Nearly half of America question if Biden is up for the job

Jay Weber transcript 3-10-21 6:10am

Today marks Joe Biden’s 50th day in office.

It’s been all of 50 days. And it didn’t take much for America’s voters to become concerned about whether he’s up for the job.

Many of us knew that he wasn’t ...before he ever ran for office, but now that he’s allegedly the guy in charge-

And now that the American people are getting glimpses of the ‘leader of the free world’ every few days, the number of Americans who wonder whether Joe Biden is ‘entirely with it’ is growing.

A Rasmussen survey now shows that fully half of the country 50 percent of respondents to their survey- question whether he is physically and mentally up to the job, at the age of 78.

Only one in three Americans is confident that Joe Biden is up to doing the job.

It-really-makes you wonder how he ever got elected in the first place, doesn’t it.

And it’s the sort of thing that will have some of us-never- believing that Joe Biden won the November election fair and square.

Rasmussen says the respondents suggested one reason they don’t believe Biden is fully up to this his refusal to hold a press conference.

So fifty days in-half of the country doesn’t think he’s up to this task...only one in three voters have any confidence that he is....

And, by the way, Biden’s poll numbers aren’t any better than Trump’s were 50 days in.

The lefties will object and challenge that, because there have been a few polls that were ridiculously weighted in favor of democrats that are claiming....Joe Biden’s approval rating is at 60 percent!!...

No, it’s not.

The more credibly weighted polls have Biden’s numbers anywhere between 49 and 53 percent-which is exactly where Trump’s were-50 days into his administration.

But there’s a huge difference to consider here, my friends: by the time Trump even took office, the democrats and their accomplices in the MSM had been slamming and smearing him for two months, insisting he had colluded with Putin to rig the election. And that ugly smear continued right into Trump’s term...and guaranteed that Donald Trump would never be given a honeymoon period or be given a fair shake by the American media and the American people.

And so that’s is why- 50 days in- trump’s approval rating was only at 49 percent.

What’s Biden’s excuse?

He had an easy November, December, and early January as his accomplices in the media built him up and made it clear- Biden will get a big, wide honeymoon period.

Ole’, kindly, Grandpa Biden will get all sorts of opportunity to impress us with his savvy leadership and his early moves.

Because he’s not evil, Putin-loving trump. He’s ole grand-dad Joe. A venerable and steady hand in dc.

And so-Joe Biden came in the best possible circumstances for a new president, and folks! - He even inherited a great situation!

I know team Biden and the Dems want to keep pressing the lie that Biden is facing ‘historical crises’ here, but he’s not.

Name them.

He’s running the Trump playbook on vaccinations. Trump left him with the vaccine and the distribution playbook for it, which only needed tweaking.

And thank God, because after Biden and his campaign lied for six months and insisted they had a better plan, Biden got into office and we learned that he didn’t have one.

As in-none.

Any honest dc insider will admit that Biden’s just running Trump’s plan.

Moreover-the economy had already bounced virtually all of the way back, and was on a trajectory to recover fully the minute the country re-opened. It still is.

And so- there is no economic crisis. The Biden team has had to resort to lying about that, and insisting we are in a recession-when there isn’t a single definition of ‘recession’ that fits our economy right now.

So there’s no economic crisis.

The other fake crisis they keep using is ‘climate change’. Joe Biden can’t slow down and waste time holding a news conference or giving the state of the union speech because he’s too busy trying to keep the globe burning up due to global warming....Psaki keeps claiming.

Is anyone buying that?

Then think about this: Joe Biden is the first president since, who? Clinton? Who didn’t even inherit a foreign crisis or two as he took over?

I’d have to do some googling. Maybe a foreign crisis loomed as Clinton took over from George the first, but i don’t believe there was one.

George Herbert Walker bush had just negotiated the official end to the cold war after Reagan ended it diplomatically and in spirit.

But-George w. Inherited a growing terror threat, Obama inherited those terror wars, as well as a belligerent Iran.

Trump handed Biden one of the more stable globes we’ve seen in the last 3 decades. Terror wars and attacks at a huge decades-long low...our enemy nations were diplomatically boxed in....

Biden has inherited a great situation. And still? His approval rating is only at 49 or 52 percent?


Does that just reflect how divided and entrenched on our own sides America really is?

I don’t belief so. Because Biden’s approval rating-did-start out in the 60s as he took office in January.

So you have to ask why the numbers didn’t stay there. That sixty to 63 percent approval rating was the reflection of a country willing to give Biden the benefit of the doubt.

Unlike trump, the accomplices in the MSM were really rooting for him and giving him great press, too, right?

And so-what did Biden do- to have his approval numbers plummeting so quickly?

It’s not hard to figure out, is it?

He-after campaigning as a centrist- got into office and banged out 37 executive orders that represented the most radical crap that the socialist progressive activists in his party had in their handbags. All written and ready to go.

And a -likely demented- Joe Biden went along with it: here Joe, sign an order killing off the Keystone pipeline.

Here Joe, sign an order banning any more drilling on federal land.

Here Joe, sign an order throwing open the southern border to illegals again.

Here Joe, sign an order that says boys who feel like girls and infiltrate and ruin girls’ sports and locker rooms.

Here Joe, sign an order that ‘explores’ reparations.

Thirty-seven executive orders and counting-and not a single one of them is a positive for America, or the American people.

They are all crazy capitulations to extreme special interest groups of the sort that Biden and his party leaders used to shove into the dark fringes of their party.

But they are now running the show. Socialists are quickly consuming what’s left of the traditional democrat party.

And if you question that-I would refer you to what happened in Nevada yesterday.

I am guessing that virtually no one heard about this...but it’s big news: the entire staff of the Nevada democrat party resigned yesterday, after newly held elections had socialists winning all of the leadership roles.

This was- Nevada grassroots democrats-electing new leaders of the state party: who’s going to be the Dem party chairman, president, treasurer, etc...

And the activists who turned out to vote- ushered the socialist candidates into the positions of power-in the Nevada democrat party.

That caused the more traditional democrats who had been running and staffing Nevada’s democrat party for quit.

And to be clear about what happened here-so there is no confusion: these weren’t JFK or Jimmy Carter democrats that resigned, here.

This was new socialists- taking control of the Nevada party- from stone-cold liberal leaders. The people running the party were essentially Clinton or Obama liberals. They were already pretty far left.

And they lost their positions-and their party- to socialists.

Socialists-have taken control of the Nevada democrat party.

And it’s going to happen over and over again, state to state, if America’s more traditional, America-loving democrats don’t push back in order to save their party.

photo credit: Getty Images

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