Scott Walker: Sununu was right to veto redistricting bill

via The Concord Monitor by Scott Walker

Gov. Chris Sununu took an oath to support the constitution of the state of New Hampshire. And unlike many politicians these days, he actually kept his promise to the people.

Out-of-state interests led by former federal attorney general Eric Holder pushed for legislation in New Hampshire (House Bill 706) that would give a clear partisan advantage to Democrats. Despite claims from Holder that his group was fighting for “fair maps” and against “gerrymandering,” the form that they filed with the IRS says that their mission is to “favorably position Democrats for redistricting.”

Holder and his liberal allies have raised and spent at least $250 million this decade on litigation, ballot measures and data to aid their attempts to gerrymander people like Speaker Nancy Pelosi into permanent control of the U.S. House of Representatives. For them, it is all about power.

The complete story here > Scott Walker: Sununu was right to veto redistricting bill

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