We cannot allow this HR 1 to become law.

Jay Weber Show transcript 3-9-21 6:40am

I opened the show by going thru an elementary course on the senate filibuster- what it is in its current form-and how today’s activist socialist democrats are trying to provide cover and excuses for the dc democrats to end it- while pretending that they are really ‘honoring history’....’honoring its original intent’.

And i won’t go thru it again...this is a segment about HR 1 and Nancy Pelosi and the socialist left’s attempt to destroy the republic with sweeping changes to election law...

But you need to know why the activist left is going to be pushing so, so hard to end the filibuster. It’s so they can get all sorts of America-killing laws thru congress...in what is likely to be a short window in which they have control of dc here.

And in order to understand this, you need to understand that todays’ filibuster rule is a blanket: stop action rule.

It stops action on any proposal until or unless the majority party can meet a 60 vote threshold to proceed on it.

This is 60 votes out of the 100 in the senate.

This originated out of a filibuster rule that only used to allow one senator or one party to-delay- a final vote on legislation.

With the old, talking filibuster, eventually...when this senator dropped over after a marathon delay...or the full body got 60 votes to shut him up....

Under the original system-a final vote was taken on the bill, either way. And the majority party got its way. The bill they were trying to ram home got passed, nearly every time.

And so-

All sorts of items on the left’s radical wish list are completely off the table, so long as the current ‘stop action’ filibuster exists.

Things like: a 15 dollar an hour min wage, full blown government run health care, stacking the supreme court...all off limits for now, because a Republican Senator would block them.

As long as the filibuster exists-the democrats cannot get any of those things done. And that’s reassuring.

Listen to Senator Lindsey Graham on Fox news on Sunday...talking in concrete terms about how Pelosi’s poisonous election changes are off the table because of the filibuster.

He’s certain that we can stop Pelosi’s federal takeover. And scheme to rig federal elections in the democrat’s favor.

Graham is right about that.

Today, no worries that that becomes law in this current congress...even though democrats have control of both chambers.

But if Joe Manchin and a few other democrats cave on the filibuster and use the activist’s new scheme to give them cover....all bets are off.

All of this radical stuff passes.

Which is why the GOP needs to focus like laser beam on taking back the house and senate in 2022. And frankly, taking back the senate is increasingly difficult, and so control of the house is for all of the marbles, in 2022, my friends. The republicans-must-must win back the house next year...or this country is screwed.

Bills like HR 1 will pass, and democrats will force America down the path toward rigged elections and government programs that grow so big, they turn us into a socialist country at some point.

Remember-Hugo Chavez was just a ‘big government guy’ ...until he was a socialist. Hugo tricked Venezuelans into believing that he just thought bigger government was better government.

Government just needs to do more for you, the people. It just needs to make sure life in Venezuela is fairer. We just need laws on businesses, farmers, and miners to make sure everything is fairer.

We just need to increase taxes and pass some wealth confiscation and redistribution schemes to make sure life in Venezuela is more fair.

And that quickly turned into rigging the parliament and the court system in his party’s favor and -boom-socialism.

This is the pattern. And it is not to alarmist to say that HR 1, Pelosi’s federal election takeover bill is one of the important first steps toward rigged national elections and socialism.

We-cannot-allow this bill to become law. And so we-cannot-allow the democrats to eliminate or ‘reform’ the filibuster and force it thru.

And if you notice, HR 1 passed the house last week, and normally, that would be the end of it: it can’t pass the senate...dead...and so everyone moves on.

This is what happened will all sorts of important conservative reforms that we wanted to see get thru congress in the first two years of trump.

Paul Ryan’s house passed them-only to have them die on Mitch McConnell’s desk. Because republicans wouldn’t cheat and erase the filibuster.

And so- if these democrats intended to honor the status quo-they and their accomplice media would already be onto something else.

Pelosi’s terrible rigged elections bill passed the house last week. It’s stopped in the senate-move on.

But they aren’t moving on, my friends.


They aren’t moving on and admitting defeat because HR 1 is -such- an important bill. Their activists and many of the democrats on Capitol Hill are refusing to move on and admit defeat on HR 1....

They are considering the radical move of blowing up the senate filibuster! On this one! Just to make sure it passes! Because it is such an important bill to them.

It is literally the lynch pin to a larger socialist agenda.HR 1-opens the door to ballot and elections schemes that the democrats believe will keep them in power in Washington dc- permanently.

That’s how important this bill is. It looms-so large-in their future plans, that even Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are considering a move that everyone in Washington DC-for generations-has known is too radical and that goes against everything our founding fathers intended: ending the minority’s ability to influence actions in the senate.

The fact that the democrats in dc and their partisans in the big media aren’t just ‘moving on’ from HR 1...means something, people.

The fact that they are scheming for Joe Biden and Joe Manchin and others to cave on the filibuster and give an excuse-

Tells you how important HR 1 is...to their future plans.

This is a bill that would end American democracy as we know it.

This is an assault on America that can never be allowed to occur.

But since it’s an important lynch pin to their larger socialist take over the democrats will force it on us at their earliest opportunity.

They are -right now- thinking hard about blowing up hundreds of years of senate rules and the founder’s intent-to get it done.

Be alarmed. Set your petty differences with others on the right and in the center of this country aside....and work, donate, and vote to get democrats out of office and out of power.

At every level of government-but especially in DC.

photo credit: Getty Images

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