Don Lemon Exposes the Real Problem with Meghan Markle Racism Allegations

CNN anchor Don Lemon says the world doesn't need to hear the response to Meghan Markle's allegation of racism because that allegation "rings very true." This, in a nutshell, is the deep, disastrous problem with unfounded allegations of racism: They destroy lives and livelihoods without ever giving the accused a chance to clear his or her name.

While discussing Markle's interview with Oprah, Lemon told fellow CNN anchor Erin Burnett that "people say we haven’t heard from the other side. What’s the other side going to say? They’re going to say, ‘Of course we’re not racist,’ or whatever." Lemon summarily dismissed the need for those accused of racism to respond, adding that "we have only heard from one side, but that one side at this point rings very true."

In other words, any notion of due process should be abandoned as soon as there is an allegation of racism. This is utter madness and incredibly dangerous.

Dan O'Donnell discussed this at length on Tuesday's show. Click on the player below to listen and click here to subscribe to "The Dan O'Donnell Show" on iHeartRadio.

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