Tommy’s ninnies ban tailgating

Jay Weber Show transcript 3-5-21 7:10am

It’s the ‘call’ I expected, but it’s still annoying: the ninnies in Tom Barrett’s office only allowing the brewers to open up at 25 percent capacity and with no tailgating.

This is pathetic. The covid-19 numbers are dropping dramatically. Our most vulnerable are immunized, and after a year of living with this virus, everyone can decide for themselves how alarmed they want to continue to be about it, no?

Am I some ‘victim of covid-19 fatigue’ and it has me dismissing this virus as ‘still serious and deadly.’?

I don’t believe I am.

I’ll remind you again that 99 percent of people survive it. I’ll remind you again that more than half of the people who get it show no symptoms, or only mild symptoms.

I’ll remind you again that-literally-the most vulnerable among us- those over the age of 65 are now largely immunized..

And those who aren’t don’t have to come to the ballpark.

What is the continuing obsession or belief that covid-19 is going to kill all of us?

You’d think by now- a year into this- everyone would have a better, more accurate perception of what it is we are dealing with here-

And instead- it appears to be the opposite, some times.

But- in defense of my fellow Wisconsinite, of course there are always going to be some ‘Karen’s’ and ‘Kevin’s’ out there- but in general? I think most people have a good handle on what covid-19 is-and isn’t- by now...

And are ready to end the government mandates and move on.

If you are still worried about covid-19, you don’t have to go to the ballpark. You don’t have to participate in society any more than you want to, or feel comfortable with-

But let’s get real...and reasonable....a 35 percent capacity opening with tailgating was not too much for the brewers to ask.

The miller park-Am Fam field parking lots are massive. Socially distanced tailgating by about 10-thousand people would be very easy to pull off: every carload of people needs to remain four parking spaces away from the next one....

Problem solved. Grill your brats. Set up your lawn chairs. Yell between groups. Have fun.

Instead-Tommy’s ninnies ban tailgating.

And frankly, that might be the most annoying thing to me, about this judgment call. We are ready for 35 percent capacity with people deciding for themselves whether they want to attend....

But if nanny Barrett is that paranoid about 35 percent...25 percent for a cold-open is ..ugh...defensible, I guess... tailgating?

That’s just stupid.

This amounts to about 11-thousand fans in a stadium that seats 40-thousand...and it would amount to only a quarter of the cars normally in the parking lot. Spread out. Every fourth stall. That nuts groups, what? 35 feet apart? In the open air?

And i assume-with masks on- because nanny Barrett would have insisted upon that-

So come on!

According to Rick Schlesinger, the Brewers president of business operations, the city didn’t even seem to have a problem with their 35 percent proposal-

Then Barrett and his ridiculous health secretary should be honest enough to ramp up the numbers fast once it’s proven that the Brewer’s games aren’t spreader events.

They should appeal the tailgating decision immediately. Really? Out in the open air? With masks on? Each carload isolated to its own passengers? Four stalls apart? This is a covid-19 risk?

Come on.

photo credit: Fox 6 News Milwaukee

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