Evers is going to propose legal weed in his next state budget

Jay Weber Show transcript 8:30am 2-8-21

So...Gov. Evers is going to propose legal weed in his next state budget.

It is being put together now, based on agency requests and any left-wing agenda item that Tony Evers’ handlers think they can put into it in order to get cheap drama and media coverage-

Such as- legalizing weed.

They know the idea isn’t going to go anywhere with the republicans controlling the legislature but they can use it as a cheap pander to young voters and older potheads.

If the republican lawmakers stay consistent with their view on legal pot this is one of the first provisions that will be stripped out of the budget when joint finance starts to put together the-real-budget after Evers submits his.

The way this works is that the joint finance committee in the legislature is the group that writes the real state budget- after a governor submits his.

And depending on how realistic and careful the governor is being with his...

Joint finance can either choose to work off of his blueprint and make changes to it or scrap it or use their own- which is what the republicans did after Gov. Evers submitted his first and only budget to date.

And they did so-because Evers’ first budget was

Not a serious document. The socialist progressives who were-finally- back in control of something after nearly a decade in the wilderness- put together one of the most extreme and ridiculous budgets they could think of and loaded it up with every socialist, lefty idea they could think of.

It was never a serious attempt at a budget. It was just a big pander to the left wing base. And so republicans on joint finance had to be the serious adults, again, and crafted an entirely different budget which was largely based off of what we are already doing.

And I assume that is how this budget process is going to play out, as well.

I fully expect the Evers team to-once again-submit an unserious document that just panders to their base.

And so—of course- legal pot will be part of it.

But I think listeners know my position on how republican lawmakers should handle this...if they ever want to ‘flip the script’ on the Dems and actually legalize marijuana.

They should write a bill so that the proceeds from the sales-only to- to fund right wing agenda items.

For example: the money should go toward expanding school choice. Funding pro-life groups. To veteran causes. To pay for-free-background checks for gun purchasers in Wisconsin. To reducing hunting licenses.

Anything the republicans can think of that pump this money into an agenda that the left hates. Pro-choice and pro-life causes should be front and center.

And if you think that’s unfair- look at what Evers is tying the money to. He’s playing identity politics with it and wanting to pump even more money into generic ‘women’s causes’ or communities of color?

What would that funding go to-other than- pro-choice causes and left-wing racial grievance groups?

The democrats weaponized-everything.

Everything they do is weaponized to help their left wing causes in some way .Republicans need to do the same sorts of things. And if there is a point in which banning legal weed becomes an impossible political position to hold...then republicans need to be smart enough to flip the script. Do a 180. Line up the votes ahead of time so you are certain you can do it.

But then flip the script on a dime: okay...we now support legalizing weed, but the money can only go to expanding and funding school choice. To pro-life causes, to veterans groups...to etc.

Then we’ll see how many democrat lawmakers vote in favor of it.

In fact-it might be the one way to get them to shut up about legal weed in Wisconsin. Force any proceeds to go to conservative causes.

And you can’t just do what we did with the lottery and say, just put it toward lowering our taxes. Democrats will agree to that...because they know it just means they can increase spending elsewhere. They know it won’t actually lower your tax bill. They’ll keep taxing you the same...and using that extra cash for something else.

So that’s a shell game.

These democrats only want to pretend that they care about the taxpayers and the people of Wisconsin...when all they really want to do is hold power and use it against you.

And Evers’ quick veto of the covid-19 package that the state senate sent him on Friday is another great example.

Within hours of having the package pass and be sent to him-Evers vetoed it.

And, people, I think Evers’ team of rabid partisans think it makes them seem tough and decisive when they have old-man Evers veto this immediately...or immediately put a new mask mandate into place...

But it makes him look like a close-minded bully, instead.

This covid-19 package that he vetoed on Friday just hours after the senate passed it- mostly included his own! Ideas!

Tony Evers and Sith Gau vetoed-on Friday- a covid-19 relief package that was mostly made up of their own ideas!

And they did so...because republican lawmakers also tacked some things on that they, as rabid democrats, didn’t like....but they were things that the public and the business community like and want-

Such as-an assurance that you aren’t going to shut down our churches and places of worship again on some cheap public health stunt.

Like-assurances that Wis. businesses aren’t going to have to endure a flood of fraudulent lawsuits related to covid-19.

Like making sure seniors on senior care don’t have to pay for their covid-19 vaccinations.

Like-people not being forced by their employers to get the vaccine.

Governor Evers vetoed all of those things on Friday.

In addition-his veto means about 106-thousand unemployed Wisconsinites will lose their federal benefits as of today.

Where’s the j/s and WI. St. Journal splashing that all over the headlines...if they are so worried about republican actions that cost federal funding.

Evers veto on Friday put about 45-million dollars in federal food stamp funding in jeopardy. Why doesn’t he have to be held accountable for that? As these same lefty news organizations try to hang similar moves around republican necks?

Instead, the propagandists in our media make their versions of the story seem as if this-wasn’t- a compromise and the package -wasn’t- built on Evers’ own wish list. They quote Evers as saying this wasn’t a compromise package.

It most certainly was.

This package of bills was -mostly-made up of covid-19 relief items that Evers and his team of handlers said they wanted!

The compromise part was having republicans add in a few things they wanted such as- lawsuit protections against businesses and schools...and the right for an employee to refuse a blanket vaccine order.

The package was the definition of compromise: a bunch of items the governor wants...with some of them tweaked to be more acceptable to republicans...and a things tossed in that republicans specifically wanted.

That’s the very definition of legislative compromise.

But Evers vetoed it ...because he and his team of angry, hyper partisan, cry bully lefties only ever want to play political games or try to humiliate or harm republicans.

The veto of this package is-absolutely-about trying to get another cheap political ‘win’ over republicans. Evers’ team only ever wants to use the legislation as a vehicle for more angry push back against the GOP.

They were never serious in their compromise in the first place. They don’t want a workable covid-19 relief package...because it would prove the republicans are being reasonable here.

Look back at the last two years: time and time and time again it has been Evers and his team refusing to meet with, or cooperate with, the republicans.

And the lefty media works hard to insist this is both sides refusing to meet or cooperate.

It’s not. Evers’ team have been the game playing villains here standing in the way of any compromise or any progress.

And they did so again Friday.

Photo credit: Fox 6 News Milwaukee

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