Paychecks are based on skill and value. Gender has nothing to do with it.

Team USA is pushing toward a second Women's World Cup title.

Not that you have seen much of the team.

The country's Women's World Cup team won again Monday, beating Spain 2-1. The game aired at 11 a.m. local time.

In case you don't know, 11 a.m. on a Monday is not prime time.

A number of members of Team USA are suing USA Soccer, they say because they're paid less than the men's team.

The Wall Street Journal says there's a push toward equal pay.

But the hard truth is that the women are not being paid less because they are women. They are being paid less because there is simply less interest in women's soccer.

Again, 11 a.m. is not prime time.

Advertisers know this. That's why they don't pay top dollar for women's soccer.

All paychecks are based on skill and the value of those skills.

There's no doubt that Team USA has the skill. But there is also no doubt, the market shows, that there's just not as value for their product.

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