Where in the hell are our leaders? GET BACK TO SCHOOL

I want to make a point to ‘call out’ Tony Evers, Tom Barrett, and the Milwaukee city council for not stepping up and insisting Wisconsin and Milwaukee, need to get our children back in class.

This controversy is starting to rage in other cities, but Milwaukee has fewer responsible news outlets than ever before and more willing left-wing accomplices in their newsrooms than ever before.

And so a similar public outrage that should be being reported on here in Milwaukee and Wisconsin...isn’t getting attention.

We on talk radio, and a few of the suburban newspapers have covered controversies in their own communities as more and more parents and students have gathered to protest and storm school board meetings and demand their teachers get back to class...

But...we’ve seen no similar firestorm growing in the city of Milwaukee or surrounding MPS. At least not one that is getting any continuing coverage or is putting any pressure on Evers, Barrett, and city leaders to force the MTEA to relent and get back to in-class learning.

And as I mentioned earlier: our governor was the state superintendent of schools for ten years!

He was a public school educator for his entire adult life!

Tony Evers has suddenly stopped caring about education and Wisconsin’s kids?

Or did he never really care in the first place?

Look- those might sound like loaded questions-but they’re legit: the former head of our state’s public schools...has no opinion on our school kids losing out on nearly a year of their education because some school districts and teachers unions refuse to get back to in-class learning?

Evers has-no- opinion on that. Huh.

Where is governor Evers-former dpi head and super-dedicated to the children of Wisconsin, especially our most vulnerable?

Where is he- on this question of whether MPS and other hold-out districts need to-dammit- get back to class?

This shouldn’t even be a question of whether lefty reporters have even thought to ask him. They haven’t.That much is clear.

And talk about bias. Just consider that it has never occurred...to a single reporter in Wisconsin over the last six months...to ask Tony Evers, now governor, former dpi head, his opinions on getting kids back in school.

That’s pathetic. And proves they are propagandists.


It shouldn’t take a reporter asking questions to get Governor Evers to step out publicly and take a position on this topic, should it?

If he was genuinely concerned for Wisconsin’s children and families- he would have stepped forward on his own by now- and made at least a simple declaration that, ‘ now it’s time to get our children back into the classroom.’

Has he?


And i don’t mean as some aside during one of his ‘open binder’ briefings that are so riveting.

I mean- step up. Single news conference. Or issue a stand-alone press release: my years in education have proven to me that nothing is more important that in-person instruction....yada-yada....

Has Evers done it?


Because he’s a coward and doesn’t want to rile up the teachers unions, even if what they are doing is wrong...and we all know it.

And yes- I am saying that keeping our kids out of class is wrong...and everyone knows it by now. Even the democrats who are too gutless to tell members of their own side of the aisle: okay, enough. Your actions are harming the community, now.

What democrat in Wisconsin- or nationally-will have the integrity to say that first?

Some things are more important than politics.

When some trump supporters went too far and rioted and trashed the capitol-the vast majority of us...who are public voices on the right- soundly criticized the actions and demanded the rioters be identified and prosecuted.

We-on the right- do step up- when someone on our side goes too far.

But to get democrats to do it is nearly impossible.

If Joe Biden and or these governors and mayors had any integrity-they would be doing exactly that now.

We know the science. We know schools have been open safely in this state, in this nation, and globally since fall. We have a growing mountain of data that shows children are not big carriers or transmitters of the covid-19 virus.

We know they haven’t been passing it on to adults in school settings.

We know all of this.

The science is now crystal clear.

And still, the democrats remain silent as our children and families suffer unnecessarily...and lose out on a vital year of education and socialization that they will never be able to recover.

In Milwaukee, it is also past time for Tom Barrett and the city council members to speak up and insist MPS reopen.

Folks- the director of the centers for disease control made it clear yesterday: schools can safely reopen without teachers being vaccinated. It shouldn’t be a pre-requisite for reopening.

The Wisconsin study that the CDC conducted showed that teachers are less likely to catch covid-19 in school than they are at home or anywhere else.

There were-zero- transmissions from students to teachers in the Wisconsin districts they studied.


Folks-this is a growing scandal for democrats across the country and for Joe Biden.

In California, six million children haven’t seen a classroom since March of last year. Even the putrid governor there, Gavin Newsome, is finally getting angry that the teachers unions and saying they have to relent and get the children back to class.

They refuse.

I don’t care how deeply indebted these democrat mayors and governors are to the teachers unions we are reaching a tipping point here at which they are going to have to start representing the voters in the communities that elected them, and not continue to allow themselves to be bullied by the unions.

photo credit: Fox 6 News Milwaukee

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