Governor Evers shouldn't prioritize prisoners over you

Jay Weber Show transcript 1-19-21 8:05am

One of the crappier, least accurate polls in the USA Today/Suffolk poll. I’ll just make that known right away-

So- I’m not taking their latest findings as gospel, but....

About one-in-five Americans are just ‘out’ when it comes to getting the vaccine.

I thought that number would be higher-but given how much the ‘powers that be’ have scared us about how deadly covid-19 is, I’m also not surprised.

This is a virus that 99 percent of people survive and yet from day was being sold to the country and to the world as if it were Ebola or the bubonic plague.

Ebola kills about half of all people who contract it. Now that!-would be a scary global pandemic.

A virus that 99 out of 100 survive-and that mostly only kills the oldest and sickest among us? Not so scary.

And this leads me to a question for the audience: should Gov. Evers and other blue state governors be prioritizing prisoners for covid-19 vaccinations-before most of the rest of us?

I don’t even think its arguable-or a tough call. And i can base my argument on science and simple common sense and don’t even have to dip into the moral questions that would surround giving a rapist the vaccine before a law abiding granny.

I tell ya-- some of these decisions by Governor Evers and JB Pritzker and the other blue state governors on who gets the vaccine first- are just asinine.

It is because they -are not-following the science, and are instead following some political litmus test that their most vocal supporters want them to follow.

For example-

The dumbest decision that’s been made by Gov’s Evers and Pritzker and their ‘covid-19 panels’ has been to put prisoners ahead of older adults with higher risk medical conditions-

Or even before essential workers like grocery store clerks.

Let’s be honest: if covid-19 circulates around the prison population-it’s going to be circulating amongst a group of people who are largely-not- older and more vulnerable.

Prison inmates are going to be a group of healthier people under the age of 65 for the most part-correct?

And that’s evaluating them only on their physical ability to fight off this virus. That’s not factoring in the obvious truth that those are the people who are-least valuable- to society. In fact, they are a burden on society and shouldn’t cut in front of the line for vaccines- in front of those who are valuable to society-

And again-this is simply truth and logic. We don’t even need to get into the value judgments that-also- play a role here. As Senator Waangard said on the show last week: why should some rapist or murderer be put in front of our elderly and most vulnerable populations for these covid-19 vaccines- what possible sense does that make?

And he’s right-but I’m going to argue the logic of the move- dispassionately-and without the value judgments. And if you do- you still have to conclude that prison populations are not as vulnerable to death from this disease as our older and more infirmed-


Nor! Are they more vulnerable than the ‘essential’ workers like grocery clerks or teachers or even radio hosts?

There is- no way- prisoners should be the next to get this vaccine. Not if Gov. Evers and his ‘experts’ were following science, logic, and common sense.

Who is going to come into contact with more people and possibly spread covid-19 more? A grocery clerk or a bus driver?

Or a prisoner sitting in a cell 15 hours a day and only having contact with the same pool of people every day?

Even if covid-19 rages thru a facility- it’s there- and it’s gone-and you’ve got herd immunity in the place for at least 3 to 6 months.

And if a few older prisoners die? Well- so be it. You still saved more lives ‘on the outside’ by giving the vaccine to an elderly person who was more worthy...or an older essential worker than then didn’t get sick.

There is-no logic- to putting prisoners first. Not even if you ignore the fact that they are the dregs of society, and a drain on society, also.

And yet- both Tony Evers in Wisconsin and JB Pritzker in Illinois. I believe Cuomo in New York-have all moved prisoners ahead of law abiding adults who are elderly and with high-risk medical conditions. Why?

They have moved prisoners ahead of bus drivers and truck drivers and grocery clerks and utility workers...and the ‘essential’ workers who have kept the country going thru this crisis.

Hey- I don’t pretend to be an essential worker-even though i was deemed to be one-immediately-and even got FEMA clearance and special certification that says I’m one.

I wouldn’t ever suggest that I’m more important than 95 percent of the private sector workers out there but even I’d insist I was more valuable than rapists, murderers, and embezzlers and deserve the vaccine before them.

Any Wisconsinite and American who is vulnerable and covid-19 might pose an existential threat to-should be livid that these idiot blue state governors are putting prisoners in the second tier-most important-vaccination groups.

They should be dead last.

And again-not even because of the debt they owe to society...or the fact that they are a drain on society.

They should be last...simply because they are not-as a whole- a medically vulnerable group...and they are living in a controlled environment that can easily achieve herd immunity on its own.

And by the way- these governors are breaking CDC protocol by moving prisoners up the list. So why are they doing it?

Because in today’s democrat party- the thugs and killers are the victims...and their victims are forgotten.

Why did prisoners move up the list? Because the criminal lobby got their way. It’s that easy to explain.

And Pritzker’s own people are copping to it

What a load of crap that is. Moving prisoners up ahead of more vulnerable populations is not ‘effectuating equality’.

Nor is it smart when you have a limited number of doses to give out...and when each dose you do have could be going to someone who is coming into far more contact with other people than a prisoner does.

Know what i mean? Prioritizing prisoners isn’t even smart. A grocery clerk, a truck driver, a home depot clerk...once immunized...are no longer a threat to the larger population. The whole idea of mass immunization is to immunize the masses so it doesn’t spread.

It’s not to immunize ‘closed’ populations that are younger and healthier and would survive the virus, anyway.

These prison populations are younger and fitter than the general public...and are much more capable of fighting off the virus themselves.

There is -no way- Gov. Evers should be putting prisoners ahead of virtually all of the rest of us-when it comes to covid-19 vaccinations.

photo credit: Getty Images

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