HR-1 is a dangerous and disastrous bill.

Jay Weber Show transcript 3-3-21 6:10am

Donald Trump, at CPAC called it ‘monstrous’...and it is: this so-called ‘federal election reform bill’ that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer labeled HR-1in order to emphasize how important they find it.

As always, the democrats gave it a label that falsely and represents what it is: it’s the so-called ‘for the people act’, but what it really does is gut our local and state control over our own elections and attempt to federalize them.

Worse- it attempts to bake everything that was wrong with the 2020 election and every past democrat cheating scheme into federal law.

For example- HR 1-mandates ballot harvesting and strongly encourages mail-in voting as the new norm-while killing off the voter id laws that are the only way to even attempt to verify who is voting, and how often.

This bill normalizes drop boxes for ballots, and ends rules that say people voting absentee need to have a witness co-sign their ballot.

In short-it frees up new ways to cheat while rolling back the numerous state laws that have been put in place over the years-and across the country to limit cheating.

This bill is an unmitigated disaster-and every single person who calls themselves an American and wants fair and accurate elections should be against it.

And I am specifically talking to democrats and independents in the audience: if you are willing to take some wins and some losses as we, the people, decide who our leaders are going to be in open, fair should be against this bill.

Because it’s nothing more than attempt by a single political party to rig the game in their favor-forevermore.

And if you think I’m exaggerating, you fair minded democrats and independents in the audience-do some googling. Even members of the green party and other smaller parties are furious at Pelosi for including poisoned pills in this bill that

All-but kill off third parties.

Pelosi’s bill is so bad-and so rigged in favor of the democrats- that the leaders of the green party are squealing that she -intentionally- moves to kill them off, with this bill.

And she does.

Folks-everything that was awful and unfair and sloppy and not-secured-about last fall’s election-would be baked in as the standard practice going forward, if this bill were to pass the senate.

I want to be clear here: this bill forces all of us taxpayers- to subsidize federal elections. This bill has a 6 to 1 match-for candidates that comes out of the federal coffers!

As Tom Tiffany, our congressman from up north put it on the house floor yesterday: if you hate the relentless flood of negative and nasty political ads that we get every election cycle- imagine having to pay for them all yourself! Your taxpayer money would go to that- in in a shockingly high ratio .No?

We, the people, are forced into a six-to-one match so Pelosi and the democrats can use taxpayer money to buy a permanent majority in this country?

Come on.

As the journal editors say:the main goal after such a sloppy, unsecured and controversial election as we saw in 2020 should be to bend back toward election integrity. It should be to restore voter confidence.

Instead-democrats want to rush to bake all of their newfound cheating schemes into law. Federal law. So that the states wouldn’t even control the rules of our elections, anymore.

And this would be another feature of this republic that our founders found very, very important.

Those writing our constitution and its bylaws put special emphasis on having the colonies-each individual state- control, enforce, and produce its own election laws.

Now-240 years later- a bunch of America-haters who have found themselves to be temporarily in power ...are trying to ram home 791 pages of changes that are so egregious that they literally change the nature of our voting system in America.

What is there to like-about that ugly ball of dung?

This is- I believe- one of the biggest cheating schemes that either party, at any time in our nation’s history, has had the guts to engage in.

But with today’s democrats-all bets are off.

They are scummy, dishonest, even criminal people.

And i don’t say that lightly.

I mean every word of it.

We have never seen leaders of either party have such naked and open contempt for this country, its laws and its constitution.

I did a segment yesterday about how today’s democrats are confident that so few Americans are following along that they can do or say-anything-and so long as they give it a peppy name and put a positive spin on it, most voters will stupidly go along with it.

It is why-in this modern age-every single democrat bill seems to have a name that is all sunny and bright and positive- when the bill itself is nothing but a series of poisoned pills and tax increases and further restrictions on our rights.

Obamacare was what? The ‘affordable care act’.

Folks-health care in America has never been so expensive, nor had such high out-of-pocket costs.

This is the ‘for the people’ act, and all it does is screw the people and rig future elections. It is a broadside attack on ‘the people’ and our tradition of holding fair and honest elections.

Oh-here another thing this terrible bill does: it mandates that every state have a ‘citizens’ commission’ redraw their congressional boundaries after every census.

This would take the process out of the hands of our elected officials and put it in the hands of an unelected, unaccountable group of people that democrats got to appoint.

And every single house democrat signed onto this bill as a sponsor. They all love it, and think they can dupe the American people into thinking that the republicans are against ‘election reform’.

The hard push is going to be to claim that republicans oppose this because they want to keep people from voting. They want to block fair elections. They are racists who don’t want minorities to vote.

All of that dung will be flung at republicans who try to expose this terrible bill for what it is: an outrageous partisan attempt to put rules in place that -literally-make it nearly impossible for any democrat to ever lose another federal election.

And this passed the house, yesterday, by the narrow margin that Pelosi holds. And if it weren’t for the filibuster in the senate-chuck Schumer and the senate democrats would pass it- on literally the slimmest vote possible:50 votes with Kammy breaking the tie...

And then have Joe Biden sign this into law.

It is difficult to impress upon most Americans who perilously close we are to having the democrats achieve all of their worst, most sinister, dreams.

The only thing that stands in the way of it is the senate filibuster, and if enough democrats can convince Joe Minchin and Kirsten Sinema to change their tune, that final roadblock might fall.

It is why we need to unify now and fight harder than ever to win back both chambers of congress next year.

It is why all of this high-minded faculty lounge ninnying that the never-Trumpers and others who call themselves ‘conservatives’ and yet refuse to cooperate with our effort- need to wake up and get back in the game.

You don’t like trump. We get it. Now get your head out of your ass and move on...

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