All Joe Biden had to do was to be reasonable

Jay Weber Show transcript 2-2-21 7:10am

Do you think I exaggerate when I call the legacy media outlets ‘propagandists’ for the democrats and the American left now?

Joe Biden issued 42 or 43 executive orders in ten days...and CNN says ‘he has made an effort to stay within the guard rails of the presidency?

How is that anything-other than- propaganda?

Yesterday, from politico, we got the spin that ‘Biden isn’t doing sit down interviews because he wants his experts and cabinet members to shine’.

That is a propagandist spin on: President Biden is too feeble minded to be pressed on issues and do a coherent interview.

That’s what that meant- from politico.

As ugly and fake and fraudulent as the MSM’s attacks on Donald Trump were from day one....we are now seeing the pendulum swing just as far the other way.

We know have America’s long time mainstream media outlets engaging in coordinated spin and media manipulation to prop up their new president and his administration.

I honestly never thought I’d see the day, back when i was doing news. The vast majority of my colleagues had actual integrity and did-genuinely-try very hard to be fair and get the story right.

No more. We have no news media. They are all propagandists.

If there were any honesty in reporting-the big national news story would be how Joe Biden insisted he was going to be a centrist that would unify the country...but has instead infuriated half of the country in a record amount of time.

I have-never seen- a president come into office with the general level of support that Biden did-and flush half of it down the drain in the first few days of his presidency.

Donald trump never got a honeymoon period. Half of the country and this very accomplice media were raging against him even before he got into office-

But most presidents get a grace period. A honeymoon period, or pause, while we all back off and see what sort of leader the guy is going to be.

And after trump? Joe Biden, in particular, was sold to the country as the unifier. The guy who wasn’t going to be the president for ‘half of America’...but instead for ‘all of America’.

And in just a few days that all went to hell.

Because he and the leaders of his political party were never serious about it.

As we told you they wouldn’t be.

Still- infuriating and alienating half of the country in just seven to ten days-

That’s impressive. That’s a historical far as I know.

The spin now-just a few days in- is more excuse making and providing of cover-for Joe Biden.

The most prominent narratives related to unity on the left have been:

a) how can we unify with racist, sexist, evil, deplorable white supremacist devils?

b) the two sides are so far apart that there is no way that Biden-can- unify this country.


I’ve said it before-and Liz Peek makes the case: the way to unify is- stand down. Toss the other side some compliments and a few bones. Leave what trump did that worked-in place.

Admit that he had the economy humming before covid-19 and that we are going to get back to it.

Keep his border security in place.

Ask jarred Kushner and those diplomats that negotiated the Abraham accords to ‘stay on’...and continue their work. Let’s try to get Saudi Arabia on board over the next four years.

Admit trump’s policy on Iran worked and Obama’s didn’t. Or don’t. But either way, just don’t go back to that horrible Obama/Kerry nuclear arms deal.

Leave trump’s prescription drug fix in place-because it was actually lowering the price of prescription drugs-which you claim you wanted to do.

Thank trump and pence for operation warp speed-and the vision and leadership to get a vaccine developed within six months- record speed-that is- gee- 95 percent effective.

All Joe Biden had to do was to be reasonable.

That was the way he could have unified the country and started off with an approval rating that quickly would have jumped to 65 or 70 percent.

And I’m not exaggerating. Unless they are engrained ideology-the American people treat a new president with the same optimism that they treat an opening day in major league baseball.

And yes- some years you know that the team is going to suck...just like many of us know the Biden years are going to suck..

But we can have hope. And just like the team that can come out of the gates and win ten games in a row and get us excited and unify a city...

Joe Biden could have come out of the gates with a truly unifying tone that showed some grace and some kindness and some appreciation for the things that president trump-did- do right.

Instead- even the speeches that he gave before taking the oath that mentioned ‘unity’ ...were instead veiled in bitter partisanship.

Instead...he’d have a few lines about unifying the country...and then label all republicans white supremacists and what was wrong with the country.

And instead-he signed 42 -radical and un-American and unpopular executive orders into place during his first ten days in office.

Folks-in that action- the die has already been cast. Joe Biden has already kept the country divided and defined his presidency.

This is a president- as a 78 year old white man-who is using his black, female vice president-literally- as a prop at all of his events.

She stands behind him, looking like a token minority hire...

The other day in the oval-she stood quietly against the wall with her hands folded in front of her- like she was waiting to clear the plates off of Biden’s elite, white dinner table.

And Joe Biden- who used to boast about his close, friendly relationships with southern Klansmen...

Plays cheap identity politics like never before.

And we are all supposed to buy it, and fall in line.

No one wants to say it, but I will: Joe Biden looks like a flaming ass, talking about environmental justice for people of color. Or how climate change is racist. Or how if men and boys say they feel like girls it means they are. Or any of the other ridiculous ‘woke’ crap that he’s saying.

And then his handlers lead him back to a residence...and a home that government and taxpayers have paid for -for him to live in his entire adult life....since the age of 27, people.

And he kisses his wife- who he was cheating with-for years- before his first wife died in a car accident and who was married herself and cheating on her husband.

And maybe he takes a call from one of the two brothers that have helped him enrich himself and his family by selling access to joe-and to the federal government-for 50 years...

Or maybe it’s a call from hunter....his useless drug addict son...who daddy made a multi-millionaire and has protected his entire life.

And as Biden puts his head on his pillow at night-


We- are supposed to feel bad about the way we have worked hard and sacrificed and built our own lives.

We are supposed to feel ashamed or selfish for what-we have-or for the very color of our skin or the little bit of influence that we have built up-in our own lives and now might use to our advantage.

If you are buying any of it-you’re an idiot.

photo credit: Getty Images

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