Relax, Jay Weber talks you off the ledge over the latest Fox News poll

About 15 people have sent me emails over the latest Fox News poll. Most are liberals doing a happy dance, while few conservatives are asking "is this true"?

The latest poll from Fox finds Trump at a low approval rating again and with something like 54 percent of voters saying they won't vote for him

I guess because this was a Fox poll, people are freaking out. My advice is don't take any poll too seriously, especially generic national polls.

My response to the Fox poll is the latest Zogby poll that finds Trump is not only gaining with Blacks, Hispanics and Independents. If that translates on election day, it will make it virtually impossible for Democrats to win.

So many things can happen between now and then. My biggest worry is the economy. Trump's support among suburban women is soft, but if the economy stays strong, I predict he'll slowly win them back. Surburban women tend vote with their pocketbook.

Here's some interesting findings from the Zogby poll:

Trump's job approval rating is tied for the highest we have on record.

His numbers are being driven by record low unemployment and an inflated stock market, but a potential recession looms.

Besides a good economy, Trump's good approval rating is being driven by a surge in popularity among voters living in the South and Central regions, independents, millennials, suburban men, urban men, and older voters. Trump's approval rating has improved with minorities: 28% of African Americans and 49% of Hispanics at least somewhat approve of the president. Both are very good numbers, historically, for Trump.

Trump's support has spiked among consumers, mainly NASCAR fans and weekly Walmart and Amazon shoppers. A solid majority of each group gives the president a positive job rating.

Trump has recently seen a spike in support among large and small city voters — more than half of each group approves of the president. Trump is also polling well among urban women, but has seen his support from suburban women take a beating.

Religious voters are key to Trump winning in 2020. They make up a big part of the electorate and have a big presence in battleground states. Right now the president is polling very well with Catholics, Protestants, and evangelicals.

Here's the complete story here > Zogby: ‘Poor performances’ of Democrats boost Trump’s approval to 51%, up with blacks and Hispanics

Here's my segment from Friday morning:

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