Wauwatosa's 'leaders' are putting a police officer's life at risk

Protesters don’t show-up at someone’s home with a shotgun.

City 'leaders' in Wauwatosa need to take note of what happened Saturday night at a local police officers house. And they need to act. Now.

From Fox6

A group of approximately 50-60 people vandalized Officer Joseph Mensah’s home (Saturday night).

Officer Mensah allegedly attempted to communicate with the group but was physically assaulted outside his home.

As the officer made his way back into his home, armed protestors approached the rear door and shot a single shotgun round into the back door.

This is what happens when you let the screamers and the yellers control the process.

Tosa did nothing when angry teens shut down the Mayfair Mall. No one at city hall stood-up when Officer Mensah was railroaded. There is no push-back on accusations that he is a killer. Now this?

When will they be happy? When Mensah is dead?

This is what the angry people do. Eventually their ‘protests’ turn violent. The support for these violent angry people is not coming from the community. They get their strength from weak, terrified, liberal local leaders.

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