump’s base wouldn’t tolerate seeing white children treated like that.” -Al Sharpton, June 22, 2018

8 "I think this is a moral crime that is going on in our nation, and this administration should answer for what they've done." -Cory Booker, June 25, 2018

7. "Demonizing immigrants has worked in the past but he has to be worried that it’s not working now but he’s gone beyond demonizing, he’s being cruel and inhumane and I think most Americans cannot stomach that. Even his base." -Mika Brzezinski, June 26, 2018

6 "When we have kids in cages crying for their mommies and daddies, we know that we are better than this!" -Kamala Harris, June 30, 2018

5. "The inhumanity of what we see is reminiscent of detention centers of Nazi Germany, of slave trade." -Michael Wildes (immigration attorney), June 19, 2018

4 "What’s going on right now at the border is un-American. I will tell you a lot of Catholics, leaders have come out and said, it is un-Christ-like. Yesterday reports coming out that a woman was breast-feeding her daughter and in the middle of it her baby was ripped away from her. Public defenders in the federal courts down there in Texas reporting that children are being told and their parents are being told that they’re being taken off to the showers and that they’ll return. And they never return. You know, I don’t have to compare that to previous regimes in other horrific countries. That — that conclusion actually is too obvious. This is Donald Trump’s America. And yes, it sounds like something we would be condemning coming out of North Korea." -Joe Scarborough, June 14, 2018

3. “At least I’m not trying to cage children at the border and inject them with drugs. That’s not a mistake. That is a deliberate policy to attack people based on their national origin. That’s not a mistake, that’s just hatred. That’s just cruelty. That’s just wrong!” -Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, April 4, 2019

2. "I feel we are in pre-Nazi Germany, stages of things occurring on a daily basis, object physical indication, lies are horrendous. We have to be vigilant. Every 40 years there’s another genocide somewhere. We had a genocide here against our own native indigenous people, we enslaved one out of eight people living on U.S. Soil precivil war was an enslaved person. We have a terrible record on human rights actually. We thought we were doing better now, but we haven’t been and we aren’t." -Mira Sorvino, June 25, 2018

1. “The US is running concentration camps on our southern border, and that is exactly what they are. If that doesn’t bother you...I want to talk to the people that are concerned enough with humanity to say that ‘never again’ means something.” -Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, June 19, 2019

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