The Biden Presidency Begins with a Series of Lies

Remember when the press freaked out because the Trump Administration supposedly lied about inaugural crowd size? Well on its first day in office, the Biden Administration lied about something far more substantive, claiming that it had to "start from scratch" on COVID-19 vaccine distribution and that it would eventually be able to ramp up vaccination efforts to one million per day.

It turns out that Biden absolutely didn't have to start from scratch and that the Trump Administration had such an effective plan in place that there are already one million doses of COVID-19 vaccine being administered per day. Will the media hysterically shriek about this dishonesty like it did about crowd sizes four years ago? Don't bet on it.

Dan O'Donnell covered this extensively in his opening monologue Friday. Click on the player below to listen and click here to subscribe to "The Dan O'Donnell Show" on iHeartRadio!

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